Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 911

Chapter 911
Whether it was the judges on the stage or the alchemists who were still trying to leave marks on the Shen Longmu, they were stunned at this moment. Zhang Kun raised his hand and read, and even pierced the Shen Longmu. You must know that Zhang Kun The piece of sunken dragon wood that I got was a full circle bigger than others, it was three feet long, wide and two feet thick!

"This, how is this possible!" Many people stood up with a bang, piercing through the wood two feet into the wood!
What kind of strong spiritual power is needed to do this? Everyone was at a loss. A Mahayana monk couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva and muttered to himself: "I have been majoring in spiritual methods for decades, but I can assert that , even I can't pierce Shenlongmu!"

Everyone present gasped, the other alchemists just left a little trace on the Shenlong wood, even Mo Ren just cut off a few inches along the inner grain of the Shenlong wood, and that's all. Zhang Kun pierced Shen Longmu with just one thought!
"Monster, it's really an evildoer!" The Patriarch of the Jia family jumped up, surprised beyond words!

"Tsk tsk tsk, there are so many talents. Who is this young man? Go and find out, there is such a powerful alchemist in Jialan City?" Li Weiru had already forgotten about Mo Ren at this moment, and looked at Zhang Kun full of excitement look!
Mo Ren stared at Shen Longmu in front of Zhang Kun, his face pale!
"How is it possible!" He never dreamed that Zhang Kun would be able to achieve this level. The Shenlong wood is extremely hard, and if he wants to penetrate the Shenlong wood, the condensed divine sense that is not in the state of integration cannot do it. Could it be that the state in front of him is not enough? It's a young man in the Nascent Soul Realm, but is it true that he has a primordial spirit at the level of integration?

How did he do that?
Everyone's heart is full of question marks at the moment, even the monks who major in the primordial spirit are extremely curious at the moment, can a person's spirit be cultivated to such a terrifying situation?
But this is not over yet, Wan Dao's sword of divine sense soared into the sky, like tens of thousands of hands wrapped around the Shenlongmu, and the shadows of the knife flickered, and Shenlongmu was under Zhang Kun's control. The lower body turned at a high speed, and the Taoist spirit knew that it was flying around, and the Shenlong wood, which was as hard as iron, was cut by Zhang Kun at will like soft mud at this moment!

I don't know how many alchemists on the stage had extremely pale faces. The hard texture of the Shenlong wood made them all helpless. They tried their best to leave some marks on the Shenlong wood, but Zhang Kun's movements were swaying freely. Randomly carved the texture he wanted on Shenlong wood!

The gap is not only a few times or ten times, but it is thousands of times, countless alchemists can only bow down in front of him, and it is hard to hold a candle to him!

Zhang Kun's divine sense is like the sharpest razor, it can cut a deep hole with a light touch on Shenlong wood. The key is that there is not only one sharp razor, but thousands of razors!

A ray of divine thought can be divided into tens of thousands!

At this moment, the audience below were about to cry out. This is unbelievable. This has surpassed common sense and reached the realm of miracles. This method of using spiritual power has amazed everyone. It fell to the ground!
That's not all, Zhang Kun's sword technique is like flowing clouds and flowing water, without any pause, it is almost to the extreme, like a gust of wind, it is extremely accurate, there is no slightest error in the details, it is simply suffocating, everyone knows the power of divine sense. This kind of thing is more difficult to control than vitality, and it is also more difficult to cultivate. Everyone present was amazed. Zhang Kun's skills opened their eyes!

Moreover, Zhang Kun's speed was so fast that everyone couldn't react. In an instant, it was as if thousands of people were carving at the same time, and sawdust flew out one after another. His divine sense was like an elegant spiritual wind, sinking the whole dragon The texture of the wood has long been fully understood by Zhang Kun, and now it can be said to be very handy!
"Being able to divide thousands of thoughts in one thought, and to control thousands of divine thoughts at the same time with such precision, this is already capable of controlling all kinds of difficult profound pills." A vice president said in shock, considering that Zhang Kun could not At the age of 20, he was already speechless in astonishment.

Li Weiru muttered to himself: "It's not just that, just refining one mysterious pill is more than enough for his mental strength, he can refine three or four pills at the same time, and each pill Everything is perfect!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent!

The patriarchs of the aristocratic families in Jialan City are really fanatical at the moment, and they can't wait to go up and grab people now. Zhang Kun is simply a piece of jade in the rough. The future will definitely bloom the most dazzling brilliance. No one will doubt his future. It will definitely bloom with infinite brilliance!

"Strong, too strong!"

The alchemists on the stage watched Zhang Kun operate from a close distance, and they were all amazed, they couldn't accept it!
Many people have become autistic, and began to wonder what they have done after living such a long time. It’s fine if they are not as good as others, and their mental power control is also so far behind. It is simply a natural moat, maybe you will never be able to be like Zhang Kun in this life, right?
Mo Ren's face was extremely livid, and he staggered, almost falling on the stage. He stared at the piece of Shenlong wood in front of Zhang Kun, wanting to see what he could carve!
Not only Mo Ren thinks so, but almost everyone has this suspense in their hearts at the moment. Up to now, they haven't seen what Zhang Kun is carving. You must know that when Mo Ren carved Li Weiru's head, he quickly sketched it out. The outline of his face, but although Zhang Kun made it extremely fancy, no one could see what he was doing?
Zhang Kun smiled slightly, sometimes chiseling, sometimes chopping, sometimes carving, thousands of knives are like elegant spiritual wind, flowing clouds and flowing water, without any breaks, all the details have been polished to perfection by him!
Finally he opened his eyes suddenly, tens of thousands of strands of spiritual power were withdrawn quietly, and the Shenlongmu slowly fell into his hands. Everyone still didn't know what he had done at this moment, and saw Zhang Kun gently pointing at Shenlongmu. Take a breath!

Immediately, countless sawdust scattered on the sinking dragon wood were all blown away, like snow falling, and the thing he carved finally revealed its true appearance!


At this moment, there were only screams and admiration in the entire alchemist guild!

I saw Zhang Kun carved Shenlong wood into a woman with fluttering green clothes and a beautiful appearance, just like an immortal in the sky. Every line is so beautiful and moving, and every curve is extremely smooth. More importantly, One thing is, the face of that statue looks like a person, Li Qingqing!

(End of this chapter)

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