Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 936

Chapter 936

"It's time to use this elixir." Zhang Kun remained calm and rational despite the pain. His mind was running fast, and his mental power enveloped him, monitoring every change in his body. And choose the right pill at the first time.

As an alchemist, alchemy is very important, but how to take the elixir is also very important. Some complicated elixir, especially after reaching the mysterious alchemy, is not something you can eat casually. It is necessary to let the alchemist stay by his side for a period of time, so that the alchemist can teach him under what circumstances he should take the elixir.

"Cough cough!" Zhang Kun couldn't help trembling. The pill he took at this moment was a pill to increase spiritual energy. It was released during the battle, but it turned out to be used all over the place!

As soon as the elixir entered the body, it was as if a wisp of magma had been swallowed into Zhang Kun's mouth. His lips turned white instantly, his whole body trembled violently as if struck by lightning, his face turned pale instantly, and he almost passed out again!

Forcibly holding back the rejection from his body, the burning sensation caused him pain all over his body. Zhang Kun closed his eyes tightly, concentrated his mind on the Five Elements Spirit Foundation, and in an instant he found the The situation can be described as a mess, like a volcano on the verge of eruption, which may collapse at any time, causing his whole body to explode!

The five kinds of psychic energy are like five wandering dragons writhing in his body, unable to find a way out, ramming into his body randomly, shuttling randomly, crushing Zhang Kun's vitality directly, the vitality of his Yuanying peak level is here This kind of powerful heaven and earth psionic energy was too weak, and the vitality in Zhang Kun's body was evaporated in an instant!
"Come again!" Zhang Kun gritted his teeth, raised his hand and took a elixir, trying to control the five spiritual powers with the help of the elixir, but even Zhang Kun had already taken protective measures with the elixir, However, the combination of those five spiritual energies produced a violent reaction, almost smashing his meridians to pieces!

The terrifying energy smashed Zhang Kun's body with extremely terrifying power, penetrated into his limbs and bones, not only to destroy his meridians, but even to use powerful power to deal a fatal blow to his flesh and blood!
The unruly psychic energy comes from between the heaven and the earth, with a wildness. Even the psychic energy that has accompanied Zhang Kun for a long time, such as Chixia Yanxi and Fuyao Hurricane, began to explode under the excitation of Yuan Dao Lei. Explode Zhang Kun's entire body!
Zhang Kun's internal state is too bad now, the Five Elements Spirit Foundation is in a state of collapse at any time, and under the combined effect of countless spiritual powers, not only the Spirit Foundation, but even his Golden Core and Nascent Soul have been affected. A certain degree of impact, but the most devastating blow was his meridians. Compared with Jindan Yuanying, the meridians of the human body are still fragile in Thailand. They were all burnt red!
Because of the constantly changing effect of the temperature difference, his meridians seemed to be twisted into twists, riddled with holes, which made people feel palpitations. Zhang Kun's face burst with veins, like green dragons bursting. It was extremely distorted, and there were several blood holes all over his body. It can be said that Zhang Kun's state is really a mess now!
Fortunately, he has a large amount of elixir for assistance. The previous protective elixir has been completely exhausted, but Zhang Kun hastily took another elixir. His body is so dilapidated that he is almost In a state of disability!
It can be said that Zhang Kun is too cruel to himself. You must know that he has just absorbed the original Dao Lei bit by bit in the sea of ​​​​origin thunder, which caused some problems in his physical condition, and he did not stop To continue to integrate the Five Elements Spirit Foundation, I have to say that Zhang Kun is very desperate!
This kind of behavior of absorbing spiritual energy into the body is extremely dangerous. It is even more difficult to change the spiritual fire three times like the one-eyed alchemist of the Xue family. It is precisely because of this that he has the opportunity to compete with Mo Ren His alchemy strength shows how great the benefits and changes brought to him by the Three Changes of Spirit Fire!

However, what Zhang Kun has to do at this time is several times more difficult than the one-eyed alchemist of the Xue family. First of all, he uses five kinds of spiritual powers, and these five kinds of spiritual powers are still of different attributes. It is extremely complicated, and it is as difficult as climbing the sky to perfectly integrate these five kinds of spiritual powers!

"Ice pulse, Ning!"

Zhang Kun gritted his teeth, squeezed out a few words from his throat with difficulty, and suddenly the Bing Xin Jue turned to the extreme. Frost, the cold air overflowed, and the icy air veins took root in his meridians, which actually cooled down the five nearly bursting spiritual energy, as if time had been frozen, and everything slowed down.

Frost-like films quickly appeared on the meridians all over his body, like armor, and the fragile meridians were finally protected again.


Zhang Kun let out a long breath, the augmentation elixir has already played a role in his body, the four spiritual energies except the origin Dao Lei seem to be nourished, greedily sucking the spiritual power contained in the elixir, this It is a very dangerous process, if you are not careful, you will overwhelm the power of a kind of psionic energy!

Now the five kinds of psychic powers have reached a delicate dynamic balance, but if there is any problem, the balance between life and life will be broken in an instant, then there is only one ending waiting for Zhang Kun, and that is to fall and die!
Life or death is often just a matter of thought. A choice will determine a person's life. Zhang Kun can choose to give up now. He has prepared a pill to dissolve these spiritual energy. There is a crisis in the body, but the price of doing that is that he will lose these five spiritual powers, and he will not be able to cultivate to a perfect state in the foundation building state in this life!
This is an acceptable way out for many monks, but Zhang Kun is unwilling to give up, he wants to be perfect and the best!
Gritting his teeth, Zhang Kun barely concentrated his energy, raised his hand to fetch a bottle of elixir, and poured it into his mouth!


Zhang Kun felt that he had taken more pills this time than in his previous lifetime, but in order to tame these unruly and wild psionic abilities, there was only one way to go!
(End of this chapter)

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