Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 874 1 thought into formation

Chapter 874

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent!This is disrespectful. If he does this, he will definitely be hunted down by the whole world of Bodhiyuan. The strength of Bodhiyuan is quite a joke. It is one of the six palaces comparable to Qionghua Palace!

"Arrogance!" Yuyou took the lead in attacking with a cold shout, and with a wave of his big hand, the Buddha's light all over the sky suddenly gathered, and golden waves of light surged in front of him, radiating all things, and an incomparably bright beam of light suddenly moved towards Zhang Kun's body Booming in the direction, the momentum is as majestic as the sea. This blow is condensed with the power of infinite faith. Under the bombardment of this beam of light, he will definitely be severely injured!

"This is the secret technique of the Bodhi Court. It has been perfected by countless generations of saints and monks to bring out the power of faith to the extreme. Sure enough, this Master Yuyou has received the true instruction from the Bodhi Court. His strength is overwhelming. This Zhang Kun is going to be in danger. !"

At this moment, Yuyou is very confident. The previous methods were just random attacks by him. The blow he made now has supreme power, which is several times stronger than the power of the four guardians!
The faces of those Mahayana mercenaries were all wildly changed. This bright beam of light seemed to be able to break through everything. If they were contaminated with a trace of the power of the beam of light, they would all be blasted to pieces!


It was too late, but soon, the golden beam of light hit Zhang Kun's body with a bang, so fast that he had no room to dodge. This beam of light combines the power of spirit and vitality, and it is a secret technique that penetrates the two worlds of spirit and matter , Even if you have a magic weapon of spiritual defense, it can penetrate it, but only a magic weapon of spiritual protection can block it!
Just as Yanyou imagined, Zhang Kun's body was instantly blown to pieces, exploded from it, turned into dust, and disappeared between heaven and earth!
"Hehe, where is all the bluff before, it's really vulnerable!" Yuyou looked at the scene in front of her with satisfaction, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Once he uses the power of faith in the entire Kasyapa City, there will be no enemies in the Kasyapa Temple, and they will be suppressed and killed by them!

"As expected of a holy monk!"

"Master Yinyou is well-deserved of his reputation, congratulations to Master Yinyou for getting rid of the devil!"

Countless believers and monks of Kasyapa Monastery couldn't help shouting loudly and cheering for joy, the strong fit really deserves its reputation!
Everyone in the audience was taken aback for a moment, and then their eyes widened!
"Isn't it too early to be happy?"

There was a bit of mockery in the faint smile, and Zhang Kun appeared unscathed behind Yuyou, and he instantly cast the shadow passing twice, leaving a false shadow on the spot, The ontology has already come to the back of Yuyou.

I saw that he was surrounded by seven layers of ice veins, and when the devil energy was released, his nearly endless vitality exploded, and the air was torn apart easily, and there were bursts of screaming and ear-piercing sonic booms , the name Canxue in his hand is extremely sharp, the originally pure white snow blade is entangled with a thick blood ink color at this moment, just like the power of a demon god, it is extremely terrifying, and it slashes down with a sense of boundless destruction. It's like falling into the sky!
The black light poured down in an instant, and the ferocious sword light cut straight down to a height of a thousand feet. The fiery sword light burned everything, and the power of frost had turned into severe cold magic ice at this moment!
Cold, dead silence, destroy everything!
Yuyou's face suddenly changed wildly, and in a hurry, he only had time to mobilize the vitality in his whole body to urge the bell!


A soul-like bell rang, and a golden light wheel appeared beside Yu You. This level of spiritual weapon does not only have one function, it can not only attack but also defend!

The vast aura of the sound of the bell spread out immediately, forming a golden light curtain!

"Buddha's Light Comes!"

Many disciples of Kasyapa Academy exclaimed directly, and said the name of this move with a shocked face. The Buddha's light came, just like a god and Buddha coming to the dust, able to resist all attacks without any flaws!

The name Canxue slashed down, and immediately split the light curtain from it, turning into light chips flying all over the sky, making a sound of metal and stone colliding, the sky is full of brilliance!
The so-called invincible Buddha's Light Advent was easily cut open, and everyone present gasped!
This is not over yet, a cold light flashed in Zhang Kun's eyes, and Ming Canxue walked through the air like a ghost, becoming a murder weapon for harvesting souls!

"Cut again!"

Another jet-black sword light flickered past, and the whole world seemed to lose its color suddenly. The sword light was criss-crossing, extremely overbearing, tearing everything apart, and the light curtain was completely destroyed!

"Thousands of Mountains Twilight Snow!"

Without giving Yinyou any chance to react, Zhang Kun released the stunt directly, and the sky was full of snow, and everyone felt as if they had come to the world of ice and snow in an instant, and Yinyou was like falling into an ice cellar, with countless ice crystal fragments stabbing at him. The deadly ice crystal shards carried strands of destructive energy, and tens of thousands of ice edges formed a big net, tightly surrounding him!

"It seems that I, Kasyapa Temple, are too kind. I, the Buddha, are merciful. I thought you would put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha right away, but I didn't expect you to be obsessed with your obsession!"

Yuyou lowered his head and sighed.There was an extremely regretful expression on his face, and everyone was slightly taken aback, not knowing what he was talking about, but suddenly a bright golden light rose around him, protecting him firmly inside, Countless streaks of fine ice slammed on the divine light like a shower, but only made a shallow white mark. Zhang Kun's attack didn't work!

No one knows what happened, everyone's eyes are fixed on Yin You, only to see him twiddling his fingers and smiling, and golden walls of light suddenly burst up around him, and countless mysterious and extremely complicated divine patterns revolve around him Standing up, the vast aura spread immediately, with Kasyapa Monastery as the foundation and countless monks of Kasyapa Monastery as the support, a large formation was formed under the control of Yuyou!
"One thought forms an array, this is definitely the legendary one thought forms an array!"

All the people present took a breath, which almost made their eyes pop out. Forming a formation requires extremely high attainments in formations, and at least requires the rank of a grand formation master to release it. But the problem is, An ordinary person's one-thought formation is nothing more than forming a miniature formation in the palm of their hand, but this marriage formed a huge formation based on Kasyapa Temple in just one thought!

This definitely requires extremely powerful formation control ability and attainments, and even a huge amount of vitality to support him in doing so!
But he did it. The entire Kasyapa Temple is no longer as simple as a simple building at this moment. The countless golden divine patterns engraved on Buddhist temples, halls, pagodas, and incense burners are completely lit up at this moment, as if they came to the Western Buddhist temple. Like a country, the golden light is shining like a big colored glaze world!

(End of this chapter)

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