Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 932 Rich Wen

Chapter 932
Fei Zhu's pretty face paled slightly, seeing Zhang Kun's desperate appearance, she couldn't help biting her lip, thinking in her heart that she must not let down Zhang Kun's efforts.

Fei Zhu blinked her big eyes, thinking about how to refine the Origin Dao Thunder into a tool, countless thoughts flashed through her mind, she practiced on Bugong Mountain for countless years, and she was so focused on it. On the way of refining equipment, I have read all the refining hand scrolls collected in Bugong Mountain, but none of these predecessors' refining methods can refine the original Dao Lei.

"What should I do?" Fei Zhu was a little anxious, and his thoughts were suddenly confused. At this time, Zhang Kun also let out a muffled groan, and couldn't help but backed up a few steps. He gritted his teeth, with a firm look in his eyes.

"Continue, I don't believe it anymore!" Zhang Kun once again condensed his ice veins, protruding his vitality, and persevering.

"I'm fine, sister Feizhu, you can concentrate on doing your own thing well." Zhang Kun looked over to Feizhu and gave her a reassuring look

Feizhu has no time to worry about Zhang Kun at this moment, because she is powerless to worry, she has to think of a way to refine the original Dao Lei within a limited time, at this moment her thinking diverged, and for a while Think hard.

In the deepest part of Feizhu's memory, there is a hazy place shrouded in mist. This is her memory from a long time ago. Hidden in the deepest part of her thoughts, Feizhu is constantly thinking, and all the surrounding sounds have disappeared at this moment. , She was completely immersed in her own world, constantly exploring the past in the hazy area of ​​memory.

That is a sealed taboo place, a kind of mystery that is not allowed by the rules of heaven!

"Master Patriarch's manuscript!" Feizhu finally remembered something, her pretty face flushed, her beautiful eyes were full of brilliance, she recalled the forgotten things deep in her memory, it was that Bugongshan After the founder of the mountain cast the immortal artifact, he summed up his previous refining experience in his later years and wrote it into a manuscript. It was about the casting method of the immortal artifact, and it recorded the secret method of refining the immortal-level material. The Supreme Artifact Refining Method, written by the founder of the mountain with all his painstaking efforts, can only be mastered by a master artisan in the realm of a great master!
Fei Zhu had come into contact with this manuscript a long time ago, and remembered it all in his mind, but it was something against the heavens, and it was forbidden by the rules of order for a mortal to create a fairy weapon. It is even more forbidden to write down the method of casting fairy artifacts!

Therefore, even if the patriarch of Bugongshan passed down the manuscript successfully, Fei Zhu would forget it after reading the manuscript. There was a mysterious aura that covered up the part of her memory about the casting method of immortal artifacts, but now, she remembered it.

In the middle of the night in Jialan City, after the evening bell of the Bodhi Courtyard rang a few times, the whole city became quiet, everything was silent, and there was no one in the fields.

At this moment, in a luxurious hotel, a young man with a dragon head and long knife walked out of the room.

"Yuan Wei, did the Great Alchemist agree to come down?" Baili Qiwen looked up at the visitor and asked indifferently.

Yuan Wei chuckled, and said casually: "He's just a soft bone. I threatened him a few times, and he gave up. What's more, he should be honored to refine the elixir for the Buddha's candidate, and he would never dare to refuse. .”

Baili Qiwen frowned, and said slightly annoyed: "After all, he is a great alchemist, and he is well-known in the city, and his status is not low. You are my guardian. Wouldn't you let the world talk about you doing this?"

Yuan Wei shrugged his shoulders with an expression of indifference.

"So what's the matter, as long as you win the Bodhi test, don't care what those foolish people say?"

Baili Qiwen frowned slightly, but didn't say anything else. What Yuan Wei said made sense. In this world, the strong are always respected, and the victor is king. Everything else is empty. As long as he becomes a Buddhist disciple, All problems can be easily solved!

"Forget it, there's still half a month left. Remember not to go out and cause trouble, and prepare well." Baili Qiwen warned in a deep voice, with a coldness in his eyes.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? The only guy who can be our enemy is Xuan Ren, but he announced that he will not bring a guardian in, so our pressure will be a little less. When the Bodhi trial begins, we will let Xuan Ren go in." Ren knows how powerful it is." Yuan Wei said with great confidence, as if he didn't pay attention to the Son of Xuanren, whom everyone feared.

But Baili Qiwen snorted coldly, with serious eyes, and a hint of sternness in his tone: "Xuanren and I were both born in Bodhi Courtyard, this person is completely invisible, it's better to be careful."

Baili Qiwen, Xuanren Shengzi, and the peach blossom-eyed monk who lingers in the land of love and moon are all from Bodhiyuan.

The Bodhi Court has three candidates for the Buddha, which can be said to have the advantage. The Son of Xuanren and the peach-eyed monk generally stay in Jialan City. The difference is that the Son of Xuanren basically spends time in the Bodhi Court. And the peach-eyed monk hangs out with those enchanting beauties every day and night.

The Bodhi Court is also very helpless about this, but among the seven names that appear on the Bodhi tree is this peach-eyed monk. You must know that there are still many young people in the Bodhi Court who are talented and powerful in Buddhism, and none of them have this The opportunity and qualification to participate in the Bodhi test was taken away by the peach-eyed monk. Naturally, they were all indignant!
But the peach-eyed monk was very smart and stayed in Jialan City, and those competitors couldn't attack him.

As for this Baili Qiwen, because he is too good, and his talent goes straight to Xuanren Shengzi, the eminent monks of the Bodhi Court were afraid that he would affect the status of Xuanren Shengzi in the Bodhi Court, so they simply transferred him to Cheng'an Temple As the abbot, this also earned him the title of the youngest abbot in history!

Although Cheng'an Temple can be regarded as a big temple, it is still not as good as the four courtyards under the Bodhi Court, let alone compared with the Bodhi Court itself. Baili Qiwen's stay in this Cheng'an Temple can be described as Trying hard, accumulating strength secretly, and constantly strengthening himself, he thinks that his hard work is hundreds of times stronger than Xuanren Shengzi!
Emperor Tian pays off, and the Lingfo's decree selected him as a candidate for the Buddha's son, giving him another chance to compete with Xuanren Shengzi. As long as he wins this Bodhi test and becomes a Buddha's son, it will make the whole Bodhisattva The courtyard and Jialanjing looked at him with admiration!

He can't wait to see Xuanren Shengzi trembling at his feet and begging for mercy. He has prepared for this moment for a long time, from the selection of the guardian to the magic medicine, he has to do everything to the extreme !

(End of this chapter)

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