Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 937 Nothingness Attribute

Chapter 937 Nothingness Attribute

The elixir he took at this moment is very special and extremely precious. The materials used were obtained by him in Qionghua Palace. The attributes of this elixir are not common elements, nor even time and space, but extremely rare. The nihilistic attribute!
This is exactly an attribute that could not exist in the first place, and it is the opposite of the chaotic attribute. If chaos is all-encompassing and the result of merging everything to the extreme, nothingness is exactly the opposite existence!
Merging all things together, the final result is nothingness, which is the special and unique attribute of nothingness. Zhang Kun seems to have entered a very strange state after entering this pill. The bulging veins gradually subsided, replaced by an unprecedented solemnity!
The purpose of taking this elixir is not to speed up the fusion of the five kinds of psychic powers, and of course it is not to disintegrate them, but to use the elemental attribute's fear and fear of the void attribute to settle down!
You must know that those elemental psychics have their own personalities and emotions. They have opened up their spiritual intelligence and have rich emotions, and what they fear and fear the most is the void element, because it is a super-level that overrides all elemental attributes. attribute, can dissolve them all!
Sure enough, the moment the nihility attribute appeared, all the elements in Zhang Kun's entire body became quiet for a while, as if they had encountered a natural enemy, each of them was silent like a cicada!

"Finally settled down, this time I have spent all my money!" Zhang Kun couldn't help but feel a little heartache. The value of this void pill is not weaker than that of Wuxiang elixir. Zhang Kun originally planned to use it in other places in the future , but did not expect the application here!

But even so, Zhang Kun is still dancing on the wire rope, because the nothingness pill can not only dissolve the five kinds of spiritual energy, but even Zhang Kun's body can be easily dissolved!
In order to prevent it from touching Zhang Kun's meridians, he had to take several kinds of pills to consume the nothingness pills, and the further he went, the more pills he needed to consume. If the speed at which Zhang Kun takes the elixir to release his vitality, his meridians will inevitably be eroded!

It can be said that Zhang Kun is holding a time bomb in his body to deter the five kinds of psychic powers, and at the same time he is playing with fire!
It has to be said that Zhang Kun is really a brave man with a high skill. It is unbelievable that he dared to swallow such a dangerous elixir!

As the five kinds of psychic energy were suppressed by the void pill, Zhang Kun suddenly felt a sudden sense of relief, as if a person walking in the desert suddenly got a mouthful of sweet spring, and his pale face finally eased at this moment A lot, a little more rosy.

The next step is to wait for the five kinds of psychic energy to merge with each other and keep the balance gradually stabilized. Those psychic energies were originally uncontrollable as if they were runaway wild horses, but now they have calmed down, and Zhang Kun is running in the Kunyu Huazhang Regarding the method of establishing a foundation, the ancient mantra was slowly chanted in his mouth. At this moment, the entire Taoist temple seemed to be activated. Wan Dao shines on Zhang Kun's body.

Immediately, the five kinds of spiritual energy seemed to be ordered by some kind of existence, and they calmed down in an instant, extremely gentle, completely different from the previous state. , Extreme Heaven and Pure Land respectively represent the five elements, and at this moment in Zhang Kun's body, they finally formed a five-element formation harmoniously!
To achieve this step, in fact, there is only one step left before the final success, that is, Zhang Kun will use these five kinds of spiritual energy as materials to rebuild the Five Elements Spirit Foundation.

Spiritual power surged, and the energy formed by mixing five kinds of spiritual energy was slowly poured into Zhang Kun's Dao foundation. At this moment, his body seemed to emit bright brilliance, blood and flesh emitted Immeasurable precious light.

Those previous injuries have all been repaired at this moment, and the five elements of spiritual energy are constantly washing his body. Up to this point, Zhang Kun still hasn't taken it lightly. It is very difficult, not to mention the five-in-one five-element energy manipulated by Zhang Kun now, the difficulty and danger have gone up to a new level!

With a muffled snort, Zhang Kun's face paled a little. Just now, he accidentally made some mistakes in the control of the energy of the five elements, and Zhang Kun was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat. The layer of frost armor was broken, and Zhang Kun's face became a little ugly, but he quickly took another elixir to adjust it, and continued to manipulate the five elements to inject spiritual energy into the spirit foundation!

This is a very time-consuming job, and it requires enough patience. You can't relax at all, otherwise it may fall short!
Fail, fail again.
I don't know how long it has passed. During the successive failures, Zhang Kun felt a little tired and numb, a little drowsy, and the scene in front of him became blurred. At this moment, he suddenly felt that everything became smoother. When he woke up, the power of the Five Elements Psychic Energy could be injected into the Five Elements Spirit Base without his further guidance!

Zhang Kun was immediately overjoyed, his eyes widened, and he looked at this sudden change in disbelief, only to see that those psychic powers automatically followed the path Zhang Kun had guided into the spirit foundation step by step!
After realizing this situation, Zhang Kun tried to continue to guide the five-element psychic energy with his spiritual power. Sure enough, the speed became faster, and the five-element psychic energy seemed to be completely tamed. Accept the Lingji!

After three full days in the mirror domain space, Zhang Kun finally opened his eyes slowly, and his eyes shone brightly. He felt that his whole body was full of strength, and a brand new spiritual base had been built. In his body, the five-element spirit foundation uses the five-element array as the skeleton, like a small altar. During the process, Zhang Kun imitated the appearance of those patterns and drew them on his spirit base!

The foundation-building realm has finally been cultivated to the extreme, a ray of light starts to rise from the bottom of his body, breaks through the spirit base, penetrates the golden core, and connects the Nascent Soul one after another, rushing unstoppably upwards, as if it can reach the sky!
"It's time to break through to the realm of Mahayana!" Zhang Kun muttered to himself, and slowly stretched out his hand. At this moment, a small seed appeared in his palm, which is the seed of Bodhi!
(End of this chapter)

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