Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 903 Level 9 Alchemist

Chapter 903 Ninth Level Alchemist
But when the servant noticed the displeasure in the young man's eyes, he nodded in agreement.

The young man withdrew his hand with a smile, glanced at a corner of the hall secretly, and felt that the aura falling on him had disappeared, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

He noticed that the moment the servant made his move just now, there was an extremely terrifying aura staring at him, and he read the implication of warning in it. It seemed that as long as his servant made a move against Zhang Kun, the owner of that aura would attack him. shot, which made him hurriedly stop the servant.

The alchemist guild is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, just by a single breath, I almost can't breathe, my breath is disordered, I'm afraid that person's strength is no less than that of the master.

Recalling that the master once said that the alchemy masters union has masters in charge, the young man felt lingering fear for a while, but then became angry again, feeling humiliated, and looked at Zhang Kun with extremely cold eyes, and put the reason for being targeted just now on Zhang Kun. on Kun.

If I don't attack this kid, let's see how you protect him!
The young man walked over, coughed lightly, cupped his hands and said, "My fellow Taoist, I'm in a hurry, so I wonder if it's convenient for me to change places?"

Zhang Kun was quite impatient. He had also noticed the aura of at least a fit state just now, but he didn't expect this person to be so shameless, and he refused to give up even after he was like this.

Slowly raised his head, looked at this young man, his cheekbones were slightly protruding, he was fair and flawless, he had a good skin, the white robe he was wearing was engraved with intricate patterns, and he had the vitality of heaven and earth Constantly being sucked into this white robe, it should be a quasi-spiritual weapon of high rank.

"Of course, I won't let Fellow Daoists suffer. How about a medium-grade spirit stone?" Seeing Zhang Kun looking at him, the young man hurriedly put on a very fair look, and the smile on his face became more mellow.

"No change." Zhang Kun flatly refused.

The young man didn't seem to expect Zhang Kun to refuse so decisively, he was taken aback for a moment, his smile froze on his face.

"I think you should be the medicine boy of some alchemist. You should be helping him to line up."

The young people mistook Zhang Kun for those medicine boys who came to help those alchemists line up, which is not uncommon in the team.

Zhang Kun didn't say a word, and seemed to admit it.

The young man was even more proud when he saw that he had guessed right, thinking that Zhang Kun was not satisfied with a single spirit stone, and wanted to use it to get more from him. Although he sneered in his heart, he planned to just wait The alchemist guild wanted Zhang Kun to look good, and the alchemist behind him would not fall out with him because of a little medicine boy. Who have you ever been afraid of?
Although he made up his mind to teach this boy a lesson, the young man still put on a sincere look and persuaded him: "So, a middle-grade spirit stone is not cheap. You usually help that alchemist make alchemy for a year. You may not be able to get so much, right? Be careful to eat too much and eat enough."

Zhang Kun was indifferent, as if he hadn't heard the warning. Seeing that the people at the front had completed the registration procedures, he took another step forward.

"Very good, with personality." The young man smiled angrily when he saw that Zhang Kun refused to eat, and said to the servant next to him, "Give him ten middle-grade spirit stones, and I'll see if you can eat them." be able to eat!"

The servant on the side looked at Zhang Kun with a look of envy on his face. He took out ten middle-grade spirit stones from the storage ring, rolled his eyes, and threw the ten middle-grade spirit stones on the ground with a sinister smile.

"Ah, you accidentally slipped your hand, you'd better pick it up yourself." The servant apologized, but his face was full of mocking smiles.

Seeing that Zhang Kun finally reacted, the young man showed a sinister smile.

It turned out that he was just a guy who didn't know how to live or die, and he would spit out everything he ate later.

"What kind of crap are these?" Zhang Kun said impatiently as he watched the young man directing and acting on his own.

Everyone was stunned, only the servant laughed wildly there: "I thought I met someone, but it turned out to be just a little monk who has never seen a middle-grade spirit stone, young master, let me throw some low-grade spirit stones at him, He will be grateful to you."

The young man glanced at Zhang Kun suspiciously. Could it be that he really couldn't recognize that this was a middle-grade spirit stone.

At this time, the people in front of Zhang Kun finished the registration procedures and left, and it happened that it was Zhang Kun's turn.

The female cultivator in front of the counter had been paying attention to the situation here, and when she saw Zhang Kun approaching, she said, "I'm sorry, we need the alchemist himself to sign up."

"No need, I'm the alchemist." Zhang Kun knew that she must have misunderstood as soon as he heard it, and explained aloud.

"Ah?" The young female cultivator was stunned, blinking her big glasses, a little confused.

"This person, has he gone crazy? He actually said that he is already a ninth-level alchemist, and the young master is not the ninth-level alchemist who only reached the previous year. Even the ghost alchemist, at this age, is just an alchemist , can you still compare with the Guidan Master?" A servant sneered mercilessly.

The others also shook their heads, thinking that this young man might not be crazy.

"I'm in a hurry, can you hurry up." Zhang Kun tapped on the table, reminding the young female cultivator who was stunned there.

Although the young female cultivator did not believe that this young man was already a ninth-level alchemist, she still followed the rules and said, "Then please show me your guild medal."

"Pretend, let me see how long you can pretend." The young man sneered aside, waiting to see Zhang Kun's good show
Even among the twelve sects that are famous for alchemy, if they want to train such a young ninth-level alchemist, they have to pay a huge price, and at the same time cultivate their martial arts skills.

And this kid is only in the Nascent Soul realm, how high can he be expected to cultivate in alchemy?
Although alchemy is self-contained, it is also inseparable from martial arts. If you don't have enough strength, you can't use it even if you put the ancient divine cauldron in front of you. If you want to reach the realm of a great alchemist, you have to first Let's talk about breaking through a Mahayana, it is really difficult to break through the realm of a great alchemist with a mere Nascent Soul realm.

The most direct impact is that the spiritual power contained in the elixir can't meet the standard at all, and if you can't refine the mysterious elixir, you will miss the realm of the great alchemist.

Zhang Kun's left hand shone slightly, and a medal of the stars and the moon appeared in his palm.

The nine stars in January are the medals issued by the alchemist union, the medal of the ninth-level alchemist!

This, this kid is really a ninth-level alchemist!
Suddenly the hall fell into silence, and everyone looked at Zhang Kun with strange eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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