Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 910 Carving

Chapter 910 Carving
Everyone couldn't help talking in low voices, and the heads of the four major families also frowned slightly. Could it be that they had misjudged Zhang Kun, who was actually not as heaven-defying as they imagined?

"Hehe, a bunch of idiots! This Shenlong wood looks like a whole, but in fact, there are inner lines in it, and it can only work if you use spiritual power along the lines!" On top of Shenlong wood!


The crisp voice sounded, and everyone's eyes were drawn to them. They couldn't help being stunned, and saw that a corner of Shen Longmu had been chopped off in Mo Ren's hands!
"Well, that's right, as expected of a disciple taught by Dan Gui." Seeing this scene, Li Weiru nodded involuntarily.

All the people present gasped, Shen Longmu, who made all the alchemists helpless, was cut off by Mo Ren directly, and the incision was more than seven inches wide!
The members of the four major families in Garan City immediately focused their attention on Mo Ren's performance, and they looked at Mo Ren's performance with satisfaction. The apprentice taught by the alchemy ghost is indeed well-deserved. Others can't even reach one inch, but he even directly cut into seven inches. Shen Longmu was cut open, proving that his skill is extraordinary!

The alchemists on the stage couldn't help being startled. After carefully observing the inner texture of the Shenlong wood, many of them had already mastered the mystery, and tried to use their spiritual power to penetrate into the Shenlong wood. Go a lot deeper than that!
The mystery of Shenlong wood is actually not difficult to find. The key is to change your thinking and carefully observe the inner lines of Shenlong wood with mental power. This is also a common link in the actual process of alchemy. Many materials The purification needs to follow the natural mechanism of the material in this way, instead of blindly doing it.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, several alchemists who have mastered the skills have left ten marks on the Shenlong wood with a depth of three inches. They let out a long breath with satisfied smiles on their faces. The second test was also successfully passed.

However, at the same time, there are also a few young alchemists who are not satisfied. They have been dormant and silent for many years. At this moment, the great alchemists are undergoing public assessments, and countless eyes are staring at them. The patriarchs and elders of the four major families in Jialan City are all present. The holy monks of the Great Chanyuan are also here, of course they have to perform and win applause from all the halls!

Someone ingeniously embossed his name on the Shenlong wood with his spiritual thoughts, and someone cut the Shenlong wood into a delicate sword, which made everyone amazed. This Shenlong wood is extremely hard and can be used by God. It would be great to leave traces on it, not to mention embossing, which requires extremely high mental strength of the alchemist!

"If he can do this, he can carve a few lines of alchemy when he is refining alchemy, which is not bad." A vice president on the judging table stroked his long beard and nodded with a faint smile.

"Well, let's take a look." Li Weiru was calm, his eyes wandered over Mo Ren and Zhang Kun, revealing a sense of anticipation. Can Zhang Kun's surprise in the previous session continue here?Not only Li Weiru alone, but everyone present was looking forward to it, but Zhang Kun still didn't do it for a long time, as if he was helpless against Shen Longmu.

The girl holding the picture scroll for Zhang Kun was full of anxiety, her pretty face was flushed, and she was sweating for Zhang Kun, because she won the wages of other maids for several months in the last round of assessment, and this time she put all the bets on He touched Zhang Kun's body, but he didn't expect that Zhang Kun was still standing there quietly after half a stick of incense.

There was a smile on the corner of Mo Ren's mouth, his mind was like a knife, and his mind was chiseling and carving on the Shenlong wood for a while, and the sawdust flew, as if an invisible carving knife was held in his hand, finely carving on the Shenlong wood. Carving the lines, within a moment, he outlined the rough lines of a human head.

Everyone couldn't help being amazed and exclaimed again and again.

"Then Moren seems to be carving something, each knife cuts deep and shallow, extremely smooth."

"Hiss, it looks a bit like President Li." Someone recognized him and couldn't help shouting.

Everyone present gasped. This Mo Ren was actually carving Li Weiru's head. The avatar is really too difficult!
But everyone was stunned at the moment. Mo Ren carved very fast. Under the blessing of ten precious meditation rings in both hands, a whole piece of Shenlong wood kept changing its shape in his hands. Li Weiru The outline of his face has been outlined, and the details have begun to be perfected. In less than a moment, Shen Longmu turned into a wood sculpture, which looks quite similar to Li Weiru.

"Hahaha, this kid, really!" Li Weiru couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. He didn't expect that Mo Ren actually put his mind to it. Surprised again and again, even the members of the four major families couldn't help nodding, thinking in their hearts that Moren's potential is not small, whether he should also be recruited.

"The younger generation has always admired Chairman Li since he stepped into alchemy. Today's wood carving made everyone laugh." Mo Ren smiled and bowed to the judges.

"Okay!" Li Weiru had a smile on his face, and everyone also cheered and applauded.

"Hey, why didn't that young man start yet? The stick of incense is almost burnt out. Could it be that he gave up?" The Patriarch of Jia's family was a little anxious, looked at Zhang Kun, and said doubtfully.

He promised that as long as Zhang Kun joined the Jia family, he would pass on the position of Patriarch to him, but now Zhang Kun is going to give up in the second link?

"Did I miss it?" The Patriarch of the Jia family was slightly suspicious, and regretted what he had said before. The eldest lady of the Jia family also frowned slightly, and looked at Zhang Kun strangely.


At this time, Zhang Kun finally made a move. When he chose the Shenlong wood, he deliberately took a piece of wood that was one size larger than the others. All the internal mechanisms and structures have been analyzed, and he understands everything about this piece of Shenlong wood.

Zhang Kun took a deep breath, but he closed his eyes directly. Under the support of the power of divine thoughts, Shen Longmu slowly floated in front of Zhang Kun. Suddenly, with a bang, the piece of Shenlong wood in front of him was pierced!
"What? How is it possible!"

Seeing such a scene, the audience fell silent!

(End of this chapter)

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