Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 942 I Like Her

Chapter 942 I Like Her
"Who is this person? With such a big name, the patriarchs of the four major families in Jialan City can get off the car and invite them in person." A Mahayana monk said sourly. He is well-known in Jialan City, but compared with the four major families, When you get up, you are nothing.

"That's right, it looks like he's just a Nascent Soul cultivator, and he must be relying on his father's face." Immediately, someone answered, his face was full of jealousy, and his eyes were fixed on the moving convoy.

"Hmph, he's just an ignorant dude." The Mahayana monk said arrogantly.

"The ignorant young man you are talking about is the youngest alchemist in the entire Garan Realm." A person who recognized Zhang Kun's identity couldn't listen anymore, and sneered and mocked.

The people who were just hugging and watching the fun were suddenly shocked by this news.

"I just said he looked familiar, it turned out to be Great Alchemist Zhang, no wonder the four Patriarchs treated him so seriously.

"What? He is the Pill Master Zhang who caused a sensation in Jialan City a few days ago?"

"I heard that Great Alchemist Li Weiru felt ashamed after watching his assessment scene, thinking that he would definitely surpass himself within ten years."

Everyone was talking about it, as if they had witnessed Zhang Kun's demeanor when he participated in the assessment, but the monk at the Mahayana period quietly disappeared into the crowd.

After Zhang Kun joined, the atmosphere in the car began to heat up.

Although Zhang Kun's attitude was a bit cold, the four patriarchs became more enthusiastic after knowing his temperament.

"This year's Water and Land Ceremony, Bodhi Court is so fanfare, it seems that it is really for Xuanren Shengzi."

While Su Yi sighed, he looked at the distant sky, streams of light flashed away, and the figures in the stream of light could be vaguely seen, all of them were people from various forces who were invited to participate in the Water and Land Ceremony.

"The Water and Land Ceremony is just a gimmick. What these powerful forces really care about is probably the real strength of the Son of Xuanren. After all, the Bodhi Academy claims that the Son of Xuanren has certain characteristics of a Buddha, and this Buddha's trial, This is the first time that Holy Son Xuanren has appeared in public, and this is exactly the purpose of the influence." Jia Zhengqing said.

"I heard that this time, the three sects have sent people here. The purpose is to find out the details of Xuanren Shengzi. If Xuanren Shengzi really has all kinds of supernatural powers as Bodhiyuan said, then the three sects also You should start to worry about whether you can still sit on the high platform, and the status of the Bodhi Court may completely surpass the Six Palaces." Wang Yuan took a deep look at the several Patriarchs, and there was concern in his eyes.

Zhang Kun's heart moved. Although Jialan City is located at the foot of Bodhiyuan, it seems that the relationship between the four major families of Jialan City and Bodhiyuan is also very subtle, and they don't seem to want Bodhiyuan to be strong.

Patriarch of the Xue family, Xue Yichun sighed heavily, and said: "Although this trial of the Buddha son is just a formality, it must be the victory of the son of Xuanren, but what I am worried about is that if the trial of the Buddha son is over After that, we still can't see the true strength of Xuanren Shengzi."

"Impossible, the guardians of the other candidates are also the most outstanding people among the young generation in the Garan Realm, and it is said that Xuanren Shengzi is only in the Composite Realm. Can sweep." Jia Zhengqing said immediately, but suddenly fell into silence while talking.

The others looked at each other with deep worry in their eyes.

"I'm afraid not. I don't think this person may be able to secure the position of Buddha." Zhang Kun, who was silently watching from the side, suddenly said.

"Oh? What inside information does Pill Master Zhang know? Could it be that a certain candidate is hiding a killer move?" Although Xue Yichun didn't report any hope, he didn't believe that Zhang Kun's information would be more detailed than what he got from his own intelligence network. Ask politely.

"I'm more optimistic about Lin Fozi." Zhang Kun said casually with a smile on his lips.

"Lin Fozi?" Xue Yichun was stunned for a moment, but for a moment he didn't remember that there was someone surnamed Lin among the seven candidates.

"It was the female candidate who appeared at the end. Her identity is quite mysterious. But it is said that her strength is very low, and no one is willing to be her guardian." Jia Zhengqing explained that he was also very impressed with this female candidate at the beginning. Curious, after all, I have never heard of this person before, guessing whether it is some hidden genius, and even spent a lot of money to investigate, this person only has foundation building strength, so I didn't pay attention anymore.

"Alchemist Zhang is really good at joking, but it's really not easy to participate in the Buddha's trial as a woman." Xue Yichun laughed it off, and didn't take Zhang Kun's words seriously.

Zhang Kun smiled and nodded without explaining.

After the convoy arrived at the foot of the giant Buddha, Zhang Kun really felt the grandeur of the Buddha statue. The bare toe was already tens of meters high. The entire Buddha statue had penetrated deep into the clouds and could not be seen at a glance.

And the soft Buddha light shining on the right hand of the Buddha statue is where the Bodhi Temple is located.

On the square in front of the Buddha statue, there have been monks waiting here for a long time.

After reading their invitation letter, they welcomed the five of them in.

Relying on his status as a great alchemist, Zhang Kun easily got an invitation letter from the Bodhi Court.

"Several benefactors, please follow me." The guiding monk led the five people into a light curtain.

A slightly familiar feeling of dizziness came, and Zhang Kun guessed that this was some kind of transformation of the teleportation formation.

When Zhang Kun looked again, towering and continuous ancient buildings appeared in front of his eyes, and the magnificent golden hall shocked the hearts of the visitors.

"The Water and Land Ceremony is about to start, please take your seats." The five followed the escorting monk to a seat in the front. At this time, tens of thousands of people were already crowded in the square.

Although the Bodhi Court would not reject those who did not have an invitation letter, they could only stand in such a crowded place.

After several people sat down next to each other, Zhang Kun glanced at the young monk sitting next to him. He and the dozen or so monks next to him were all dressed in white monk robes, and seemed to be from the same monastery.

The unusually handsome white-clothed monk noticed Zhang Kun's gaze, put his palms together with a smile and said, "The poor monk Yuanzhen came from Cheng'an Temple with all the brothers and sisters."

"Zhang Tianmeng." Zhang Kun smiled back.

Surprise flashed in the eyes of the monk in white, as if he knew Zhang Kun's identity as a great alchemist, but he immediately returned to normal, smiling and nodding.


Three grand bells came from the depths of the temple, directly reaching the hearts of the people, and the noisy square fell silent unconsciously.

Tens of thousands of pairs of eyes cast their eyes on the golden hall.

The door of the temple opened wide, and a monk wearing a golden cassock came out.

(End of this chapter)

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