Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 943 The Master of the Bodhi Courtyard

Chapter 943 The Master of the Bodhi Courtyard
This monk looks haggard, looks like thirty, fifty, seventy, he can't tell his real age.

The eyes are like deep pools, but they don't give people the impression of deep and terrifying, but instead make people feel as broad and tolerant as rivers, lakes and seas.

Half a step behind the cassock monk followed a sad-faced monk. The two walked together and walked slowly to the high platform.

These two people are the abbot and head of the Bodhi Courtyard, Fangzheng and Fang Wen are also the two masters of the Jialan Realm, and they can be said to be the two strongest in the entire Jialan Realm. This level of strength is extremely dazzling even in the Six Palaces .

Hundreds of monks from the Bodhi Temple walked behind the two and followed them to sit cross-legged on the high platform.

A wooden fish appeared in Fangzheng's hand. He beat the wooden fish and recited the Great Compassionate Mantra. Hundreds of monks behind him recited it together, and the grand and solemn voice spread throughout the Bodhi Court.

The golden hall behind the high platform emits infinite light, and the seven-color brilliance flows and shines on every listener.

Everyone's body and mind seemed to have been purified. The doubts encountered in cultivation suddenly became clear, and even the originally immovable bottleneck was loosened a little.

Even Zhang Kun suddenly noticed some omissions that he hadn't noticed on weekdays, and he became more enlightened.

After a long time, the brilliance gradually dissipated along with the chanting of the scriptures, but the audience still closed their eyes, more or less feeling a little bit.

"Everyone, this water and land ceremony will be held for seven days. Every day, the old monk will chant scriptures here with all the monks. The first four days will pray for the souls of the Dayan Realm, and the last three days will save the dead souls of the Dayan Realm."

Fangzheng stood up tremblingly, his face seemed to be getting more and more haggard. It was quite a waste for him to integrate himself and the Buddhist teachings of the monks into the scriptures, and to bestow good fortune on these audiences.

Tens of thousands of audience members clasped their hands together and bowed slightly to Fangzheng to express their gratitude.Fangzheng returned the salute, proclaimed the Buddha's name, and led the monks back to the main hall.

This is the end of the first day of the Water and Land Ceremony.

The Bodhi Court has prepared wing rooms for those monks who have invitation letters. Zhang Kun got up and left with the flow of people. Looking around, he did not find Lin Yuxi and other Buddhist candidates.

But in the Bodhi Courtyard, he wasn't worried about Lin Yuxi's safety. He should be adjusting his state for the Buddha's trial seven days later. Zhang Kun didn't plan to look for her in the Bodhi Courtyard, and he would see her naturally at that time.

In the depths of the Bodhi Courtyard, at the end of the deep path, stands a simple hut, which is incompatible with the majestic and majestic buildings around it.

But when the monks passing by looked at this small hut, they all showed some awe.


The dilapidated wooden door of the small hut was pushed open after an itchy rubbing sound.

A tall monk was holding a broken black wooden stick in his right hand, and his cassock was half hung, revealing a large area of ​​bronze-colored skin, and precious light was faintly flowing on every inch of his skin.

The tall monk looked towards the dark part of the room, where a monk with a gentle face was sitting on the futon, and people couldn't help but get close to him when they saw it.

This person is Monk Fang Shou, the younger brother of Fang Zheng and Fang Wen, and the second elder of the Bodhi Court. I didn't know that there was actually a Second Elder in the Bodhi Court.

Because this person has almost never shown his face to the outside world, he has been guarding this dilapidated hut for decades, as if he is guarding something, but even the monks in the Bodhi Court do not know what it is.

"Zhu Shen, long time no see." Fang Shou opened his eyes with a gentle smile.

"Elder Fang Shou, what do you want from me?" The monk called Zhu Shen did not hide the doubt in his eyes.

The relationship between him and Fang Shou is not very close, but he met him by chance ten years ago when he came to the Bodhi Academy to report on his work, so he couldn't understand why Fang Shou would meet with him in private at this time, The trial of the Buddha's son is coming soon. As the second elder of the Bodhi Court, Fang Shou is in trouble. Don't you know what it means to avoid suspicion?
He was not surprised that he had met Fang Shou this time. After he went out, the outside world would definitely start to suspect and speculate about the relationship between the two, and there might even be some bad rumors.This kind of thing, even the so-called pure Buddhism of the six senses cannot avoid it.

"You have been guarding the Tongmen Gate for Jialan Realm for many years, but it's going well?" Fang Shou walked to the small wooden table, motioned for everyone to sit down, and began to wash and make tea, his movements were slow and charming.

"Recently, there seems to be some changes within these barbarians, but we haven't investigated it clearly, and we don't know what the hell is going on, but as long as I, Zhu Shen, are around for a day, those barbarians will never try to break through the iron gates." Zhu Shen was covered in monk robes. Drumming, a fierce fighting intent appeared in his eyes.

"Hold your heart, and subdue the tiger hidden in your heart. No wonder you broke through so quickly in the past ten years." Fang Shou didn't care that this clean room was made murderous by Zhu Shen, and poured him a cup of tea with a smile.

"So, Elder Fang Shou, what do you mean by looking for me?" Zhu Shen didn't care about Fang Shou's words of praise, but instead looked a little impatient.

"I heard, Zhu Shen, you once said that you are willing to give up your status as a candidate for Buddhist disciples to protect Xuanren?" Fang Shou asked back.

"That's right!" Zhu took a deep breath, his expression extremely solemn.

"If Xuanren Shengzi is really able to step into that realm as you said, then I am willing to protect the way for him."

"Even if Xuanren stepped into that realm, it has nothing to do with you. In a sense, he is still your enemy now. Why are you doing this?" Fang Shou looked a little confused, as if he couldn't understand.

"I have a few catties and a few ounces. I can weigh it clearly. I am destined to miss that realm in this life, but if Xuanren Shengzi can step into that realm in the future, then joining hands with those few people can make a difference for Dayan. Realm, to eradicate the troubles of the barbarians. Therefore, I am willing to protect him until he reaches the peak of the Dayan Realm." Zhu Shen said.

Fang Shou looked at this unconventional monk with his breasts exposed, his eyes were in a daze for a moment, and then he smiled and said: "It's a pity, with Xuanren's temperament, even I can't persuade you to come back to make a decision." , or let you be his guardian, maybe it will become a good story in the future."

Zhu Shen nodded, looking a little lonely.

"However, there are some accidents in the Buddha's trial now, which makes us very headache." Fang Shou rubbed the center of his brows, and said in distress.

"Elder Fang Shou, if you have something to say, if it is related to Xuanren Shengzi, I will definitely do my best to help him." Zhu Shen said.

(End of this chapter)

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