Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 941: Four Great Families Together

Chapter 941
"Yeah." Li Qingqing nodded, and skillfully began to refine the pills for the customers. She always did this, and she did everything calmly.

Zhang Kun was very relieved to hand over the pharmacy to her. He took Liu Yu'an and Zi Ji into the inner room.

About an hour later, Liu Yu'an and Zi Ji left the pharmacy with smiles.

Zhang Kun slowly walked out of the inner room, and watched the two walk away with a chuckle.

Some kind of agreement has been reached between them, Liu Yu'an is about to conduct the Bodhi test, and naturally needs a lot of pills and supplies, Zhang Kun can give these to him, and Zhang Kun also needs to borrow Liu Yu'an's hand to do something.

After sending Liu Yu'an away, Zhang Kun felt that he had almost achieved his goal, and he didn't have any intentions to make alchemy in the medicine shop. After greeting the guests for the day, Zhang Kun closed the stall early and told those people that from tomorrow onwards he would There will be no more pharmacies selling medicine.

After leaving the pharmacy, Zhang Kun took Li Qingqing to the underground black market in Jialan City to purchase a batch of medicinal materials. In order to build the Five Elements Spirit Foundation, Zhang Kun used all his family assets to practice. During the process, he swallowed hundreds of pills at least.

After finishing the matter here, Zhang Kun immediately entered the state of retreat and practice. In the last ten days or so, he must ensure that his state is perfect, otherwise he will not have any completion of his bold plan. Yanjie is the enemy!

"I hope Yuanwei and Baili Qiwen can enjoy the taste of these pills." The corner of Zhang Kun's mouth curled up slightly, and he chuckled in his heart. During the process of refining the pills, he quietly added a few A kind of toxin, the Poison Sutra of Calamity and Poison is an earth-level skill. In other words, it refers to the Supreme Alchemy Sutra that directly refers to the refining method of elixir. There is no difference between the alchemy and the normal elixir when it is refined, even if it is refined by a great alchemist of Li Weiru's level, there is no way to check it out!
As for toxicity, let alone, Zhang Kun specially found a top drug manufacturing shop according to the gossip given by Mrs. Ren of Tianji Pavilion, bought the most potent poison in their family from the black market, and finally refined it The toxicity contained in the elixir made even Zhang Kun's expression change after seeing it himself!
Three days later, Zhang Kun sent out two batches of pills, one was sent to Baili Qiwen, and the other was sent to Wen Xi Pavilion. The bustard accepted it instead of him.

Ten days passed by in a flash.

In the early morning, the distant bells rang throughout the venue, and a round of warm sun rose, shining on the whole land.

The day of the Jialan Land Water and Land Ceremony has finally arrived.

A mighty convoy galloped out of Jialan City. The monks stationed at the city gate didn't dare to stop them at all, and hurriedly moved out of the way. The cars and horses raised countless smoke and dust, and disappeared at the end of the road in an instant.

At the front of the convoy was a carriage with complicated decorations, but it was pulled by two pure white lions, the coercion radiated while running made the monks who passed by tremble with fear.

The white jade lion family is originally a spiritual beast raised by Buddhism, and these two white jade lions with Mahayana strength are even rarer, even in the Bodhi Courtyard, there are not many of them, and the one who pulls a cart with two white jade lions must be of high status. people.When the nearby monks saw the convoy, they hurriedly avoided it, watching the convoy go away in horror and doubt, guessing which big family or core member of the monastery was sitting on it.

Although there were speculations about the identities of the people inside, there was silence in the carriage. The four middle-aged people sitting there had their eyes closed and did not respond to outside discussions.

These four people belonged to the patriarchs of the four major families in Jialan City. If the people of Jialan City saw these four sitting in the same car, their jaws would drop in shock.

Because in the four major families, there are deep grievances and entanglements accumulated with each other, and they all wish to destroy each other, but this time they are sitting in the same car, it is simply inconceivable.

The destination of this convoy is the Bodhi Courtyard. The Water and Land Ceremony is the most grand ceremony in the entire Garan Realm, and the four major families of the Garan City are also on the invitation list of the Bodhi Courtyard.

And this trip is also the result of the joint discussions of the four major families. This time, the Water and Land Ceremony is unusual, and the Bodhi Court is full of fanfare, and even invited many foreign forces to watch the ceremony.

As one of the top forces in the Garan Realm, the four major families of Garan City, no matter how much they fight openly and secretly in Garan City, they cannot lose face in front of foreign forces, so they unanimously decided to join the four major families in this Water and Land Ceremony. advance and retreat together.

Although the four people in the car all had their eyes closed, their spiritual consciousness enveloped the entire convoy all the time. After all, no one was worried about whether the other three would do some tricks on the road.

After all, the core members of the four major families are all here, as long as one family has malicious intentions and ambushes, it will really kill them all.


Suddenly the four of them opened their eyes together and looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

Under the amazed eyes of those passers-by, this luxurious motorcade slowly stopped beside a young man.

The young man also stopped, and looked up at the carriage surrounded by the magic circle.

"Master Zhang, long time no see."

The carriage was opened, and a middle-aged scribe came out, who was the Patriarch of the Su family, Su Yi.

And the heads of the other three families who came out immediately behind looked at Zhang Kun with smiles.

"Master Zhang, are you also going to attend the Water and Land Ceremony?" Wang Yuan, the Patriarch of the Wang family, asked with a smile on his face, a middle-aged man dressed as a Confucian scholar.

Zhang Kun nodded. He was no stranger to these four people. After he became a great alchemist, he had very close contacts with these four families and helped them refine a large amount of elixir. I also met a lot.

"If Master Zhang doesn't dislike it, why not go with us?" Patriarch Xue said, while Patriarch Jia Zhengqing nodded with a smile and looked at Zhang Kun with fiery eyes.

Zhang Kun was also quite helpless about the Patriarch of the Jia family who was about to marry his daughter to him. Although he clearly refused, the Patriarch Jia didn't care, and kept trying to match himself and his daughter. It made everyone in Jialan City think that sooner or later he would be the son-in-law of the Jia family.

Zhang Kun subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when he saw those monks staring at him, he knew that even if he wanted to keep a low profile this time, he would not be able to do so, so he generously agreed, and under the envious eyes of everyone, he boarded the car The ultimate luxury lion car.

(End of this chapter)

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