Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 898

Chapter 898
"Naturally, the more detailed the better, I want to be complete." Zhang Kun said.

Mrs. Ren covered her mouth and smiled lightly, revealing a bit of the charm of a mature woman. Coupled with her seductive costume, people can't help but imagine.

"My sister is very expensive, but as long as you can afford it, my sister can do anything for you."

Zhang Kun frowned, but he knew the meaning of this sentence that was easily misunderstood.

"Tell me, I can afford it." Zhang Kun nodded confidently.

Mrs. Ren looked at Zhang Kun in surprise. Zhang Kun had no aura to hide herself. She could perceive that Zhang Kun's realm was at the peak of Yuanying, but it was only one step away from breaking through to the Mahayana realm.

Another thing that surprised her was the soul breath from Zhang Kun, which was very fresh and young, very different from the corrupt and ancient breath on her body, it could be said to be the complete opposite.

"Each person has five Yuanjing Essence." Mrs. Ren's cherry lips moved slightly, and she stretched out five scallion-like fingers.

"Farewell!" Zhang Kun turned his head and left.

Are you kidding? Five Yuan Jing Essences are too expensive, and it is not affordable for normal monks. Mahayana monks will sacrifice their lives for one Yuan Jing Essence. I am afraid that only monks in the fit state dare to squander the Yuan Jing Essence like this. ?
Although Zhang Kun has money in his hands, those Yuanjing Essences are still used to buy alchemy, refining materials and magic weapons for body protection. It is impossible to spend all of them on the information of Tianji Pavilion. The information is only for the purpose of being targeted. Weaknesses.

This is a necessary countermeasure to be taken when the strength is not enough. If the strength is enough, no matter what your background is, no matter what magic weapon secret realm you have, just cut through it with a sword!

"Four Yuanjing Essences!" Mrs. Ren hesitated for a moment, and glanced at the birdcage where she was imprisoned, with a look of persuasion flashing across her eyes.

Zhang Kun shook his head, and walked towards the water curtain step by step, wanting to leave this small world.

"Forget it, for you are so young, brother, just three Yuanjing Essences for one person!" Mrs. Ren gritted her teeth, calculated with her green fingers, and gave in again.

"What a profiteer." Zhang Kun secretly slandered a few words, turned his head, and stretched out two fingers: "Two Yuanjing Essence."

As the most wanted criminal in the Garan Realm, his record is brilliant or heinously bad. More than a dozen Mahayana powerhouses have fallen into his hands, and even the whereabouts of the combined powerhouses are unknown after fighting him. And the news about Zhang Kun's whereabouts is worth three yuan crystal essence, so these buddhist candidates shouldn't be so expensive!
Mrs. Ren sighed, a beauty like her was too beautiful to even sigh.

"Two and a half, I will give you some gossip in Jialan City." Mrs. Ren glanced at Zhang Kun and said helplessly.

Zhang Kun smiled slightly, and he seemed to see that this Mrs. Ren was imprisoned in a birdcage, and it seemed that she could only get out if she sold enough information, so she would not easily let go of every opportunity to obtain Yuanjing Essence .

"Mrs. Ren is a smart person, and the younger generation will come to see you often in the future." Zhang Kun smiled, and lightly snapped his fingers that the fifteen primordial marrow turned into a continuous stream of light and entered the birdcage.

Mrs. Ren was not very happy, and Zhang Kun could see that there was a bit of gloom hidden in the depths of her eyes.

"Just look at me, don't you spend money for me?" Mrs. Ren had a charming smile on her face. If it was some other man, he would have been willing to spend a lot of money to redeem her from this bird Caged, but Zhang Kun has experienced the tempering of refining his state of mind after all, and his state of mind will not be affected in any way.

Zhang Kun smiled and said, "Mrs. Ren, let's talk about some candidates for Buddhist disciples."

With a wave of his hand, Zhang Kun took out a table, a stool, a pot, and a pot from the storage ring, sat down, made himself a cup of tea, and prepared to listen to the story.

"Don't worry, I will know everything and say everything."

The yellow sand is all over the sky, the whistling wind blows the rough sand, and the scorching sun scorches the lifeless land. In the desert, a few faint figures and caravans pass by here, all of them are thirsty, Longing for a sip of water.

"Om, well, what, bah, me, hum."

Suddenly, a piece of Sanskrit chanting came from the desert, as if a fairy Buddha was preaching the mantra.

Countless thirsty people raised their heads and looked into the distance, only to see a barefoot young monk walking across the desert, measuring time with his footprints, every time he took a step, a flower bloomed on the ground. The golden lotus flower, lingering with fairy sounds, is incomparably miraculous.

As he walked all the way, the deserted desert gradually turned green. Everyone stared at him blankly, and the whole desert turned into an oasis full of greenery.

Thirsty travelers hurriedly led camels and old horses to drink the water in the oasis together.

The water is full of spiritual energy. After drinking it, everyone felt that their whole body was moisturized, and their vitality was restored from head to toe.

"Hey, where's that eminent monk?" The crowd was focused on drinking water, but they didn't notice the young monk's whereabouts. They looked around for a while, but he couldn't be seen.

"To be able to manifest such a vision, and at such a young age, could he be one of the seven candidates for Buddha disciples?"

Suddenly, someone in the caravan suddenly thought of something and said in horror.

"Yes, yes, it must be!" After hearing this, everyone was very surprised, and hurriedly bowed down to the young monk who was leaving, bowed their heads reverently, and muttered words in their mouths.

Ling Mu Peak, the highest mountain in the Garan Realm, on the top of the mountain at this moment, there are two young people standing.

The breeze on the top of the mountain blows, bringing wisps of fragrance, and the mountain fog in the morning gradually dissipates, creating a burst of aura.

On a big rock, there was a figure stretching out his fingers and gesticulating in the air. Immediately, the spiritual mist all over the mountain danced with his hand, sometimes with wind and rain, sometimes with lightning and thunder, sometimes with warm spring flowers blooming, and sometimes covered with ice and snow , The climate of the entire Ling Mufeng is under his control.

Suddenly the clouds and rain dispersed, and several stairs formed by spiritual power emerged from the top of Lingmu Peak to the sky.

"We should go." A tiger-headed little monk jumped off a big rock. He looked only twelve or thirteen years old, but his tone of voice was old-fashioned.

Next to him, a man with a cold face nodded. His hands were covered with gray linen, and there were still some bloodstains on them. There was a chilling and dangerous aura in his whole body, which might erupt at any time. , Blast the mountains to pieces!

The two set foot on the ladder in the mountains together, and disappeared after a while.

Behind them, a dilapidated old Buddhist temple collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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