Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 873 The Peak Showdown

Chapter 873 The Peak Showdown
The extremely bright sword glow was as high as a thousand feet, and when it was cut with a click, the faces of Master Yaoyi and Master Jiyuan suddenly changed. It was extremely difficult to see. For a moment, their spirits seemed to be locked, and they wanted to escape, but they couldn't move at all!


Another blood light lit up, reflecting the sky red, endless blood light fell down, like a rain of blood, the heads of Master Yao Yi and Master Ji Yuan fell to the ground with a bang!

Everyone's hearts tightened suddenly, they watched this scene in disbelief, and were terrified in their hearts. How powerful are Master Yaoyi and Master Jiyuan, and they were wiped out by Zhang Kun as easily as killing chickens?
After Zhang Kun's sword light fell, Yuyou's mysterious light had just shot out, and the bronze monk behind him looked at Zhang Kun with a sneer on his expressionless face.

"It doesn't matter how strong you are. My physical body is sanctified, comparable to a spiritual weapon, and I am protected by Brother Yinyou's mysterious light. Even if your strength is several times stronger, you can't kill me!"

The bronze monk was extremely confident and sneered at Zhang Kun.

But Zhang Kun just smiled lightly, raised his right hand lightly, and Ming Canxue shot up into the sky immediately, and jet-black rays of light gushed out from the blade of the sword, each ray had the potential to destroy the Dao, and seemed to be able to annihilate everything!
"Drunken Immortal Mochizuki swordsmanship, Extinguishing Sword Style!"

This is the true appearance of Miejian Style, the supreme immortal technique inherited from Immortal Jiujian, not so much the swordsmanship of Immortal Jiujian, but the power possessed by his heart demon, Black Sword Immortal!
At this moment, Zhang Kun used the power to liberate the magic envoy hidden in his eyes, and poured the extremely domineering devil energy from the hell world into his whole body. His strength soared several times, and it was completely different from the previous Zhang Kun. His Dao heart at this moment It has also transformed into a heart of destruction. Under such circumstances, he can even temporarily use the way of destruction!

The Sword Intent of Destruction was deduced to the extreme in an instant, like a thunder calamity that destroys the world, the sword glows like ink, and contains a deadly silence!

Ming Canxue slashed down, the mysterious light shattered like fragile paper, and the dark and domineering sword light directly hit the bronze monk's body!

The bronze monk yelled, trembling all over, he felt that his supreme and immortal body was about to explode at this moment, he couldn't believe it, with the strength of his body, even a spiritual weapon would be hard to shake at all!
Zhang Kun sneered: "Broken!"

After his words fell, the frenzied sword light easily tore apart the bronze monk's body. This Extinguishing Sword Stance was originally prepared to break through all defenses. Once the sword is released, everything will wither, and no power can match it. His supreme blade!

"This, how is this possible!"

Countless people's eyes widened when they saw this scene, and their faces were incredulous, which is simply unbelievable.

The Bronze Monk's strength may not be the strongest among the four guardians, but his defensive power is too terrifying, even if the black-faced man's hammer roars down with all his strength, it can't hurt him even a little bit. But now, Zhang Kun only cut him with one sword!
Zhang Kun was so powerful that he came here with blood, and he killed all the four guardians with just a few swords. This kind of courage and strength surprised everyone present!
The mercenaries of the Mahayana realm also widened their eyes at this moment. Their impression of Zhang Kun was still that he was a rich and noble son, but he immediately turned around and became several times more violent than that black-faced man. The strength of a body is comparable to the realm of fit!

"Devil, this is definitely a demon, quickly ask the holy monk to take action and save this unrivaled monster!"

The monks in Kasyapa Temple cried out in grief, and all the four guardians fell. They could not avoid the death of rabbits and foxes. At present, only Master Yinyou in Kasyapa Temple can resist Zhang Kun's offensive!
Seeing this scene, countless monks in the city gasped one after another, as if seeing an oriental night tale. Can a Nascent Soul Realm really be so powerful?

"Should I say that he is indeed a strong man wanted by the twelve sects? His strength has reached this level!"

"It's really an evildoer. He borrowed the power of evil demons and heretics, and he exudes a devilish energy all over his body!"

"I hope Master Yinyou can kill him, otherwise when this person grows up, there will be a bloody storm!"

Those monks who were not optimistic about Zhang Kun at all were now terrified of Zhang Kun's power, and their hearts were horrified. It would be fine to fight several Mahayana powerhouses in the Nascent Soul realm. realm?

The old man in Tianji Pavilion widened his eyes, and predicted solemnly: "If Zhang Kun succeeds, he will become a miracle!"

"The myth of the world!" The old man sighed, staring at Zhang Kun, his heart was shocked, he felt as if he was witnessing the rise of a new star.

According to the legend, those Tianjiao who finally became immortals began to show their talents in the realm of Jindan Nascent Soul, and they were invincible among their peers. Even if the enemy was a level higher than themselves, they could still defeat them with all their might!
But now what Zhang Kun wants to challenge is Master Yinyou who is two levels stronger than him!
"Kill my Dharma protector, destroy my Buddhist monastery, and I, Kasyapa Monastery, will never die with you!"

Yuyou was completely angry at the moment, no matter how good his mood was, he couldn't stand Zhang Kun beheading four guardians in front of his eyes, it was tantamount to slapping him directly in the face!

But Zhang Kun just smiled lightly: "Yuyou? Your name really looks like a woman. You should go down. I don't like beating women."

Yuyou was so angry that he was about to explode, the halo behind him shook, and suddenly his anger rose suddenly, he let out a loud shout!
The wheel of light behind Yu You suddenly increased several times, and the influence of the ancient Buddha became extremely clear, as if it were real.

"Today, I will use your blood to pay homage to the four guardians of Kasyapa Monastery!" Yuyou roared angrily, divine radiance enveloped her whole body, countless golden light wheels lit up behind her, and countless Buddha seals spread all over the sky At this moment, the sky is already golden, as if the Buddha's light shines all over, making Yuyou even more majestic and handsome. His red lips and white teeth are like a handsome young man, and he has a natural affinity, which makes people unable to help but have a good impression of him. At this moment, he suddenly broke out Showing terrifying power, it's as if a docile kitten has instantly turned into a roaring lion!
Zhang Kun looked indifferently, looking at the Buddha light all over the sky, he just smiled contemptuously.

"Then today I will use your blood to establish my supreme reputation!"

Zhang Kun looked at Yu You and shouted sharply.

Not only did he want to smash the Kasyapa Temple and kill the four guardians, but he also wanted to take off the head of Yuyou, making everyone tremble under his feet!
(End of this chapter)

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