Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 946 Yuan Wei's Provocation

Chapter 946 Yuan Wei's Provocation

Whether he quietly left the Bodhi Courtyard by himself, or followed his advice and escaped with the help of the Bodhi Courtyard, his goal had been achieved, and he would definitely miss the Buddha's trial.

Then, if you miss the Buddha's trial, it will only affect one person, and that is Lin Yuxi. Therefore, although Fang Shou never mentioned that the Buddha's trial is Lin Yuxi's matter, but this is exactly what he wants. The purpose, since it is impossible to prevent Lin Yuxi from participating in the Buddha's trial, is to weaken her strength by all means.

But why is Fang Shou so afraid of Lin Yuxi? Could it be that Lin Yuxi still hides some secrets?
I'm afraid that the chases and killings I encountered on the way when I was waiting for others to come were all planned by Fang Shoushou. The Son of Xuanren was still preparing for the trial, but he would not personally arrange these killing moves. But Fang Shou stood behind him!

Thinking of the terrifying Garuda, he still has lingering fears. In order to hunt down and kill a few Jindan Nascent Souls, he actually dispatched a peerless beast like Garuda. This man is really a lion fighting a rabbit, and he tried his best. Give the enemy any chance.

At that time, if he hadn't happened to meet the gray-clothed monk, even if he could run, he would definitely not be able to keep Lin Yuxi and the others.

But Fang Shou should be beaten to death, but he didn't expect that not only did he reveal his whereabouts on his own initiative, but also he didn't intend to escape at all, instead he was waiting for those people to arrive, right?
On the last day of the Water and Land Ceremony, the melodious sound of the wooden fish gradually disappeared, and the light covering the Bodhi Court gradually faded. Fangzheng put away the wooden fish, and the souls floating in the sky and the earth also showed signs of liberation and gradually faded away.

"This is the end of the Water and Land Ceremony." Fang Wen stood up, and his loud voice spread throughout the square.

Everyone instantly lifted their spirits, knowing that the real highlight was about to begin.

And in every city in the Jialan Realm, there is a huge light curtain, which shows the scene in the Bodhi Court. There are crowds of people in the square watching there, it can be seen that the Bodhi Court is trying for the Buddha this time. Practicing is really doing your best.

"The previous Buddha's whereabouts have been unknown for decades. According to the rules handed down in the courtyard, we will hold the Buddha's trial after the end of this Water and Land Ceremony." Fang Wen announced.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone held their breaths, and only a few powerful people chatted casually: "It is said that the previous Buddha directly gave up the chance to become a Buddha and ran away with a peerless enchantress. He practiced into a demon and directly transformed himself, and the Bodhi Court said that he was missing."

"Hush, keep your voice down, be careful that you are overheard by all the masters." The companion beside him gave him a quick look, telling him to stop talking.

In the golden hall behind him, six figures appeared, which were the six candidates for Buddha disciples.

"Hey? Didn't you say there are seven? Why is there one less?"

"Yes, where is the Son of Xuanren? Where is the Son of Xuanren?"

There were noisy voices from the square, those monks were discussing, and even those powerful people who had seats were whispering to each other with puzzled eyes.

Could it be an accident?Countless people think so.

Lin Yuxi turned around suddenly, staring fixedly at the open space next to her.

On the empty ground, a lotus flower suddenly bloomed, and there was a faint sound of Sanskrit singing.

After the lotus petals bloomed, a young monk in white clothes and shoes stepped out.

The monks in the audience looked at the monk in white and lost their minds for a moment.

The only impression this white-clothed monk gave was that he was clean, no matter his appearance, clothes, or even his soul, he was as clean as a newborn baby.

He is the Holy Son of Xuanren. In the eyes of everyone, the Buddha's trial this time is just for him. Although it was the first time he showed up, everyone recognized him. His temperament Too unique and even sacred, like a lotus flower in the mud, looking at him, you will unconsciously feel inferior to your own filth.

Following the arrival of the seven Buddhist candidates, all the guardians stepped onto the stage one after another and stood beside their respective candidates.

Yuan Wei stood up from his seat, walked towards the stage, caught a glimpse of a figure from the corner of his eyes, suddenly a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, suddenly changed direction, and walked towards the seat on the left.

As the protector of Baili Qiwen, and a genius who was once famous in the Six Palaces, Yuan Wei's whereabouts have also attracted the attention of countless people. At this moment, many masters of the Twelve Schools are watching from a distance. Situation, seeing Yuan Wei couldn't help but frown. After this abandoned disciple from the Sixth Palace was expelled from the school, the masters of the Twelve Schools tried to recruit him, but Yuan Wei directly rejected him!

"I said, why haven't I seen Great Alchemist Zhang in the past few days? I thought it was Great Alchemist Zhang and dared not come, but I didn't expect to be sitting with these Patriarchs of Jialan City." Yuan Wei laughed boldly , but the meaning of ridicule is hidden in the words
Although Zhang Kun had noticed Yuan Wei a long time ago, he didn't seem to have heard his words. He was calm and chatted with Jia Zhengqing about the candidates on the stage.

Seeing that Zhang Kun dared to ignore him, Yuan Wei couldn't help being furious, but knowing that he was in the Bodhi Court now, he couldn't help it.

He squeezed out a cold smile, and said strangely: "It's different to be accompanied by the patriarchs of the four major families in Jialan City. Great Alchemist Zhang ignores people. It seems that he has forgotten such a small role as me." gone."

The heads of the four major families frowned involuntarily, quite dissatisfied, but they were unwilling to automatically lose their identities and say more to a junior.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Kun asked lightly.

"Of course, the batch of elixir that Grand Master Zhang gave me last time seems to be very useful. I want you to refine another batch for me. What do you think?" Yuan Weiyin said with a smile.

"Materials, plus a Yuan Jing Essence." Zhang Kun said lightly.

Yuan Wei laughed angrily. He didn't expect that Zhang Kun would dare to negotiate terms with him. Could it be that he thought that the four major families were protecting him, so he didn't dare to take action against him.It seems that the lesson taught to him last time was not enough.

He looked down at Zhang Kun and said with a smile, "Okay, but we have to wait for you to refine the elixir first."

As he said that, he took out a list from the storage ring and let him fall in front of the two of them. He stared at Zhang Kun, but Zhang Kun was unmoved and let the list fall to the ground.

"Could it be that you want me to use a knife to reason with you like last time?" Yuan Wei stroked the handle of the knife with his right hand, a cold light flashed, the knife was half out of its sheath, threatening it goes without saying.

(End of this chapter)

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