Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 949

Chapter 949
The Zhang Twelve faction even dispatched dozens of fit experts from the masters who besieged Qionghua Palace to take action in person, just to kill Zhang Kun here!
Unfortunately, they didn't expect that Zhang Kun was actually the protector of the Bodhi Trial, and he stepped into the Bodhi Secret Realm under the eyes of everyone!

"Damn it, that kid dared to tease us!" The twelve sects gathered here today, and many powerful masters shouted coldly.

Fang Wen frowned. Although the Bodhi Temple governs Kasyapa Temple, Ananda Temple and other temples, it is a detached force after all, and rarely intervenes in disputes between sects, but this matter involves a guardian Therefore, the Bodhi Court may have to make a choice between Zhang Kun and the Twelve Sects.

Fangzheng said leisurely: "Friends from the Twelve Sects, this is the most grand Bodhi test in my Garan Realm. You have come to me so openly to arrest people, do you take my Bodhi Court seriously?"

Qi Yang forcibly suppressed the anger in his body, and apologized to Fangzheng: "We have no intention of becoming an enemy of Bodhiyuan, but we just ask all the gods and monks to give us justice from the twelve sects."

Fangzheng Fangwen frowned, nodded and said, "Then please come with us."

"What's going on, what happened just now?" The audience below looked puzzled, seeing the masters of the Twelve Factions soaring into the air and attacking Zhang Kun, their faces turned pale with fright!
"Zhang Kun, that Zhang Tianmeng is Zhang Kun, damn it, I should have thought of it earlier!" The head of the Jia family slapped his thigh suddenly and roared in horror.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent!

At this moment, the people gathered in the Bodhi Courtyard to watch the ceremony are all big figures in Jialan City and even the entire Dayan Realm. They have naturally heard of the battle between the Twelve Sects and Zhang Kun and the sky-high reward worth [-] Yuan Crystal Essences !

"The alchemist Zhang turned out to be Zhang Kun, my God, can't he?" The alchemists of the alchemist union were almost dumbfounded. The news was so powerful that they lost their brains at this moment. The ability to think!

One is a peerless alchemy genius, an alchemy master who even Master Li Weiru gave a thumbs up in admiration, and the other is a disciple of the Six Palaces who is extremely powerful, talented, and powerful. The terrifying powerhouse of the Digital Mahayana!
These two people turned out to be the same person?
At this moment, everyone in the audience looked incredible, which completely overturned their three views and cognitions!

Zhang Kun's two identities, even if one is taken out, is enough to amaze everyone. His deeds have spread throughout the Weiyang Realm and the Garan Realm. In the streets and alleys of the two realms, countless people are telling about him. However, those storytellers who made Zhang Kun hypnotized did not expect that Zhang Kun and Zhang Tianmeng were the same person!

It was as if a bomb had been dropped on the viewing platform, and everyone was terrified. They talked a lot for a while, and even forgot the Bodhi test that had already started, and focused entirely on Zhang Kun. body.

"My God, Zhang Kun is really brave. Under the circumstances of being wanted by the Twelve Sects, he still dares to show his face here, and even dares to participate in the Great Alchemist assessment, so he is not afraid that someone will recognize him Is it?" The people of Jialan City were terrified and stuttered.

The Patriarch of the Su Family, Su Yi, stroked his long beard, trembling, and said, "Hey, so what if you recognize him, Zhang Kun's strength was revealed as early as in the Kasyapa Academy. When the reinforcements from the army did not arrive, the Kasyapa courtyard alone did not dare to make a move, for fear of scaring the snake and making him run away."

Zhang Kun's move in the Kasyapa Temple was not rash. He wanted to deter the twelve factions so that they would not dare to act rashly. It was precisely because of his fear that Zhang Kun had time to prepare for the enemy.

"That's right. At that time, in order to prepare for the Water and Land Ceremony, the abbot of Kasyapa Temple stayed in the Bodhi Courtyard to perform rituals. He couldn't leave. Waiting for Qi Yang and the others to arrive, and the Twelve Sects coming here from the distant outside world, it takes too long, and what they didn't expect was that Zhang Kun actually entered the Bodhi Secret Realm." At this time, the Patriarch of the Wang Family said.

The audience was still in a state of shock. They were not only surprised that Zhang Kun's strength and alchemy talent were so heaven-defying, they could have both. What shocked them even more was that a 20-year-old The young man actually played a trick on the powerful men of the twelve sects who have lived for hundreds of years!

Hearing everyone's discussion, Qi Yang felt that he was about to explode!

"I swear that I will tear Zhang Kun's corpse into ten thousand pieces, draw out his soul, and refine him for 1000 years!" Qi Yang roared angrily. Dark clouds, as if a storm is coming!
In the torrent of space, Zhang Kun held Lin Yuxi's hand. Her soft, silky plain hand was as soft as boneless in her hand, and it felt very good.

"Mr. Zhang?" Lin Yuxi asked with a little shame and anger. Her cheeks were flushed, and she gave Zhang Kun a faint look. After a few days, he became so bold?

"Ahem, I'm afraid that we will be too far apart by the teleportation place, and if I can't find you, it will be over." Zhang Kun coughed a few times and said with a smile.

Lin Yuxi frowns lightly and is slightly angry, a bit of helplessness flashes in her crystal clear eyes.

"In the Bodhi test, the guardian and the buddha's candidate souls will be bound together. After passing through this teleportation vortex, they will definitely land in the same place. You don't need to do this." Lin Yuxi's melodious voice sounded like a clear spring.

"Oh, that's it, no one told me." Zhang Kun laughed a few times in embarrassment, and reluctantly let go of Lin Yuxi's hand.

call out!
A scream came, and the surrounding flames, lightning, and vortex flashed by in an instant, and everyone turned into a white light, passing through the teleportation vortex.

The entire Bodhi Secret Realm is very large, about the same size as the Garan Realm. It is hard to imagine how the Bodhi Temple can control such a huge small world. You must know that even the top three sects may not be able to Open up a secret realm of this size.

Between the mountains and forests, there is mist, and the mountain fog as light as a white gauze permeates the entire mountain, and occasionally there are a few crisp oriole cries.

When Zhang Kun opened his eyes, he found that the vitality environment around him was extremely special, dozens of times denser than that in the Dayan Realm, and almost caught up with the concentration of vitality in the mirror domain space!

Those mountain fogs turned out to be the state of vitality gathered to a certain extent and liquefied into mist!
"Is this the Bodhi Secret Realm? Judging from the concentration of vitality, it is indeed worthy of the first secret realm of the Garan Realm." Zhang Kun nodded and said, glanced at Lin Yuxi who was standing aside, and saw that the girl had just woken up. Immediately began to reach out to search the surrounding environment.

Zhang Kun couldn't help smiling, and at the same time released his powerful spiritual consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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