Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 904 You Haven't Seen Top-Grade Spirit Stones, Have You?

Chapter 904 You Haven't Seen Top-Grade Spirit Stones, Have You?

Zhang Kun also felt a few eyes looking at him in the dark, but he pretended not to know and coughed lightly. In fact, this medal was not his, but got it from Master Jingyun.

Ever since he came to Dayan Realm, Zhang Kun's alchemy cultivation base has not been lowered. His body has been adventuring in Dayan Realm, while Cang Sheng's life-defying body has been mining veins on the planet of Yuanjing Essence. Just pondering the way of alchemy there, Zhang Kun's two bodies are obtained by dividing the mind and soul, and the thinking and consciousness are shared as one, so his attainments of the way of alchemy on his body have been improving all the time.

Even Zhang Kun can feel that he has broken through the realm of the great alchemist inadvertently. I feel that the result of this test is estimated to be only higher than the realm of the Great Alchemist!
Covering her small mouth, the young female cultivator who was stunned there immediately reacted, glanced at Zhang Kun, and said with a flushed face, "Well, the registration fee is ten middle-grade spirit stones."

"Ten middle-grade spirit stones." Zhang Kun's eyes became playful, and he glanced at the ten spirit stones scattered on the ground, and stayed on the young man for a while, seeing that his heart was a little hairy, and then he looked away , reached out and took out the storage ring.

Ding dong.

Ten transparent high-grade spirit stones collided on the counter and made a crisp sound.

"Ah, I'm sorry to take too much." Zhang Kun said embarrassedly, took back nine of them, and handed one of them to the young female cultivator.

"This is your registration certificate. Please wait a moment. I'll look for your spirit stones." The young female cultivator glanced at the gloomy young man, suppressed her smile, and took out some scattered spirit stones from the storage ring, thinking I want to give Zhang Kun some change.

"No need." Zhang Kun waved his hand, glanced at the young man, and gradually smiled.

"Take the rest as the registration fee for this person. Maybe I haven't seen what is a high-grade spirit stone yet."

Zhang Kun turned around and walked outside, and accidentally touched the middle-grade spirit stones scattered on the ground, making a ding-dong sound.

The young man stared at Zhang Kun's disappearing figure motionlessly, clenched his fists and trembled slightly.

After Zhang Kun left the alchemist union, he returned to the inn without staying outside.

I have been practicing in the inn with my eyes closed, adjusting my state for tomorrow's assessment.

In the middle of the night, outside Zhang Kun's room, a mysterious and silent black figure stood outside the door for a long time, as if confirming that the people inside had fallen asleep, and passed through the wooden door strangely. A black shadow appeared in the room.

When he saw that Zhang Kun was still unaware, he laughed silently.

"What happened in the middle of the night is so funny, why don't you let me have fun too?"

A voice sounded softly in his ears, but it was no less than a thunderbolt exploding in his heart. He retreated rapidly, and his whole body melted away like a pool of water, blending into the shadows, trying to escape.

"Tsk, do you think you've been watching me for so long, and I'm still sleeping?" Zhang Kun opened his right hand, and countless rays of light burst out in his hand, quickly connecting to various nodes in the void, and in an instant, he completed a project that had been there for a long time. Quietly prepared formation.

The entire room is divided by countless rays of light, like a cage of light, imprisoning this space.

Suddenly a ray of light exploded, revealing a pool of black water. Received the impact of the ray explosion, he forcibly retreated from this strange state, while the other rays of light seemed to be distorted, sticking towards the man in black like ropes. , At first the man in black was able to resist and cut off a few rays of light, but immediately triggered a more violent explosion, and more rays of light entangled.

But for a moment, the man in black was like an insect on a spider web, bound and entwined by countless lights, and Zhang Kun never made a move from the beginning to the end.

"It's actually an assassin in the Mahayana realm. Who is so generous and sent you to deal with me, who is only a Nascent Soul?" Zhang Kun laughed softly.

The man in black turned his head away, looking like he would rather die than recruit, but his heart was extremely bitter. He thought he was very cautious, but he didn't expect to fall into the hands of this young man who was only a Nascent Soul, but who would have thought that he was not only a The alchemist is actually a formation master!

However, Zhang Kun is still unable to arrange a formation that can trap Mahayana monks. This is a third-level formation disk that he bought with a lot of money in the black market. With Zhang Kun's current formation skills, he can already drive a third-level formation disk. .

The way of formation and alchemy are also similar. The initial entry level is called formation apprentice, which can refine a first-level formation, which corresponds to the realm below the foundation-building state, while a formation master can refine a second-level formation. The formation diagram corresponds to the realm of Jindan and Yuanying, and the third-level formation diagram is from the hands of the great formation master, corresponding to the realm of Mahayana integration.

The array map can be arranged and engraved on the array plate in advance. If you have money, you can buy a high-level array plate. Alchemy is the strongest attainment, followed by refining equipment, and formation is the lowest level, but it has reached the level of a fifth-level formation master. It is not a problem to spend time setting up a third-level formation plate!
"Let go, let go of me!" The man in black struggled, his face full of pain.

Zhang Kun was also not in a hurry, as if he didn't want the man in black to confess at all, until a cyan figure appeared outside the window.

He stretched out his hand and threw the man in black out, and said with a smile, "You've worked hard tonight."

The cyan figure silently took over the man in black and disappeared into the night.

In Jialan City, in a large mansion located in the east of the city, a young man drank tea with a calm face, but the increasingly rapid knocking of his fingers on the coffee table betrayed his state of mind.

He was the young man who had clashed with Zhang Kun during the day, and he seemed to be waiting for something at this time.

"Is there any news yet?" The young man put down his teacup, feeling a little upset suddenly.

"Master, why don't you go to rest first, and we will notify you when we have news." The two servants standing behind him respectfully said, looking at each other, they knew that the young master was being cornered by the young man during the day.

"Alright, let me know as soon as you have any news." The young man hesitated for a moment, then stood up and walked towards the inner room.

The boredom in my heart has not diminished at all, but there is a bit more worry that I don't know where it came from.

But immediately he thought that he was thinking too much. Hei Lao did this kind of thing for himself not once or twice. It is not a problem to get out, it should be delayed by other things.

(End of this chapter)

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