Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 926 The Arrogant Yuanwei

Chapter 926 The Arrogant Yuanwei

There are more and more people watching, and everyone's eyes are staring straight. This can be said to be the pinnacle duel of the young generation in Jialan City!

"My God, who is that young swordsman? Alchemists have a high status, especially great alchemists. They are all Mahayana and fit monks who have a lot of contacts. Isn't that person afraid of Zhang Kun's revenge in the future?"

Someone gasped when they saw this scene, and asked suspiciously.

Immediately, someone answered him in a low voice: "Shhh, that's a buddha's candidate protector, so be careful with your words and deeds!"

"What, he turned out to be a Taoist protector, what a shame!" The man quickly covered his mouth.

"If you are a candidate for the Buddha's son, I might respect you a little bit, but you are just a Taoist protector, dare to act wild in front of me?" Zhang Kun said coldly with a slight smile in his eyes.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present took a deep breath!
"Looking for death, don't think that I dare not attack you because you are a great alchemist!" Yuan Wei sneered, his color changed almost instantly, and he shot suddenly, his fists shone, and he attacked with fiery fire!

As soon as he made a move, the temperature in the entire medicine store was directly ignited, and he punched out with a bang, and there was a lot of fire hidden in the punch force, that was the seven-fold blazing flame he was proud of!

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, that Yuan Wei's shot was too sudden, the speed was extremely fast, Zhang Kun raised his hand to block it lightly.


There was a crisp sound, and the fists of the two collided with each other. A sneer appeared on the corner of Yuan Wei's mouth, and Zhang Kun couldn't help taking half a step back!
"Too weak, too weak, come again!" Yuan Wei laughed loudly, his right hand turned into a fire dragon, ferocious and domineering, and hammered at Zhang Kun with the momentum of pulling mountains, and suddenly a spark bloomed from it, blowing The whole pharmacy is bright red!

Zhang Kun gathered a wave of vitality in his hand, and punched at the same time.

The two streams of energy suddenly clashed together.

"Boom boom boom!" The sound of air explosions resounded again and again, and the flames soared into the sky and the sound of violent explosions exploded, as if a storm had been experienced in the medicine shop!
"Hmm!" Zhang Kun's expression was a bit ugly, and a flush appeared on his face. He couldn't help but took three steps back, leaving a few deep footprints on the floor. He felt a sweetness in his throat and a burst of blood. upwelling.

Li Qingqing watched all this happen indifferently, and took a deep look at Zhang Kun, but did not make a move.

"Hmph, it's really too weak, like an ant!" Yuan Wei snorted coldly, retracted his punches, and all the flames around him were extinguished at this moment, and disappeared without a trace. He raised his chin high, with a look of contempt on his face.

"My seven-level blazing flame has seven levels of anger, and I only used two levels, so you can't take it?" Yuan Wei said with a light smile, extremely proud.

All the people present gasped. With only two levels of anger, there is such a terrifying strength. Even the monk of the Mahayana changed his expression. The strength of this Taoist is indeed well-deserved!
"I'm just an alchemist, and I'm only in the Nascent Soul realm."

Zhang Kun rubbed his chest and said lightly, at the same time, a burst of Bing Xin Jue vitality flowed from his dantian to his limbs and bones. The frosty cold air directly dispelled Yuan Wei's anger, and Zhang Kun's face returned to normal.

"Oh, then I won't bully the weak," Yuan Wei sneered, glanced greedily at Li Qingqing beside Zhang Kun, licked his lips, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, such a beauty with such a cold personality, Yuan Wei knew that he must not act too hastily, otherwise there would definitely be counterproductive effects, so he had to figure it out slowly!

"You are an alchemist, right? Well, my buddhist candidate said that you are required to refine these pills. The materials used for refining are all in the storage ring. You can refine them for me within seven days." Come out, I will come to pick it up when the time comes!" Yuan Wei waved his hand, and a list and a storage ring flew out.

After finishing speaking, Yuan Wei glanced at Li Qingqing again, seeing her indifferent face, hooked the corners of her mouth, whistled and left.

"Hiss, this Yuan Wei is really scary, he deserves to be a guardian!"

"Yeah, I heard that the most powerful thing about this Yuan Wei is his fire saber technique. Now that he has not even drawn his saber out of its sheath, he has such a powerful strength with only two fists. When he uses the saber technique, he may be able to Comparable to a strong fit!" Someone looked at Yuan Wei's back and admired him.

The Taoist guardians are all very strong, possessing the strength to fight across the ranks, and each of them is a genius. Some of them come from the Garan Realm, and some of them have been invited by the Buddha's candidate to come from a distant realm to help. , it can be said that the Bodhi Trial gathered a group of the most talented and evil people among the younger generation in Dayan Realm!

Candidates for Buddhist disciples naturally have to maintain the righteous way, but the guardians they invite are different. They are rebellious, have their own ideas, and are not bound by the Bodhi Court!
This Garan city has recently poured in a few powerful and young and energetic guardians, and it has become very lively, but there have also been a lot of troubles, but for the sake of their noble status, no one dares to say anything .

Many people glanced at Zhang Kun sympathetically. In their eyes, Zhang Kun's ability to receive Yuan Wei's two punches was already very good. After all, he is an alchemist. Not sure, although the quality of alchemy has a certain relationship with the strength of vitality, but it is the consensus of the entire Dayan world that alchemists are weak and not good at fighting.

"Great alchemist Zhang, don't mind. You are an alchemist, so you don't have to argue with someone like Yuan Wei. He is a Taoist protector, and there are only six of them in the whole Jialan realm." Someone comforted Zhang Kun.

"That's right, Great Alchemist Zhang, you have just entered the realm of Great Alchemist, and your future prospects should not be worse than those of the guardians."

Zhang Kun smiled slightly, nodded, and continued to make pills for the people in line.

Li Qingqing glanced at Zhang Kun, but said nothing.

She had witnessed Zhang Kun's terrifying strength when he fought. The mainstay of the Kasyapa Academy, Master Jingyun, was extremely powerful, but in the end he was killed by Zhang Kun with a single sword, even if Zhang Kun didn't use the strength of his trump card , so he wouldn't be forced to vomit blood by Yuan Wei's two punches.

There is only one reasonable explanation, he is deliberately hiding his strength.

First, he helped Lao Zhang to refine the elixir that blindly relieved his anger and fed it to him. After less than a moment, Lao Zhang regained consciousness. He thanked Zhang Kun for a while, and thanked him repeatedly.

Zhang Kun asked Lao Zhang what kind of elixir he needed, and when he heard that he asked for the elixir to treat his wife's illness, he immediately helped him refine the life-saving elixir, and did not accept a single Yuanjing from Lao Zhang.

(End of this chapter)

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