Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 945

Chapter 945
Lin Yuxi said coldly: "Then you read it, please go back."

Liu Yu'an didn't seem to mind Lin Yuxi's indifferent response. He got down from the top of the tree and walked in slowly, still with a smile on his face, he said, "Fairy Lin, I was entrusted by someone to bring you something, is it possible?" Fairy Lin doesn't need it?"

Lin Yuxi frowned, and became vigilant instinctively. She is now in the Bodhi Courtyard, seemingly safe, but everything must be cautious. After all, this is Xuanren's territory. These days, every bite of food she eats They must test the poison with silver needles first, even if Fang Wen comes forward to frighten her, she is still worried.

And this Liu Yu'an suddenly appeared and wanted to give her something, Lin Yuxi also had to be wary, Lin Yuxi frowned deeply, looked at Liu Yu'an, met his clear eyes, thought for a while, and finally said: "Thank you very much Alright, put your things on the table and you can go."

Liu Yu'an smiled without being annoyed, put a storage bracelet on the table, and then left.

Lin Yuxi sighed, thought for a while, and seemed to have hidden worries in her heart.

"I don't have any relatives or friends in Jialan City, who will give me the things, or through Liu Yu'an's hands, it shouldn't be Xuanren's trap, could it be him?" Lin Yuxi thought.

She carefully checked the storage bracelet carefully with mental strength, and only after confirming that there was no secret door, she opened the bracelet.

There is a lot of space in the bracelet, which is full of bottles and cans, and there is also a roll of yellow paper with densely packed words.

"This is." Lin Yuxi opened her mouth in surprise.

After Zhang Kun participated in the water and land ceremony on the first day, he locked himself in the room for the next few days.

Although listening to those monks recite scriptures, I can indeed get a lot of benefits, but compared with what I am going to do next, it is just a small profit.

And he had to make sure that everything was safe. If he was a little careless, he might really be doomed.

So Zhang Kun has been adjusting his state these days, and he must adjust his state to the best to cope with the next thing.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside, Zhang Kun frowned and ignored it. There were quite a few people who came to him in the past few days, and they all came to invite him to make alchemy.

So he simply hid his aura and pretended not to be there. Most people left when they saw that there was no response.

Sure enough, after knocking on the door a few times, there was no sound.

Zhang Kun closed his eyes. Just as he was about to communicate with the mirror space, the hairs all over his body suddenly exploded, feeling a great crisis.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and saw a monk with a gentle face standing quietly beside his bed.

"Is this how the Bodhi Court treats guests?" Zhang Kun said coldly when he saw the monks wearing the monk's uniform of the Bodhi Court.

"Fang Shou, poor monk, did you take the liberty to come here this time to inform alchemist Zhang, or Zhang Kun's benefactor?" Fang Shou said, his smile still warm.

Zhang Kun's pupils contracted a bit. Although he let Tianji Pavilion spread the news in Jialan Realm, how could this Fang Shou know his true identity.

Now that he was discovered, Zhang Kun simply admitted it, and said calmly: "Oh? Master Fang Shou's secret investigation of my identity, what is the intention?"

"Benefactor Zhang's name is so popular in the poor monk's ears, so why do you need to investigate it specially, but benefactor Zhang, the poor monk recently got a piece of news, I think the benefactor Zhang will definitely be interested."

"What?" Zhang Kun frowned, unable to figure out the purpose of Fang Shou, but what he knew was that Fang Shou's strength was unfathomable and extremely terrifying. If he attacked him, he might have to use it in advance With that hole card, he had no choice but to escape from the Bodhi Courtyard.

So unless it was absolutely necessary, he was not willing to provoke this monk Fang Shou.

"I heard that each of the twelve sects has sent a large number of masters, and there is even a figure from the Sixth Palace, who is now heading straight for the Bodhi Court." Fang Shou said slowly.

Zhang Kun was silent, but he was secretly laughing in his heart. As he expected, after he released the news, the twelve factions came straight to him like a cat smelling fishy, ​​and his whereabouts had been locked up by the twelve factions. Hold on tight.

However, the appearance of the gray-clothed monk bought Zhang Kun more than half a month of time. After half a month of careful preparation, Zhang Kun became more confident in the thing he was about to do. The success rate is still pitifully low, but Zhang Kun has no choice!

"Benefactor Zhang, you are now in the Bodhi Courtyard, my Buddha is merciful, so naturally I will not push you into the fire pit, but Buddhism is a pure place, and the brothers in the courtyard do not want to see you disturbing them. Let's practice purely." Fang Shou continued.

Zhang Kun knew that he had misunderstood himself, thinking that he was seeking asylum in the Bodhi Court, but he did not know that this was just part of his plan and had nothing to do with the Bodhi Court. He chose this Bodhi Court just because he happened to be in time After attending the Water and Land Ceremony, those members of the twelve sects who came to participate in the Water and Land Ceremony will definitely pass the news back to the sect after seeing me, and I happen to be here waiting for them to come.

"I have no relationship or reason with Bodhiyuan, so naturally I don't expect Bodhiyuan to resist those twelve sects for me." Zhang Kun said calmly.

"Although the Bodhi Courtyard is powerless to stop it, it can provide a retreat for the benefactor. It can secretly send the benefactor out of the Bodhi Courtyard, and even prepare an empty ship for the benefactor to go to other realms."

"Furthermore, Donor Zhang may not know that those members of the twelve sects who came to watch the ceremony have already asked for Donor Zhang from our courtyard, but they were rejected by our courtyard."

"Oh? If the Bodhi Court handed me over, I'm afraid I can get more benefits." Zhang Kun asked back.

"My Buddha is merciful. Being able to help Master Zhang overcome this difficulty is also a merit for our hospital." Fang Shou said compassionately.

"Then let me think about it. Master Fang Shou, please go back first." Zhang Kun seemed absent-minded, as if hesitating whether he should believe what Fang Shou said.

Fang Shou didn't insist either, and after saluting, he stepped back and slowly disappeared into the air.

Sitting alone in the room, Zhang Kun immediately showed a worried expression, and walked around the room anxiously, as if he really wanted to leave here immediately.

After a long time, Zhang Kun's heart moved, and he sat back on the bed with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. He didn't believe a word of Fang Shou's lies.

He didn't expect that the Bodhi Court would want to get involved in it, and he was basically sure that Fang Shou came to him to get him to leave the Bodhi Court!
(End of this chapter)

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