Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 944

Chapter 944
"Did you know that there is a woman among the candidates for the Buddhist disciple this time?" Fang Shou asked.

"I have heard." Zhu Shen frowned, recalling: "It seems that I found it from the secular world, not from Buddhism, and I don't know what you Bodhiyuan think."

Zhu Shen complained about Bodhiyuan in front of him, the second elder of Bodhiyuan, and Fang Shou only smiled after listening, and then said: "It is indeed very surprising that this woman was chosen as the seventh person in the order of Lingfo, but she Even Xuanren has the talent and traits that we can't refuse."

"What!" Zhu Shen stood up abruptly, panting heavily.

Fang Shou didn't say a word, just quietly looked at Zhu Shen who lost his composure. After a long time, Zhu Shen who calmed down sat down and drank the steaming hot tea in his cup.

The reason why the Holy Son of Xuanren can be called the Holy Son by the Bodhi Court is because he already has certain characteristics of sanctification. The natural talent of the Son of Ren is so terrifying that even the entire Dayan world may not be able to produce a Son of Xuanren in ten thousand years.

And now Fang Shou told him that another person with the aptitude for sanctification appeared, not only was right in front of him, but even wanted to participate in the Buddha's trial with him, how could this not shock him!
He has even begun to imagine that if Xuanren Shengzi grows up with this woman, why should he be afraid of the barbarian disaster that has plagued Dayan Realm for thousands of years?

"I know what you're thinking, but that's all in the future. The Buddha's trial is just around the corner, and in the end, only one person can become a Buddha's child, and there will only be one copy of the final inheritance." Fang Shou said meaningfully .

Zhu Shen remained silent, weighing in his mind who had the greater hope of winning the Buddha's son.

"However, that woman has just embarked on the path of cultivation, but only in the realm of foundation establishment." Fang Shou continued.

Zhu Shen sighed secretly, knowing that it was impossible for this woman to become a disciple of the Buddha. The gap in strength was too great to be compensated by talent, not to mention that Xuanren's talent was not weaker than hers.

"Although Xuanren doesn't care, we elders can't ignore it. Although this woman's strength is low, if she relies on her talent to interfere with Xuanren during the trial process and benefit other candidates, wouldn't it be a shame for the world?" A joke?" Fang Shou said.

Zhu Shen remained silent. He knew that what Fang Shou said was true. If Xuanren was careless, he might be hurt by that woman, or even lose. After all, the other five people were also staring at him. The great fanfare of the trial of the Buddha's son and the momentum created for the son of Xuanren will become the laughing stock of the world, and a majestic son of God will be injured by a woman in the foundation building state.

And what he can't accept is that after Xuanren missed the Buddhist inheritance, his practice will inevitably slow down a lot, and even his mood will be affected, so can he still break through to the realm?Can it also solve the problem of the barbarians?

And even if that woman relied on her talent and supernatural powers to lose both sides with Xuanren Shengzi, she couldn't be the opponent of other candidates. The stronger the talent, the greater the restrictions. He deeply understands this.

But if he really targeted that woman for the sake of Xuanren Shengzi, it was not in line with his own heart, Zhu Shen remained silent, and his heart kept arguing there.

"Zhu Shen, the barbarians are the enemies of all living beings in our Dayan Realm. There are big right and wrong, so think clearly." Fang Shouchang sighed.

"I know, in this trial, Holy Son Xuanren will become a disciple of Buddha." Zhu Shen left these words, got up and left.

"Good." Fang Shou looked at Zhu Shen's back, and proclaimed the Buddha's name, showing a look of relief.

"You are Lin Yuxi? The seventh Buddhist candidate?"

Zhu Shen looked at the bright woman in front of him, frowned and said.

After he left Fang Shou's residence, he found out that he had arrived at Lin Yuxi's residence very smoothly, so he went straight to this small attic.

"it's me."

At the same time, Lin Yuxi was also looking at the monk dressed as a monk in front of him, looking at his bronze-colored skin and the tattered black wooden stick, and had a vague guess about his identity in his heart.

But why did he come looking for him, and judging by his expression, it seemed that the visitor was not kind, did he want to hit his opponent before the trial?Lin Yuxi's mind wandered, and countless thoughts flashed through her.

"Don't participate in the Buddha's child trial this time. In the next trial, I will help you become a Buddha's child even if I try my best." Zhu Shen said sincerely, but the flesh on his face was shaking, and it seemed Quite scary.

Zhu Shen originally thought that it would be the best if Lin Yuxi could dispel her idea of ​​participating in the Buddha's trial, but what he didn't expect was that this sentence was regarded by Lin Yuxi as a kind of ridicule, which aroused her inner suspicion. So strong.

"The dignified Tongmenguan monk didn't expect to use such a clumsy trick. Do you think that with your words, I will give up this Buddha's trial?" Lin Yuxi said with a light smile.

"I'm serious, I'm not joking with you." Zhu Shen frowned and said.

Lin Yuxi froze for a moment, seeing that the monk's appearance seemed to be really not a lie, and he was a little uncertain about his thoughts.

"Although I don't know what your purpose is, I will definitely participate in this Buddha's trial." Lin Yuxi's beautiful eyes showed firmness, and she said firmly.

"Even if I will target you at that time, you still want to participate?" Zhu Shen was puzzled and asked.

"Then it's time to learn the tricks of the Tongmenguan warrior monk." Lin Yuxi said.

Zhu Shen snorted coldly, smashed the broken wooden stick on the ground, turned and left.

Lin Yuxi looked at the indestructible golden ground, cracks like spider webs were opened, her eyes were lowered, and she couldn't see her true thoughts clearly.

"Hahaha, why is the fairy so sad, but if you have something on your mind, why don't you tell the little monk."

Lin Yuxi frowned lightly and asked with a frown, "Who?"

Outside the monk's room, a young man with an unusually handsome face was sitting on the tip of a towering tree with his legs crossed. His pair of foxy peach blossom eyes caught people's attention, and he was Liu Yu'an.

Lin Yuxi's cherry lips moved slightly, and her pretty face was full of sullenness. It was obvious that she didn't have any affection for this frivolous man, and he was visiting late at night, so it was hard to know what his purpose was.

"If you are also here to persuade me not to participate in the Buddha's Trial, please go back." Lin Yuxi said resolutely, with a cool look on her elegant and beautiful face.

Liu Yu'an shook his head, smiled wryly and said, "Why is the fairy so angry?"

"I'm just interested in the only female candidate, so I just came to see you." Liu Yu'an said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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