Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 930

Chapter 930
Zhang Kun shook his head and said: "That's not true. Even the most difficult assessment has a slight chance of success. What's more, this is just a routine assessment of the Qi Palace. Logically speaking, it is not too rare. Maybe there is some way , allowing us to accomplish the goal of Mirror Domain.”

Fei Zhu nodded, thought for a while, and slowly said: "When you were conducting assessments in the past, you usually felt how sure you were of completing them?"

Zhang Kun thought for a moment before saying, "From the results, it should be [-]% sure."

"Hey, be serious!" Fei Zhu stomped her feet, a look of annoyance appeared on her pretty face, even Zhang Kun was still talkative at this time, he was good at everything, but he was a little too confident, which made people feel that he was a bit self-confident. Big.

Zhang Kun pouted helplessly, and muttered: "This is indeed true, and I didn't lie to you."

Fei Zhu gave him a sad look, squatted down, rested her cheeks in her hands, and said listlessly: "We are almost finished, and you still look so indifferent. My sister was summoned here by you. Really unlucky!"

Zhang Kun scratched his head and said, "Let me think about it."

Feizhu ignored him, looking at the original Dao thunder raging all over the sky, his mind was full of thoughts. The thunder lights lit up and swung down with the order of the heavenly way, representing the way and reason. It can be said that this place is very close to the way of heaven. In a place where you can watch the sky thunder and practice enlightenment, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

It's a pity that they are currently undergoing the examination of the Artifact Hall, and they don't have the time to sit down and comprehend the way of heaven. At this moment, Feizhu's mind is full of how to refine the original Dao thunder into utensils, which has never been successful in the history of Dayan Realm thing!
"That's right!" Zhang Kun said suddenly, as if thinking of something, he shouted excitedly.

Fei Zhu glanced at him indifferently, and asked doubtfully, "Why, have you figured out how to refine the original Dao Lei?"

Zhang Kun shook his head, but he said: "I found that this mission is different from the previous ones. The previous missions were all asking me to refine something, but this time Jingyu didn't insist that I refine it. And this time it specially brought you here!"

After hearing this, Fei Zhu was obviously taken aback, blinking her big bright eyes, and suddenly she swung her powder fist and hit Zhang Kun on the head.

"Hey, sister Feizhu, why are you hitting me?" Zhang Kun was in pain, covering his head innocently, "Is there anything wrong with what I said, Jingyu means let us practice together, but I think it's mainly because of you practicing, after all, you are the craftsman sect, and I'm not even a great alchemist, so I can just help you from the sidelines."

Fei Zhu pursed her lips, rolled her eyes at Zhang Kun and said, "Even so, so what, you can't refine Yuanyuan Dao Lei, can I refine it? I observed it just now, and I'm very sure, if you take Yuanyuan Dao Lei If Dao Lei is regarded as a material, it is definitely a fairy-level existence, even with my artisan sect's refining attainments, it is impossible to refine it."

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and said, "How will you know if you don't try it? I'll bring in Yuanyuan Daolei. How about Sister Feizhu trying to refine it?"

Fei Zhu froze for a moment, seeing that the expression on Zhang Kun's face didn't look like he was joking, thought for a moment, and finally nodded.

"That's the only way. Anyway, we are trapped here, and we can't get out without fulfilling its requirements."

Fei Zhu sighed secretly. Although she has more experience as a craftsman than Zhang Kun, she seems more aggressive and courageous. As a woman who has been in high positions all year round, Fei Zhu is not as good as Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun's eyes stared at the destructive thunder outside, muttering something, he tentatively sent half a wisp of vitality through the holy light shield protecting them, and attracted a trace of the original thunder.

The original Dao Lei is the source of thunder calamity, intertwined with Tao and reason, possessing spirituality, Zhang Kun's behavior immediately had an effect on the original Dao Lei, and the bright thunder light penetrated into the holy light shield along Zhang Kun's vitality In the middle, Zhang Kun's face suddenly changed wildly, and he hastily cut off all the connections between himself and that trace of vitality, but he still felt a sense of extinction, and a trace of the aftermath of the scattered thunder exploded!

It was the pure power of destruction, the punishment of heaven, and it was extremely terrifying. Zhang Kun felt that his body was about to be torn apart in an instant. The pain was extremely painful. The high-load electric current spread throughout his body, making him almost Passed out directly!


Zhang Kun panted heavily, and cold sweat dripped down his face. When he realized it, he found that [-]% of the vitality in his body had been consumed!

Fei Zhu rushed forward anxiously to hold Zhang Kun's body to prevent him from collapsing. Looking at Zhang Kun's pale face, Fei Zhu felt distressed.

"Are you okay?" Fei Zhu looked worried, checked Zhang Kun's condition, and was relieved when he saw that he was fine except for excessive energy consumption and weakness.

"It's okay. Fortunately, I reacted quickly. The force that bombarded me was just a ray of the aftermath of the original thunder, otherwise I would have been doomed!" Zhang Kun took a panacea and adjusted his breath for a while before his face recovered. A little bit bloody.

He understood better than anyone how dangerous the scene just now was. He almost lost his life. The original Dao Lei was too terrifying. Zhang Kun had already manipulated his vitality to only attract a trace of thunder energy, but he was still so embarrassed .

Feizhu looked at Zhang Kun worriedly from the side, but felt a little powerless, because what she was summoned by the mirror field was a part of her soul, and her body and vitality were actually manifested strictly by the soul, and the original Dao Lei as The origin of the catastrophe has extremely strong causal karma. The so-called catastrophe cannot be avoided, it can only be pointed at the front. This is what it means next, because once the causal power of the catastrophe is contaminated with the soul, it will be locked. No matter where you escape, you will be bombarded and killed by Thunder Calamity!

Only the legendary pattern of deceiving the sky can cross the sea and temporarily cover up one's aura, so that Lei Jie can't lock the soul.

It's a pity that Feizhu is a craftsman, but she doesn't have such a high attainment in formations. If she is allowed to use the vitality from the manifestation of the soul to attract Yuanyuan Daolei, there will only be one result, and that will be forever.

But Zhang Kun is different. He can cut off the connection between his soul and vitality in time. In this way, even the original Dao Lei must follow the rules of heaven. Zhang Kun's soul will not be attacked if the original Dao Lei is not contaminated.

"I'll try again. Last time I induced too many original Dao mines. This time, I only need a few points less, and maybe I can succeed."

 It's the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and before you know it, it's the Lantern Festival, everyone, do you eat glutinous rice balls?
(End of this chapter)

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