Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 909 Level 2 Assessment, Shen Longmu

Chapter 909 The Second Stage Assessment, Shen Longmu
Then turned to Zhang Kun and said excitedly: "Master, as long as you are willing to join the Jia family, I am willing to betroth my daughter to you. Even if you want to be the next head of the family, it is still open to discussion!"

The head of the Jia family made a shocking statement. No one knew that the prostitute of the Jia family was well-educated and well-behaved. She was loved by the Jia family in every way. The Su family, one of the four major families, came to propose a marriage, but was kicked out by the head of the Jia family. go out.

Now the Patriarch of the Jia family is willing to marry his daughter to Zhang Kun, and is even willing to assume the position of Patriarch. I am afraid that he really values ​​Zhang Kun very much.

Zhang Kun subconsciously glanced at the original seat of the Patriarch of the Jia family. The flushed, shy and beautiful girl sitting there suddenly had a weird expression. She glanced at Zhang Kun on the stage shyly, and then shyly said He lowered his head.

Seeing that the Jia family and the Su family had put forward conditions, the Xue family and the Wang family, which are also the four major families, were not to be outdone, and they promised to make huge profits. Betrothed to Zhang Kun.

Li Qingqing also came to the alchemist guild at some point. Standing under a willow tree, she glanced at Zhang Kun indifferently when she saw the scene where various families gave away their daughters generously.

Zhang Kun knew that accepting or refusing rashly at this time would only offend the rest of the family, so he had no choice but to comfort him: "I am grateful for the kindness of the seniors, but it is still during the assessment period, can we wait for the boy to pass the assessment before discussing this matter?" thing?"

"Cough cough." At the same time, Li Weiru coughed twice.

The people in power of the four major families looked at each other, and apologized to Li Weiru with smiles, and agreed with Zhang Kun to talk about it after his assessment was over.

"Then, the assessment continues." Li Weiru sat back on his seat and said.

Dozens of people on the assessment platform shook their heads and sighed. Even though they exhausted all their life's knowledge, they still couldn't stretch the scroll to ten meters. That is to say, they didn't have one hundred thousand plants and trees, and couldn't reach the threshold of a great alchemist. They could only be discouraged Walking out of the Alchemist Union without any hesitation, it was not a particularly embarrassing thing at first, but Zhang Kun, a god-defying evildoer, was there, and he stretched the scroll of grass and trees to the limit, and they looked bleak in comparison!
"Then invite alchemists who have passed the assessment to go and get a piece of wood that you like."

As soon as Li Weiru's words fell, everyone on the stage looked puzzled. How could wood be used in the assessment of the great alchemist? Originally, it was unique enough to use the scroll of vegetation to assess the attainments of vegetation. This time Another piece of wood was made, what was it used for?
Although everyone was surprised, they took the wood given by the beautiful maid.

"Hmph, I can't lose again this time!" Mo Ren pinched the seemingly simple piece of wood, but with his strength in the early stage of the Mahayana realm, he couldn't pinch the seemingly ordinary wood. Can't help showing a bit of astonishment.

The other alchemists also had the same expressions, and they didn't even guess what the organizer was going to do.

Li Weiru smiled and said: "This is Shen Longmu, only spiritual power can leave traces on it. This test is the degree of solidification of your spiritual power and the degree of control over your spiritual power. This Shen Longmu Leave it to you, you can do whatever you want."

"If you can leave more than ten three-inch marks on it, you will pass, and the time is still a stick of incense. Let's start!" Li Weiru added.

Only then did everyone understand that in alchemy, the level of spiritual power control is also an extremely important part. Many alchemists also practice the method of primordial spirit cultivation, and their spiritual power is far beyond their own realm of vitality. Essence, but also to condense the essence of various medicinal liquids, all of which require strong mental power.

It is not enough to have strong mental power, but also to be able to control mental power. There are many profound skills in it, and the alchemist guild in Jialan City came up with this ingenious method, using Shen Longmu to test the level of spiritual power of everyone.

A sneer flashed across Moren's face. In terms of mental strength, he believed that he would not lose to any of his peers. He had ten rings on his hands. These concentration rings were all made of special materials. Yes, with a special boosted mental function, it can be said that he spent a lot of money for his assessment of Pill Ghost, so Moren did not allow himself to fail!
Even though his alchemy heart has been broken by Zhang Kun and it is difficult to maintain a peaceful mind, he still has enough confidence in himself!
"Destroy my alchemy heart, right? Later I will definitely destroy your alchemy heart too!" Mo Ren gritted his teeth for a while, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Some people have already started to try it. There is a yellow-haired alchemist next to Zhang Kun. His performance in the last round was also good. He unfolded the 80-meter scroll, which can be ranked first in the usual rankings, but this time, it is completely Zhang Kun stole the limelight.

Alchemist Huang Fa suddenly opened his eyes, and a knife-like spiritual force pierced into Shen Longmu.


A light white mark landed on the Shenlong wood, making a crisp sound.

The people below couldn't help being dumbfounded, this Shenlong wood is really extremely hard, and the mental strength of a person who can become a ninth-level alchemist is definitely not weak, and it can only leave a shallow white mark on it, which is only three points of the entry level. .

Many people tried a few times, but the result was no different from the yellow-haired alchemist next to Zhang Kun, and the strongest alchemist was only seven points in entry.

In Dayan Realm, one inch is equal to eight points, and so far no one has reached one inch!

"This assessment is too harsh, isn't it? We are asked to leave ten and three-inch marks, which is impossible?" Some alchemists began to complain, and the audience in the audience couldn't help commotion , people from several monasteries and aristocratic families couldn't sit still, they didn't know much about alchemy assessment, seeing so many alchemists with distressed faces, they wondered if this assessment was too difficult?

However, Li Weiru had an indifferent expression on his face, unmoved at all, and the two vice presidents also sat firmly on Mount Tai.

Because of the amazing performance in the previous session, many people's eyes were on Zhang Kun, to see what he would do in the face of Shen Longmu, but they saw Zhang Kun standing on the stage in a daze, playing with the Shen Longmu didn't have the slightest intention of doing anything.

"Could it be that his spiritual power is exhausted? To be able to unfold the landscape scroll to that extent, his spiritual power is definitely not weak!"

"A person's energy is limited. He is still so young. He must have been studying the Taoism of plants and trees. He has never studied the method of spiritual power, so now he is helpless against Shen Longmu."

(End of this chapter)

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