Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 938 Breakthrough, Mahayana Realm

Chapter 938 Breakthrough, Mahayana Realm

This Bodhi Dao Seed comes from the Bodhi Secret Realm, the place where the upcoming Bodhi Trial will be held. It should have been exclusive to the buddhist candidates, but Zhang Kun got this precious treasure because of the reward of the Great Alchemist Examination !
"The so-called Mahayana refers to the fact that the cultivation base is getting stronger and more refined, and the whole body is powerful, reaching the state of perfection. Both the spirit and the body are self-sufficient, and the supernatural powers are self-generated, possessing boundless mana!" Zhang Kun murmured Soliloquy.

In the Dayan Realm, Mahayana monks can already be regarded as the backbone force, and in some small worlds, the strong ones in the Mahayana Realm can be kings and hegemons, rule a region, and be happy!

Even in a main city like Jialan City, the Mahayana monks are prominent figures, and the elder families of the major cultivation families are also in the Mahayana realm on average!

Of course, Mahayana is not that strong among such powerful forces as the Three Schools and Six Palaces. After all, there are a series of realms such as Fusion, Void Refining, and Spirit Transformation.

However, the backbone of a sect is the Mahayana monks, because the Nascent Soul Realm can be regarded as having truly entered the path of cultivation, and the Mahayana can truly gain a foothold in the Dayan Realm. If you don’t enter the Mahayana, you have no status!

The power of Mahayana is vast and powerful, and it is already able to move mountains and fill seas, and transform the terrain of Dayan Realm, but the Mahayana realm can be said to be a transitional realm, unlike the Jindan and Yuanying realms where some kind of Dao fruit can be cultivated, but It is to consolidate all the previous realms and achieve perfection. The Mahayana realm can transform the body, display the clone outside the body, and greatly increase the strength. However, the realm of fusion is the real threshold for monks!
Only after entering the body can one be called a powerful person. It is the background of a power that the ancestors of the major cultivation families have such a state!

As far as the powerful twelve factions are concerned, the elders of the body-fitting realm can also be called their mainstay. Some of the suzerains of the twelve factions are also strong at the peak of the body. A powerful sect leader is a strong person who refines the void!
It is extremely difficult to cultivate the Void Refining Realm. Hundreds of millions of living beings may not be able to give birth to a Void Refining expert. Every Void Refining expert is a super expert who can suppress the first realm. In the entire Jialan Realm, there are only Void Refining experts. But only a few digits.

"According to the information from the lady of Tianji Pavilion, the two Void Refining Powerhouses currently sitting in the Bodhi Courtyard are the abbot and the head seat, two masters." Zhang Kun lowered his head in thought, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Refinement? Hmph." Zhang Kun smiled slightly, "Bodhiyuan, how will you choose in the end?"

Having said that, Zhang Kun stretched out a ray of vitality to wrap the Bodhi Dao Seed, and guided it with his mind to absorb the power of Dao Rhyme in it.

The Bodhi Dao Seed contains the Tao fruit of a Buddha Bodhisattva, which contains the supreme magic. It has many functions. In the eyes of believers, it is a sacred object, which can be used to improve the Buddha nature. In the eyes of ordinary monks, this is It seems to be a key that is sure to break through into the realm of Mahayana!
However, for Zhang Kun, his meaning is more than that!

"According to the words of Mi Xin recorded in the ancient scriptures, one can also cultivate the fruit of the Dao in the Mahayana realm, and that is the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana!"

And one of the prerequisites for cultivating the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana is to have a certain level of Buddha-nature cultivation. This was originally an obstacle for Zhang Kun, but he did not expect that he accidentally obtained the seed of Bodhi!

With the help of this kind of fetish, Zhang Kun is enough to cultivate the sea of ​​Mahayana!

"open up!"

Chanting the ancient incantations, the Taoist brilliance between the Taoist halls lit up again, and the bright brilliance shone on Zhang Kun's body, as if the light of Buddha was shining everywhere. The magic city can find the corresponding mysterious magic pattern on the four walls of the Taoist hall. At this moment, Zhang Kun's three souls and seven souls all light up. He issued an order with his spiritual consciousness, and the vitality in his body suddenly surged like the tide of the void!
"Zizizi." There was a sound of water, and a wave of spiritual energy swayed in Zhang Kun's sea of ​​air. The Nascent Soul was hanging high in the middle, the golden core wrapped everything, and the thousand-foot-high spirit base stood on the ground. Point to the sky!

At this time, a little light began to seep into the center of the small universe in Zhang Kun's body!
That is the power of the Bodhi Dao Seed, which has penetrated into Zhang Kun's body. This breakthrough is finally not as painful and dangerous as casting the Five Elements Spirit Foundation before. mind.

A burst of golden radiance erupted from Zhang Kun's body, and the entire small world in his body was shrouded in a vast bright light. The Buddha's radiance was ten thousand, as if the supreme divine power descended, and countless phantoms of gods and Buddhas suddenly appeared behind him, Jin Guangyao In the world, it is like a great Buddha resurrected, holding flowers with a smile, reciting ancient scriptures, and saving all living beings.

If the eminent monks of the Bodhi Court saw this scene, they would be absolutely horrified. Their eyes widened, thinking that the eighth Buddha candidate had appeared. The Dao Seed can't exert such a great power yet, but the Nine-turn Golden Wheel Nascent Soul created by Zhang Kunxiu is now covered with purple light, circulating a mysterious brilliance, spinning at a high speed, bringing up golden light wheels one after another.

"So that's the case." Zhang Kun couldn't help but nodded. He once used the enlightened power of the nine-turn golden wheel Yuanying to comprehend the gray-clothed monk's unique skill of returning to reincarnation, so he was also contaminated with a ray of Buddha nature, which made him and There is a predestined relationship with the Buddha, so the Bodhi Dao Seed burst out with extraordinary and immeasurable Buddha light!
Zhang Kun closed his eyes and waited quietly. This process does not require much intervention from him. Everything just needs to be done in a natural way. Some breakthroughs seem to be a battle, a battle with the sky and the earth , to open up a future of his own, but some realms seem to be a chance. The process of cultivation is a process of enjoyment. Zhang Kun has a faint feeling that the time he stays in the Mahayana realm will not be very long. long!

"The best kindness is like water." At this moment, Zhang Kun felt that his spiritual consciousness was clear, as if he was wandering in the void. In the arms of the mother, this feeling is very good, like soaking in a warm bath.

All of a sudden, Zhang Kun felt that his soul seemed to be enlightened. In the warm water, he gradually felt the coming of spiritual light. It seemed that there was aura surrounding him. When his mind moved, his consciousness spread Going thousands of miles away, it seems like a big bird, soaring upwards, clearing away the clouds and bearing Qingming, carefree and extremely happy!
(End of this chapter)

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