Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 948

Chapter 948
At the same time, the bodhi seeds behind the other Buddhist candidates were also broken. Although not as exaggerated as Xuanren Shengzi, they all grew delicate branches and a few green leaves.

Only the bodhi seed behind Lin Yuxi didn't move at all, it was still a dim phantom of the seed.

"Xuanren Shengzi really deserves his reputation. I have never heard of any Buddha who can nourish the Bodhi child to such an extent before the trial begins. It seems that the position of Buddha must belong to him. .”

"The other candidates are not bad, but only that woman doesn't have a trace of Buddhism on her body. It's really funny."

Everyone immediately cast mocking looks at her, which had never happened before in the Bodhi Trial.

Fang Wen coughed lightly, and waited until the scene quieted down before continuing: "The next thing you are going to go to is a small nameless world, where the bones of the eminent monks of the Bodhi Temple are buried, and many eminent monks have left their lives there Inheritance, even the inheritance of the gods and Buddhas of the gods, if the opportunity comes, you can find it there, and you will conduct the Buddha's trial there, and you will understand the Buddha's Dharma through the inheritance and nourish the bodhi seeds in your body. "

The eyes of the seven people showed fiery colors, the true inheritance of the Buddha, at least they are all immortal-level existences.If you really get this level of inheritance, it means you have the qualifications to become immortals and Buddhas.

"However, although there are many opportunities in that small world, there are also countless hidden threats. Even if a poor monk enters, he dare not say that he can escape unscathed, and you will stay in it for seven to 49 days. Small world It will only be opened again, and even if you are unfortunately killed, we can do nothing. Therefore, you still have the opportunity to withdraw now."

The people on the high platform were motionless. At this point, naturally no one would back down easily.

"Then you all go in." Fang Wen waved his hand, the sky suddenly darkened, and a huge vortex appeared. The vortex slowly rotated, mixed with lightning, flames, and frost, which looked extremely frightening.

But the 13 people on the stage seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, and they flew towards the whirlpool involuntarily.

Zhang Kun didn't resist the suction and let himself fly away.

Suddenly he saw dozens of streams of light appearing in the distance, flying towards the Bodhi Courtyard rapidly.

Before the people arrived, the urgent voice resounded through the entire Bodhi Court through a special method.

"stop it now!"

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Kun's mouth, and he was sucked into the vortex and disappeared.

After all the Buddhist candidates and their guardians were vortexed, the huge vortex in the sky gradually disappeared and became clear again.

And those dozens of streams of light also arrived in an instant, but they were still a step behind. The figures in the dozens of streams of light stood in the air, exuding a powerful and terrifying aura without restraint.

They looked at the place where Zhang Kun and the others disappeared, but their faces were all very ugly.

At this moment, members of the twelve sects who were watching from below also rose into the sky one after another, joining the group of strong men in the sky.

The members of the twelve sects who came to watch the ceremony had already discovered Zhang Kun, but they were afraid that Zhang Kun would escape again, so they secretly notified the sect. After the sect got the news, they sent strong men to come through the teleportation array, Unexpectedly, it was still a step slower.

"Old Qi, don't worry. As far as I know, there is only one exit from the small world where the Buddha's trial is conducted. We just need to wait here. That kid will never escape this time." A middle-aged man in a fit state The man comforted the old man next to him.

"Yes. This time, I will definitely crush this kid to ashes!" the old man in Taoist robe said through gritted teeth.

The powerhouses of the other twelve factions also spoke out to comfort the old man.

This Taoist robed old man is the chief elder of the Zhengyang sect, the head of the twelve sects. Qi Yangzheng has reached the peak of the fusion. The Supreme Elder who was sent saw him, and he wanted to show some face.

Moreover, he has a grandson who is astonishingly talented, but at only twenty, he has already broken through to the Mahayana realm, and he is regarded as the hope of the Zhengyang faction to ascend to the Sixth Palace in the future.

But a few years ago, in order to hunt down a monk who was not yet in the Nascent Soul stage, four Mahayana monks from the same sect, a total of four Mahayana monks, were all beheaded by the Nascent Soul monk, and none of them escaped back.

This not only made the Nascent Soul cultivator famous, but also made these four people the laughing stock of the entire Dayan world. When he got the news, he was almost in a state of turmoil and lost his temper.

So he has been tracking down the whereabouts of this Nascent Soul cultivator for the past year, and this Nascent Soul cultivator is Zhang Kun. He finally found him this time. Qi Yang is vowing that when he catches Zhang Kun, he will definitely take his soul. Put it in the sky fire, let him suffer day and night!
"Fellow Taoists of the Twelve Sects, why did you stop me from the trial of the Buddha in the Garan Realm?" Fang Wen heard that the cassock floated slowly to the same height as the members of the Twelve Sects.

"Mr. Fang Wen, our Twelve Sects have no intention of offending your court, but we are here to capture the wanted criminal of the Twelve Sects. This person is extremely vicious, pretending to be an identity, and mixed into the team of the Buddha's trial. People are not good, so for the safety of others, please suspend this Buddha's trial, and our twelve factions are very grateful." The middle-aged man in the fit state stood up and said.

"Amitabha, once the trial starts, it cannot be stopped." Fang Wen frowned and said, "This Bodhi Secret Realm has its own laws of operation, and it can only pass through after the final Buddha is selected."

Fang Wen did not lie, the timing of the opening of the Bodhi Secret Realm is not in the hands of the Bodhi Court, and the trial of the Buddha is not based on the will of the Bodhi Court, so once the trial starts, you can only go out and not enter again up.

Hearing what he said, the masters of the Twelve Sects had no choice but to give up. Qi Yang was looking at the abbot of Kasyapa Temple. Kasyapa Temple was destroyed by Zhang Kun. Naturally, he had a grudge against Zhang Kun, and he had to do it himself. Killing him would never excuse Zhang Kun, but the abbot of Kasyapa Academy also nodded and said that what Fang Wen said was true.

This matter had not been exposed before, and finally they combined the information from Tianji Pavilion to finally confirm that Zhang Kun was undoubtedly the one who committed the murder in Kasyapa Temple that day.

"Hmph, let that kid live a few more days!" Qi Yang sneered, staring at the piece of air where Zhang Kun disappeared.

Originally, the Twelve Sects only acted to kill the fleeing disciples of Qionghua Palace, but they didn't expect Zhang Kun to make them so embarrassed!

The relationship between the Twelve Clan and Zhang Kun is already endless. In order to hunt him down, the Twelve Clan has invested a lot of manpower. This time, only success is allowed and no failure is allowed!
(End of this chapter)

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