Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 950 Two Dao Species

Chapter 950 Two Ways
Zhang Kun's level of spiritual power far exceeds his realm of vitality. In the process of alchemy and weapon refining, Zhang Kun's level of spiritual power will also rise rapidly. This kind of power gradually increases through consumption, and Jingyu The fragments sitting in Zhang Kun's sea of ​​consciousness will also bring him a powerful increase in spiritual power!
Lin Yuxi sensed for a while, but did not find any abnormal traces around, frowning and walked in front of Zhang Kun, her cherry lips moved slightly: "Mr. But there is no breakthrough in my realm at all."

Seeing the somewhat apologetic expression on the face of the girl like Xiaolufu in front of him, Zhang Kun shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay, you didn't break through and I did. Now I am in the Mahayana realm."

Lin Yuxi's porcelain white face still hasn't recovered its rosiness, and there is still hidden worry between her brows.

"The dao seed I absorbed. I don't seem to be approved by the Bodhi test. My dao fruit has not germinated yet, and Xuanren's still grows into vines, and I have almost no improvement. It can be said that our The start is the worst, I'm sorry Mr. Zhang, I thought that although my realm is low, but with my talent, I can at least compare with Xuanren in this aspect, but I didn't expect it to be like this, I'm sorry Mr. Zhang, I I'm dragging you down."

Zhang Kun looked at the pure and beautiful girl in front of him lightly, and couldn't help feeling a little more pity in his heart. He just wanted to say a few words of comfort, but suddenly Lin Yuxi's pretty face changed suddenly, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her teeth were biting lightly. Red lips said: "Something happened!"

The next moment Zhang Kun couldn't help frowning too!
In the sky in the distance, it seemed as if a powerful aura exploded, the energy of the heavens and the earth rushed in rapidly, and Gao Tian was instantly dyed bright red, and dense clouds covered the sky, as if they were flying As if the sun had risen, an extremely tyrannical aura rose from a far distance, and countless beams of light pierced into the sky, rushing into the bullfight!
"This is this!" Lin Yuxi's pretty face was a little pale, her delicate body couldn't help trembling, and there was a bit of shock in her eyes.

Zhang Kun said solemnly: "They are breaking through, from the peak of Mahayana to the realm of fusion!"

The test of Bodhi limits the realm when entering, and the highest cannot exceed the peak of Mahayana. Therefore, the strength of the guardians brought by several buddhist candidates has reached this level, but there is no limit to the strength in the Bodhi Secret Realm , after all, many trainees have accepted the precious inheritance here after coming in, and their strength will more or less break through, and they will even make great strides all the way, instantly throwing off a lot of their peers!

A total of six pillars of light that soared into the sky penetrated the heaven and the earth. Breaking through the realm of Mahayana to the realm of integration is a great threshold. The vision of the world and the earth caused by the breakthrough is extremely vast. Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi can sense those powerful breaths, The airflow disturbed by their breakthrough formed a gust of wind and spread like crazy, filling the entire Bodhi Secret Realm!

"Mr. Zhang, our difficulty has increased again, and they have all become a combined body." Lin Yuxi's pretty face couldn't help but turn pale. This is too fatal.

The other buddhist candidates, although not as powerful as their guardians, have at least reached the Mahayana realm, and even have the ability to protect themselves in front of the strong in the fit state, but Lin Yuxi is different, she and the strong in the fit There are quite a few big gaps between the two, and a random blow from the combined strong man is enough to kill her!

Zhang Kun pondered and said: "It's okay, I have my own way to deal with it, let's find the inheritance as soon as possible first."

Lin Yuxi nodded, wearing a white dress, swaying the ground, lightly moving lotus steps, and walked in a direction.

This place is the burial place of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the heavens. It is very special. Not only the concentration of vitality in the air is amazingly high, but even the sense of the way of heaven has become extremely clear, which is higher than in the Dayan Realm before. At least several times.

No wonder people said that almost all the Buddhas selected in the end were ascended, not to mention what happened in the future, this Bodhi Secret Realm has greatly improved them.

"The Bodhi Secret Realm is a place where the bones are buried. For thousands of years, the relics of the fallen Buddhas and Bodhisattvas stayed here and turned into the inheritance of Taoism. The inheritance of Taoism is different, and the abilities that can be obtained from it are also different. They are completely different, and can be roughly divided into two categories." Lin Yuxi said to Zhang Kun while walking.

These mysteries are only told by the Buddha's candidate, and even the Tianji Pavilion has no way to find out. Zhang Kun knows nothing about it.

"A so-called induction Tao seed is the Tao fruit left after the Buddha's Nirvana. Only Buddha candidates can absorb it. After absorbing it, I will enter a state of inspiration for a period of time, without any reaction to the outside world and immersed in the Tao. In the perception of the Buddha Dharma contained in it." Lin Yuxi's voice was as sweet as a clear spring.

Zhang Kun nodded. The sensory Dao Seed is the most critical point in this Buddha's trial. Lin Yuxi and the others can only win in the end and become a real Buddha's child only after they have reached the Bodhi Secret Realm. This process must be continued. Comprehend the Buddha Dharma in the Dao Seed, and push the bodhi seeds in the phantom behind them to let it blossom and bear fruit!
"The other kind of Taoism is called Yuanling Taoism, which is transformed by the clear energy of Buddha bone relics. Whether it is a candidate for a Buddha child or a Taoist protector, it can be inhaled into the body to obtain a large increase in vitality, which can It is used to quickly break through the realm, and there are no side effects." Lin Yuxi's beautiful eyes showed a bit of splendor, and every practitioner who entered the Bodhi Secret Realm is very envious of this kind of Taoism, because as long as they get it, It represents a rapid increase in strength!
Zhang Kun nodded. He learned from Mrs. Ren that the most exaggerated scene ever occurred in the history of the Buddha's trial. After a Taoist entered the secret realm, he frantically searched for the Yuanling Dao Seed to make a breakthrough. When he stepped into the secret realm, he was still a Mahayana, and by the time he left here, he had already become a strong Void Refiner!
During the whole process, he didn't take a single realm-breaking elixir, and he advanced completely by relying on the Yuanling Dao Seed, because this Dao Seed not only contains extremely pure vitality, but also has a trace of Dao Rhyme. When absorbing this kind of primordial spirit dao seed, he unknowingly gave birth to an understanding of the great way of heaven and earth, and made great strides all the way!
"As long as you are a person with good talent, you will gain a lot if you enter the Bodhi Secret Realm." Lin Yuxi said.

(End of this chapter)

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