Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 925 Great Alchemist VS Protector

Chapter 925 Great Alchemist VS Protector

Zhang Kun did the math, this morning, after excluding the material money, the profit was about [-] top-grade crystals. After all, most of the pills he refined were panacea, and Zhang Kun basically just collected them. It's just a little OEM fee, these elixirs are sold at the auction house, and they will definitely sell more!

One Yuan Jing Essence is equivalent to a thousand top-grade Yuan Jing, and the purchasing power is extremely strong. The entire net worth of a Mahayana monk can’t be put together for a single Yuan Jing Essence. Generally, only a unit of Yuan Jing Essence is used to buy spiritual weapons and mysterious pills, which is extremely rare resource.

Thinking of this, Zhang Kun was speechless. The news of Tianji Pavilion is really expensive. The information of each buddhist candidate requires two half-yuan crystal essences. I hope these information are more than worth the money!
When Zhang Kun entered Jialan City, he paid attention to the amount of his wanted reward. It seems that because he has been hiding his identity since then, the Twelve Sects couldn't find Zhang Kun's whereabouts, so they raised the wanted amount again and again!
Now Zhang Kun's head is worth thirty Yuan Jing Essence!

Sometimes Zhang Kun wants to find someone to act with him, so that he can earn the [-] Yuan Jing Essence!
"Next." Zhang Kun said lightly.

Lao Zhang rubbed his hands and walked into the pharmacy nervously.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside the market.

"My lord, you can't act like this!"

"Go away, do you know who I am? How can my dignified Buddhist protector line up like you?" An extremely arrogant voice came, and everyone was stunned.

I saw a young swordsman who showed his sharpness walked in arrogantly, with a look of arrogance on his face.

Zhang Kun saw that the voice was somewhat familiar, and a smile appeared in the depths of his eyes.

Lao Zhang was about to ask Zhang Kun if there was a kind of elixir that could cure his wife's illness, but suddenly the young swordsman grabbed him by the back collar, picked it up like a chicken, and threw it aside!

Lao Zhang screamed, his body flew upside down like a broken sack for tens of feet, hit the big pillar of the pharmacy, spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes went dark, and he passed out.

When Lao Liu saw him, his face turned pale immediately, and he ran up in a hurry, but he saw that Lao Zhang's chest was bleeding profusely, and the Nascent Soul was almost shattered!

All the people present gasped, it was just a random blow from that young swordsman, it was so powerful that it beat the monk Nascent Soul half to death!
The Mahayana monk who was standing behind Lao Zhang and Lao Liu turned pale with fright. Originally, he wanted to step forward to say something fair, but now he swallowed the words that came to his lips, and backed away again and again. a few steps.

Even he wouldn't dare to provoke such a ruthless person!
Zhang Kun frowned, and hurried forward to check on Lao Zhang's situation.

Old Liu was completely panicked over there, he didn't know what to do at all.

"His vitality contains a kind of fire breath, either he has refined some kind of heaven and earth spiritual energy, or he has comprehended some kind of fire spirit. In short, once this kind of fire energy enters the body, it will quickly melt the meridians. Nascent Soul will be smelted!" Zhang Kun said in a deep voice.

"Huh." The young swordsman snorted coldly, without any shame or remorse on his face, but rather proud. He took Zhang Kun's words as flattery, which was a recognition of his strength .

Zhang Kun frowned slightly. This kind of anger can be directly resolved with the power of the Bing Xin Jue in his body. After all, he also mastered a kind of Dao of the Three Realms of Ice, which is enough to offset this anger, but the problem is , now that he is in Jialan City, under the watchful eyes of everyone, if he uses the Bing Xin Jue, his identity will definitely be exposed!
The Bingxin Jue is too famous in the Dayan world, Qionghua Palace’s township skills, and only women can practice it, the only man who can practice the Bing Xin Jue is Zhang Kun who is on the wanted list and offers a reward of [-] yuan crystal essence !

It was too late to refine the ice-type elixir for Lao Zhang to suppress anger, and Zhang Kun happened to have no ice-type elixir at hand.

At this moment, Li Qingqing came over, gently stretched out her plain hands, and those green radish-like jade hands gently tapped Lao Zhang's dantian, and the breath of verdant life spread suddenly, turning into a wave A wave of life was injected into Lao Zhang's body.

Li Qingqing glanced at Zhang Kun lightly and said, "I'll leave it to you later."

Zhang Kun was stunned for a moment, and checked Lao Zhang's body again, only to find that the tyrannical anger in his body still existed, but it was sealed by Li Qingqing with the wood yi aura, and the wave of life repaired Lao Zhang's broken meridians After a while, even the bleeding wound on his chest healed.

Zhang Kun nodded. In this case, he bought some time for alchemy to save people.

The breath on Li Qingqing's body is very different from that of ordinary people. The vitality in her body has a natural healing effect. To a certain extent, she can be regarded as a walking medicine bottle.

Zhang Kun glanced at her indifferently, thinking that if this ability was exposed to some evil alchemists, Li Qingqing might be arrested for bloodletting and alchemy!
"Huh?" The young swordsman's eyes lit up immediately, and he stared at Li Qingqing, and a bit of greed flashed in his eyes. Li Qingqing is not only a stunning beauty, but also has a unique temperament between his eyebrows. It was even more attractive. The young swordsman felt his heart tremble suddenly after seeing her attack.

"Can you undo my seven-fold blazing flame?" The young swordsman reached out and grabbed Li Qingqing's lotus arm, staring at her tightly and said.

"Let go!" Li Qingqing said coldly, there was air in his words, and there was no emotion in his eyes, which was extremely indifferent, as if he was looking at a dead person.

The young swordsman raised the corners of his mouth and smiled charmingly: "Oh, you have a strong temper, I like it."

Zhang Kun frowned, stood up and said indifferently, "Let her go."

"If I don't let go, what can you do to me?" The young swordsman sneered again and again, raising his chin and looking at Zhang Kun contemptuously.

Zhang Kun said with a faint smile: "How dare you act wildly in my medicine shop?"

"Hmph, alchemist, right? Let me tell you, I am the protector of Baili Qiwen, a candidate for the Buddha. Don't think that you can suppress me with your identity!"

Zhang Kun remembered the scene in the restaurant, and said indifferently: "Your name is Yuan Wei, I have learned about your stinky fart."

"Since you know it's me, do you still dare to stop me?" Yuan Wei, as a Taoist protector, is full of bullshit. In the whole Jialan City, except for the Bodhi Court, he doesn't pay attention to anyone, even if Zhang Kun's name affects the whole Jialan. The third-tier great alchemist in the city is no exception!
There is someone in Jialan City who dares to challenge the Taoist face to face, and this person is a third-rank alchemist.
(End of this chapter)

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