Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 855

Chapter 855
"Hurry up, use any tricks, I'm still in a hurry."

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile.

This is undoubtedly a provocation to the masked man. Sure enough, the masked man was so angry at Zhang Kun's action that his hands holding the spear handle turned white with anger.
"court death!"

The masked man suddenly shouted, his body moved instantly, a gust of wind was blowing around him, the sound of piercing through the air was noisy and piercing, but the world was completely quiet the next moment.

People could only watch with bated breath as a bright red spear light tore the ground from south to north. The condensed spear light was as solid as a horse. The flaming spear pierced through, and the space was faintly distorted!

The spearhead that came in a flash did not reserve a way out for Zhang Kun at all. The lava-like flames seemed to be able to burn up the void. Everyone was shocked. Such a terrifying explosive power might be difficult for even a half-step Mahayana powerhouse to resist. , not to mention that Zhang Kun has no defense at all at this time, and he has no intention of dodging at all!
"Be careful!" the beautiful girl exclaimed, seeing that Zhang Kun was in crisis, she felt her heart tremble, after all, Zhang Kun shot for her, her pretty face paled for a while, and she was deeply afraid that Zhang Kun would Died here.

However, just when people's hearts were raised to their chests, there was a sudden explosion in front of Zhang Kun. The fire spear stabbed by the masked man was like a willow leaf, but at this moment it was blown away by a gust of wind, and the masked man was attached to it. The vitality on it was swept and torn without hindrance, the fiery flames no longer existed, and everything was shattered!
And it was the Dongyue epee in Zhang Kun's hand that created this sword wind. The moment the masked man's sharp spear approached Zhang Kun, a blue epee appeared in his hand with a thought, and Dongyue came out. The air around Zhang Kun was trembling at the moment of sheathing, and the cold light overflowing from the sword was extremely sharp. When Zhang Kun turned the blade, there was a sword light, which cut the spear's flame in half!
With Dongyue in his hand, Zhang Kun looked like a tiger with wings added. He glanced at the masked man without saying a word, and that glance seemed to be a farewell message. Then Zhang Kun flicked his wrist, and the vitality circulating in his body flowed from the palm of his hand to Dongyue. In a blink of an eye, Dongyue A few dragon-shaped black light belts appeared faintly on Yue Jian's body, and lightning flashed up!

The Taoist will of the three realms of thunder and lightning, thunder and anger, descends in an instant!

Zhang Kun raised the sword above his head with both hands, and at this moment his aura suddenly rose!As if holding a torch, Dongyue suddenly struck out,

The sword came out like a dragon, domineeringly releasing bright light, Zhang Kun's footsteps were firmly on the ground, it seemed that it would be difficult for him to stabilize his figure after releasing such a blow!

"Empty!" Dongyue's speed reached its limit in an instant, and the masked man was a little dazed for a while, but he didn't know how to deal with it. Before that, he deceived himself to Zhang Kun and confidently used his unique move, but he could never have thought of Zhang Kun. Kun can take his attack, but at this time he and Zhang Kun are too close!
There was no room for dodging and no possibility of defense at all. The violent thunder Dongyue released was extremely masculine and domineering. The masked man only felt that he was about to suffocate. His body seemed to be drained of strength, so he could only instinctively raise his spear to resist!
Almost without the blink of an eye, the sword glow swept across the masked man's body, and the flames on his sharp spear were instantly scattered. The moment he was hit by Zhang Kun, he trembled suddenly, as if screaming in pain, and completely off!

The aura that was like the ancient god of fire before has completely disappeared!
The whole body of the masked man was also affected by the domineering vitality contained in the furious thunder light. He felt as if he had been hit by a huge boulder. The masked man mobilized his whole body's vitality just to resist the blow.

However, something unexpected happened to him. He felt that before his strength could be condensed, he was completely broken by Dongyue. Dongyue's sword slashed on his weapon, but the power contained in it was transmitted to the masked man's body. Internal organs!

The force reached his thighs, the trouser legs were ripped apart, and the shoes on the soles of his feet also exploded, turning into pieces of cloth and floating in the air!
At this moment, he only felt the heart-piercing pain in his body. When his eyes were darkened, he suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood. Zhang Kun was so powerful that he raised his sword again and slashed at him with just a light swipe. The masked man's weapon was hit Fei, the force attached made his arms numb, and when he came back to his senses, Zhang Kun's Dongyue was already pointing directly at the center of his eyebrows!

The masked man was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. He was already naked, and the clothes on his body were blown apart by Dongyue's vigor. Even his skin was covered with a layer of blood mist. The next moment Dongyue ruthlessly The ground fell, the sword light was extremely heavy, the sky was full of thunder, and the electromagnetism reached its peak at this moment. In just an instant, the masked man's body was completely scorched and stinky from the electricity!
In less than a moment, the monk at the peak of Yuanying had turned into a cold corpse!

After finishing off the masked man, Zhang Kun put away his sword indifferently.

"Let's go."

Zhang Kun untied the reins from the tree, led the horse through a messy woodland, and walked outside. Xiao Shitou slapped the people of Fengyu Chamber of Commerce, and hurriedly turned to follow Zhang Kun.

The masked men's subordinates looked incredible, which completely overturned their three views and cognitions. Their boss has half-step Mahayana strength, and even has high authority and status within their organization!

As a result, he was cut off by Zhang Kun's sword so easily, without any sloppiness, their eyes were about to pop out, they never thought that things would turn out like this, they were all pale as if they were mourning concubines.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

The few surviving gangsters stood aside tremblingly, and when they saw that Zhang Kun had not settled accounts with them, they fled in all directions like birds and beasts.

Some people in the Fengyu Chamber of Commerce wanted to chase and kill them, but seeing that Zhang Kun didn't make a move, even though they were angry in their hearts, they let them escape.

"Benege, please stay." An elderly Nascent Soul cultivator asked to stay.

"Is there anything else?" Zhang Kun asked lightly.

"Please also invite Engong to go with us, after we enter the city, so that I can thank Engong for saving his life." The old man bowed and said sincerely.

Zhang Kun stopped and stared at the old man silently. The old man was startled, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have done something stupid.

Although this person is young, he sees and handles things very clearly and sophisticatedly, and he is afraid that he has already seen through what he thinks in his heart.

But when he caught a glimpse of the girl and the girl in his arms, his gaze became firm again, and he lowered his waist tremblingly. Compared with her, what is his own face worth?

(End of this chapter)

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