Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 897

Chapter 897
Zhang Kun nodded slightly, and stepped into the water curtain.

Suddenly the world spun, and a force of swallowing and sucking enveloped him, and a moment later he appeared in a blank and pure world.

The Tianji Pavilion in Jialan City is really extraordinary, and it has opened up an independent small world to sell information.

After all, although there are many ways in the outside world to isolate the detection and eavesdropping of spiritual consciousness, but for the sake of absolute safety, Tianji Pavilion stores the top secret information in an independent small world, and only one person can enter at a time. This ensures the absolute security of the message.

What surprised Zhang Kun was that the place where he was standing at the moment was a brownish-yellow floating continent that was not very big. It was said that the continent was actually too small, only a hundred feet in diameter. The entire platform was destroyed.

But on this small platform, there is an old tree with a crooked neck, powerful and vicissitudes from ancient times. Everyone knows that there is an ancient Bodhi tree in Jialan City, but few people know that there is also a dead tree here that is as old as a Bodhi tree. exist.

What's even more amazing is that on the thickest branch of the crooked-neck old tree, someone put a big birdcage. It is said that the birdcage is actually big enough to hold a person.

Zhang Kun looked at this exquisite birdcage curiously. It seems to be made of iron, but it has a spiritual energy attached to it, which means to block it. Looking at a small spirit array with Zhang Kun's current powerful mental power, one can see mysterious and complex divine patterns engraved on the cage body.

Just when Zhang Kun wanted to investigate the mystery of this pattern, he suddenly found that the cage was not empty, but lay a dying dark-winged canary. Its soft feathers were black and black. With a somewhat noble atmosphere, Zhang Kun couldn't tell what the canary's rank was, but it was kept in this mysterious birdcage, so it must not be an ordinary thing.

"That's strange. Didn't you say Mrs. Ren was waiting for me? Why did you see a bird when you came in?" Zhang Kun scratched his head in confusion, this Jialan City is really strange.

"Junior, I am Mrs. Ren."

The Dark Wing Canary spoke, and Zhang Kun couldn't help being taken aback.

"Uh, Mrs. Ren, are you okay?"

"Thank you for your concern." Darkwing Canary stood up, glanced at Zhang Kun lightly, and sighed, "It's human."

"That way, you might get used to it."

As she spoke, a faint light flashed, and a tall and beautiful woman appeared in the cage. She had a proud face and raised her chin slightly. Wearing a touch of red silk, her lightness reveals a bit of fiery temptation. Her long legs are particularly charming, as if they can pinch someone to death. They are well-proportioned and slender, with half-exposed breasts. The heavy and proud stunner looks good in the hand.

Not only that, but her lazy but somewhat proud expression was just right, making Zhang Kun wonder whether her expression was teasing or refusing.

Zhang Kun scratched his head and said, "Who locked Mrs. Ren here?"

"Forget it, what information do you want here?" Mrs. Ren held back her black veil-like skirt, clutching her somewhat exposed chest, and said lightly.

Zhang Kun was slightly taken aback. It turned out that Mrs. Ren was the one who gave the information in the Tianji Pavilion. Her body seemed to be a canary, which was interesting.

"Water and Land Ceremony, the Bodhi Test, information on the seven candidates for the Buddha and their guardians." Zhang Kun said, this is the purpose of his trip. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle. For the Bodhi test, always do your homework in advance.

Mrs. Ren thought for a while and said, "I have nothing to say about Son Xuanren."

Zhang Kun frowned. Tianji Pavilion claims that as long as there is money, any information can be shared with customers. Since Mrs. Ren said so, maybe even Tianji Pavilion can't know the information about Xuanren Shengzi.

"Why?" Zhang Kun still asked unwillingly.

Mrs. Ren glanced at Zhang Kun lightly, the corners of her charming mouth twitched: "One thousand top-grade Yuanjing."

Zhang Kun threw out a Yuan Jing Essence casually.

Mrs. Ren was slightly taken aback, with a smile on her face.

"Then let me say a few more words," Mrs. Ren smiled slyly, "Xuan Ren has never stepped out of the Bodhi Courtyard since he was born. On the night he was born, the whole Garan Realm was whispering his words." name, the old monsters in the Bodhi Court were alarmed."

"His birth was blessed by countless holy monks with powerful mana, and he possessed one hundred and eight blessings of Buddhism. In order to protect this natural candidate for the Buddha, Bodhi Court adopted three babies and trained them He has become a substitute for Xuanren Shengzi, representing his future, past and present." Mrs. Ren spoke unhurriedly, like an elegant rich lady.

Zhang Kun frowned, the grandeur of the Son of Xuanren was big enough.

"Xuanren Shengzi only practiced Buddhism, inherited the mantle of the ancestors, and comprehended the 30 ancient scriptures of the saints in the Bodhi Court, and melted them into one furnace, creating a super genius, but this is just a rumor , because Xuanren's three substitutes came forward for everything about Xuanren Shengzi, including preaching, preaching, worshiping Buddha, and experience. In fact, they were all just substitutes. Born for him, the Xuanren seen by everyone may be just one of the three substitutes, of course, it may be him himself, after all, no one really knows whether the Xuanren who appeared in front of everyone is real or fake .”

"The Bodhi test, he has to take part in it himself?" Zhang Kun asked.

"I don't know." Mrs. Ren shook her head, her purple hair was swaying in the air, thick as silk, exuding a faint fragrance.

"His substitute is enough to compete with other buddhist candidates. As for his guardian, it is also a secret, but it is certain that Bodhi Court will equip him with the top Mahayana monks."

"That's all, do you want a Yuanjing Essence?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but want to complain, what he said was the same as what he didn't say, except that he knew that Xuanren was indeed very powerful, and Bodhiyuan also attached great importance to him. Substantial intelligence.

"That's what I know about his Tianji Pavilion. You gave me the essence of the Yuanjing. I only received a thousand high-grade Yuanjing."

Mrs. Ren smiled smugly, then looked at Zhang Kun and said, "Then other candidates, do you want to know the details, brief, or complete?"

(End of this chapter)

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