Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 872 1 kill in 1 step

Chapter 872

The crisp and pleasant ringtone resounded through the world, several levels higher than the sound wave penetrating power of the scribe who played the qin, the whole world was almost instantly eclipsed, only his long ringtone remained!
It was a spiritual weapon, and it was extremely ancient. After countless generations of sacrifices and blessings from the holy monks of Kasyapa Temple, it had already possessed enough spirituality, and its power and power soared, which was extremely terrifying!
When the bell rang, everyone felt as if they had returned to the ancient wilderness. It was a desolate land. Under the background of the vast and uninhabited world, they could only see a lonely monk walking in the desert from the back, measuring the distance with his feet. The whole world, and then countless golden brilliance lit up, the rotating prayer wheel lingered, Zen singing sounded, and the golden brilliance sprinkled on the earth. Under a bodhi tree, a powerful man sat cross-legged for a long time, meditating, countless Time passed quickly, and suddenly he stood up, opened his eyes, and the eyes were burning with golden light!

The golden brilliance burned, and the faces of the Mahayana mercenaries suddenly changed wildly, and pure and majestic Buddha power descended and bombarded them!

The black lotus and the golden lotus were actually absorbed by the golden light pouring down from the bell at this moment, and the power of the golden light skyrocketed again, as if the gods descended into the world, like the wrath of the mighty gods, extremely powerful!

The black-faced man's face changed wildly, and he swung his sledgehammer to resist in front of him, but the golden light seemed to have the power to penetrate everything, even the airtight hammer force of the chaotic cloaked hammer technique could not resist!

The scribe's guqin was even more broken at this moment, unable to resist the supreme power of the bell in the hand of Yuyou!

No matter how powerful the Mahayana monks were, it was difficult for them to resist the terrifying blow from the combined powerhouse's spirit weapon. They backed up again and again, all spitting out mouthfuls of blood, and their faces turned pale.

The entire Kasyapa Temple seemed to be illuminated by the Buddha's light, and the evil spirits receded. The four guardians stood behind Yuyou with solemn treasures, looking indifferently at Zhang Kun and the others under the golden light. Grind it into dust!
All the onlookers shook their heads again and again, and stopped looking at Zhang Kun and the others. In their knowledge, no one could resist the full blow of the fit strong!
Those Mahayana monks must be torn to pieces in an instant!

No wonder Kasyapa was completely confident before, no matter what kind of damage the invading Mahayana strongman caused, he still held his breath. As long as the combined strongman came out, he would be invincible without any suspense!

"What a farce."

"This ending is doomed. Those who dare to provoke Kasyapa have never had a good end."

"Thanks to Senior Brother Yanyou's action, otherwise it would take a lot of effort for the few of us to punish these thugs!" Master Jingkong bowed to Yinyou and said, they had already looked away from below, these Mahayana monks with low strength are not worthy of their attention at all, they will definitely perish under the power of the bell spirit weapon!
Countless believers also let out a long breath at this moment. Yuyou is really strong to the extreme, and he can be called invincible as soon as he makes a move. No one can last a moment in his hands!

Yuyou smiled faintly, nodded slowly, and stretched out her hand, wanting to take the bell back!

At this moment, the vast aura suddenly spread, and Yinyou's face suddenly changed wildly. He looked at what happened below in disbelief, and the expression on his face was already extremely surprised!

I saw that under the golden light, everything was destroyed, and a deep pit was blasted out of the entire temple floor, but a silver ice-colored light shone, supporting a shield, and the endless golden brilliance of the bell No matter how the skyrocketed, it couldn't pierce that silver brilliance!
"What?" Yinyou's face changed suddenly, she stared down firmly, and there was a bit of surprise in the holy eyes.

A snow-colored rainbow flashed past, and everyone felt as if a snowbird flew away under their noses!
"Phantom sword projection, named Canxue!"

The fairy sword standing on the sword hill came to this world again, and Zhang Kun held it tightly in his hand. The pure and flawless ice blade reflected the dazzling light of the sun, shining brilliantly under the sun to the extreme!

A majestic aura suddenly rose from below. Amid the screams and horrified eyes of countless people, Zhang Kun took a step forward with his sword and leaped into the sky. His aura rose to the extreme!
Nascent Soul Peak, Mahayana Realm, Composite Realm!

"how is this possible?"

The eyes of the surrounding audience were about to pop out. This is simply unbelievable. The strength of a strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm has jumped several levels and entered the realm of fusion?
Zhang Kun sneered, and a bloody black glow gushed out of his eyes. His eyes were completely dark gold at this moment. When he stepped out, the whole space trembled, and there was a black breath around him. Surrounding him, it set him off like a demon god who came out of hell!
"The devil, he really is a devil!" Master Jingkong and others pointed at Zhang Kun and shouted angrily when they saw this scene.

Zhang Kun turned his eyes coldly, and there seemed to be a cold light shooting out, looking directly at the person in front of him with clear eyes, as if there was an invisible pressure!


A rainbow flashed by, and the name Canxue in his hand turned into a streamer and flew into the sky, directly bringing up a bloody flower in the midair!
"Tick tock!"

Before Mage Jingkong had time to realize what happened, his heart was pierced by Ming Canxue, and the sword glow pierced through his body, and his body exploded directly!
The peak of the Mahayana, the guardian of Kasyapa Temple, who was in the realm of half-fit, fell directly!

"Ah! Ah!"

Countless people screamed when they saw this scene. This is really terrifying, too terrifying. The power of Zhang Kun's sword is so strong!

"Is he a devil?"

Even the mercenaries behind Zhang Kun were shocked at the moment. They didn't expect their employer to have such terrifying and terrifying strength. Killing Mahayana with one sword is really as strong as ghosts and gods!
And what shocked everyone present was that he was just a Nascent Soul just a moment ago, how could he suddenly burst out with terrifying power to kill Mahayana!
No one can figure this out, and everyone looks at Zhang Kun with extremely dull eyes!
Yuyou's face changed wildly, as if he could no longer maintain that indifference, his eyes turned cold, and he quickly shot out a mysterious light that turned into a shield to protect the other guardians.

Unfortunately, he is too slow!
Zhang Kun's figure moved again, and immeasurable sword light gushed out of the void immediately, and the sword intent soared into the sky!

 It's so risky, I almost thought it was already three o'clock today, this brain is screwed!
(End of this chapter)

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