Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 927 Busy Zhang Kun

Chapter 927 Busy Zhang Kun

Lao Zhang and Lao Liu left together, with smiles on their faces.

"Great Alchemist Zhang is really a great person, I see that the merits of many candidates for Buddha disciples are actually not as good as him!" Old Zhang whispered to Old Liu.

Old Liu's complexion changed, and he replied in a low voice: "You can't let the saint monks in the Bodhi Court hear these words. The saint monks preach the scriptures and discuss the Tao at a very high level, and they can save all living beings. That is a great merit!"

Lao Zhang nodded, but still couldn't help but said: "But when did you really see those holy monks gave you kindness, but those monasteries asked us for thousands of yuan crystals to do a ritual! Great alchemist Zhang But he really gave us favors, it is said that he only accepts Yuanjing from rich and noble families, and the poor will make alchemy for free when they come to him."

Old Liu sighed, was speechless for a while, and then said after a pause: "After the great figures in the Bodhi Court have cultivated and become true Buddhas, they will definitely save all living beings and bring us into the world of bliss. That is the real merit. Although Great Alchemist Zhang is good, it is only a small favor after all."

Lao Zhang stopped talking, anyway, in his heart, the person who can cure his wife's disease is Zhang Great Alchemist, not the Bodhi Court, let alone those candidates for Buddha disciples.

In the pharmacy, Zhang Kun was quietly refining the elixir. Although Yuan Wei made trouble for him, his reputation as a great alchemist gradually spread throughout the city, and more people came here admiringly. A Mahayana monk came to the door with a lot of money and asked Zhang Kun to refine the elixir.

However, Zhang Kun hadn't waited for the second guardian or Buddha to come. Seeing that it was getting late, Zhang Kun stretched his waist and calculated the Yuan Jing Essence he earned today. No more, no less, exactly equivalent to half a Yuan Jing marrow.

Yuan Jing Essence is extremely rare. The speed at which Zhang Kun can earn half a Yuan Jing Essence by refining the elixir for one day is already very exaggerated. You must know that the general Mahayana monks are worth less than one Yuan Jing Essence. It's just the Nascent Soul realm, after two days of selling the pills, it's enough to hire a few Mahayana monks to work for him.

However, Zhang Kun basically does not rely on alchemy to make money. The Yuanjing marrow and stars in the mirror domain are currently his main source of income. Of course, this is only temporary. No one has come to look for Zhang Kun yet.

He believes that as long as there is an order from Xuan Dan, his income will skyrocket several times.

Of course, this is not the main purpose of Zhang Kun's sale of elixir. He is still waiting for the next buddhist candidate or guardian to appear.

There is still half a month before the start of the Bodhi test. Half a month is not too long or short. I believe that besides myself, the other six buddhist candidates are also actively preparing for this test, and they What can be prepared is nothing more than buying pills and magic weapons.

Now the news that Zhang Kun has become a great alchemist has spread like wildfire and spread throughout Jialan City. The pills he sells are high-quality and cheap. He doesn’t believe that those buddhist candidates won’t be tempted. At that time, Zhang Kun will have his own plan .

I bought a mansion near the market with the Yuanjing I earned today. Zhang Kun lived in the main room, and Li Qingqing lived in the east wing. The mansion is not small, and there are still a few vacancies. house.

For an alchemist, the layout of the alchemy room is also very particular. Many alchemists, such as Luo Quan, who Zhang Kun once studied as a teacher, transformed a powerful magic weapon, the Raging Wave Pagoda, into an alchemy room, and laid countless layers. The spirit array gathers spirit energy to assist alchemy.

Gongsun Yangyan also chose to use the spiritual power of heaven and earth to make alchemy in a spiritual mountain like Yaohuang Mountain. The scene of his alchemy can be described as majestic!

But these days Zhang Kun has been running around, so he is not so picky about the alchemy room. He set up a few spiritual formations, called out the cauldron of the god fence, holding the list of pills that Yuan Wei gave him in one hand, and smiled slightly.

"Qianghen Bingxin Pill, Jiuhuan Chongqiu Pill, Hanqiusan, Yo Ho, these Baili Qiwen are quite particular. These pills are either rare treasures among panacea pills, or third-order mysterious pills, and they happen to be all from me. It can be refined."

Looking at the pills that Yuan Wei had someone refine, Zhang Kun muttered to himself.

Suddenly a white light flashed past, and Zhang Kun had already appeared in the mirror field.

"I need the refining method of poison elixir, and it cannot be detected by others. Is there such a elixir formula in the mirror field?" Zhang Kun asked, looking up at the sky.

This is one of the reasons why Zhang Kun set up a stall to sell elixir. For those who are unwilling to cooperate with Yuan Wei, he can refine poison elixir for them. After all, Zhang Kun's identity as Lin Yuxi's guardian has not been revealed yet, and Yuan Wei has no regard for him. What vigilance, there is no competition between them.

In addition, Zhang Kun will seek the poison-making method in the Mirror Realm to make it seamless, so that people in the Dayan Realm cannot detect it.

"Yes." Jing Yu replied succinctly: "The assessment of the Artifact Hall is about to begin, and the assessment rewards can be replaced with the Poison Pill Method."

Zhang Kun's face froze immediately, he was joking, he had just passed the alchemy assessment in Jialan City Alchemist Union, and became a third-rank great alchemist, and Jingyu here pushed him to go to Qidian for assessment.

"It's said that too many skills don't overwhelm me, I think I'm afraid I'm going to be killed by the mirror field!"

Zhang Kun touched his nose helplessly. These assessments came one after another. Now he only has three mirror domain fragments in his hand, and he has opened the three major fairy palaces. If he collects all the fragments and opens all the fairy palaces , It is estimated that I will be very busy!
However, there are also times when Zhang Kun's strength has advanced beyond Jingyu's expectations. For example, if he is now at the peak of Yuanying, mastering the dual three-level Dao will have higher requirements for his strength than Jingyu's, so there is no need for the assessment of the Taoist Temple , unless Zhang Kun himself requests an early assessment!

The rewards that can be obtained in the early assessment are very generous. The last time Zhang Kun succeeded in the early assessment, he obtained the ground-level skills such as the second degree of shadow passing, and even beat the Xuanyuan Dynasty on Xuanyuan Fourteen to take it into his own. Under the command of the forces.

Xuanyuan Fourteen is a big star, independent of the Dayan Realm. The cultivation world is divided into four regions: heaven, earth, black and yellow. The Dayan Realm is the core area of ​​the cultivation world. Naturally, it is located in the sky-level area, but the sky-level area is extremely vast. Yanjie belongs to a super-large world, which covers countless worlds, while Xuanyuan Fourteen is also located in the sky-level area, but it does not belong to Dayanjie.

"It's such a pity, there is a big star in the air, but it can't help me." Zhang Kun shook his head with some regret. When people walk in the Dayan world, why do they need to hide their identities like now?

Of course, Zhang Kun also knows the way of cultivation, like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat!

(End of this chapter)

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