Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 931 Examination of Desperate Situation

Chapter 931 Examination of Desperate Situation
Zhang Kun smiled at Fei Zhu, but Fei Zhu felt that the smile was a little tired and helpless. He was betting with his life and fighting hard. If the timing of the vitality is half a beat late, he will definitely lose his mind and soul!

But now they have no other choice. They can't just do nothing and be trapped here forever. This is not Zhang Kun's style.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Kun concentrated his energy to the extreme. He squinted his eyes, and controlled his vitality with his primordial spirit to slowly protrude out of the holy light shield. state.

Outside the holy light shield is an endless ocean of thunder calamity, as long as a trace of vitality is exposed, it will attract thunder light all over the sky, and this model is careful to attract only a trace of original thunder with the smallest amount of vitality!
Doing so requires a very high ability to control vitality, as if dancing on a tightrope, even a sliver of vitality will lead to devastating results, Zhang Kun has never been so nervous.

He felt unconscious all over his body. At this moment, he felt as if he was a muscular man, but he was holding an embroidery needle in his hand, and he was threading the needle accurately. This really tested his control ability.

"Perhaps it is because of this that Jingyu took this as my refiner's assessment. When a refiner refines a magic weapon, sometimes he needs such a fine-grained manipulation ability, a little more or less. The power of the magic weapon is a thousand miles away!" Zhang Kun thought silently in his heart.


A ray of almost invisible thunder light attached to Zhang Kun's protruding vitality, drew it over, and passed through the holy light shield!

"Success!" Zhang Kun couldn't help screaming. As he guessed, this holy light shield not only has a protective effect, but the power of the original Dao Lei was also greatly reduced at the moment when the original Dao Lei passed through the barrier. Reduced!

Zhang Kun quickly used a burst of vitality to wrap a little of the original Dao Lei that attracted him, as if a little bright thunder light was hidden in the crystal ball, and the original Dao Lei was successfully captured by him!

"Wow, I really have you!" Fei Zhu's pretty face was blushing, and she couldn't help clapping her hands. Her big beautiful eyes were bent into crescent shapes, and her beautiful eyes were full of admiration.

"How about it, Sister Feizhu, are these enough for you to refine?" Zhang Kun said with a smile.

He has already done the step of collecting materials, and the next step is to see if Fei Zhu can make it into a magic weapon. As long as she succeeds, the assessment will be over!

"Too little." Fei Zhu shook his head helplessly. It has to be said that Zhang Kun's ability to control his own vitality is indeed very strong. The original Dao Lei he captured with a very small amount of vitality is smaller than a grain of sand.

But this also led to another problem, the original dao mine was too small, let alone refined into a tool, it was not even enough to refine elixir.

"Okay, it seems that I have to try a few more times." Zhang Kun spread his hands helplessly, took a deep breath, recovered some of the vitality in his body, and once again concentrated on controlling the energy with God, as if pulling from the silk. The sea of ​​thunder from the outside world introduced a tiny bit of original Dao Lei.

This process is extremely exhausting, and it can also hone Zhang Kun's proficiency in extracting materials. Whether it is alchemy or refining, the essence of refined and purified materials is the foundation of the foundation. Various materials have different difficulties in extraction. It's not the same, but it is undoubtedly the most difficult material extraction behavior in the world to extract the original Dao Lei from the Origin Thunder Sea!
Fortunately, Zhang Kun can use the power of the holy light shield. Even if the terrifying original thunder passes through that barrier, its power will be greatly reduced, reduced to one billionth, which makes Zhang Kun have the ability to extract make it possible.

But even so, Zhang Kun still felt haggard for a while. He felt like his head was about to explode, and his eyes were full of stars. But the matter has come to this point, and he can't back down.

After taking a Concentration Pill, Zhang Kun closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for a while, the vitality in his body slowly recovered, and his spirit also became solidified. Zhang Kun took a long breath and looked at the five small and meager strands of original primordial energy that appeared in front of him. Dao Lei, with a slightly relaxed look on his face.

Even if five strands of original Dao thunders are not enough, according to Fei Zhu's estimation, Zhang Kun still needs to capture ten strands of original Dao thunders to refine even the magic weapon with the smallest materials. , it is estimated that it is impossible to succeed at one time, and several spare materials are needed!
Fei Zhu came up and looked at Zhang Kun with some concern.

"It's okay, there is no time limit anyway, I'll just take a break and continue." Zhang Kun smiled lightly and was about to trigger a ray of primordial thunder, but at this time Fei Zhu frowned and shook her head.

She sighed and said, "Didn't you notice that the holy light shield protecting us is weakening all the time!"

"What?" Zhang Kun's face suddenly changed. He was concentrating on extracting the original Dao Lei just now, and he didn't have any extra energy to explore the status of the Holy Light Shield. At this moment, he felt a little bit, and couldn't help but take a breath.

"Damn it, every ray of primordial thunder will weaken its power when it passes through the holy light shield, and as time goes by, the holy light shield will be wiped out by the sea of ​​thunder sooner or later!" Zhang Kun gripped He clenched his fist and said in a deep voice.

Sure enough, this is the style of Jingyu. How could it allow Zhang Kun to complete the assessment comfortably? Even though Jingyu did not set a time on the surface, it set conditions for Zhang Kun through the surrounding environment. When the world comprehended the meaning of frost, the surrounding temperature continued to drop until it reached absolute zero, and the entire ice world would collapse, and the situation in the thunder world was similar. Although the mirror field gave Zhang Kun the holy light shield for protection. , but it will decay, and when it decays, Zhang Kun and Fei Zhu will fall into the sea of ​​origin thunder, and be annihilated into ashes by those violent original thunders!
"Oops, it seems that we must hurry up!" Zhang Kun showed a dignified expression, looking at the turbulent chaotic thunder light around him, he could see fine cracks appearing on the originally intact holy light shield, Waves of furious thunder were slowly eroding the defense of the Holy Light Shield, and both of them felt a shock!
"I've got to try it, to activate two Dao Leis of Origin at a time!" Zhang Kun muttered to himself, his expression froze, and he stretched out his right hand Bing Xin Jue to the extreme, with five ice veins encircling his body, piercing his bones. The icy air attached to his vitality formed a thin frost armor. Relying on a little armor, Zhang Kun tried to catch one more ray of Origin Dao Lei at a time.

(End of this chapter)

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