Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 951 Lin Yuxi's Ability

Chapter 951 Lin Yuxi's Ability
"It's just that it will only be opened during the Bodhi test, and the operation of the secret realm has its own rules, and even the Bodhi Court cannot interfere."

"Then why didn't anyone collect the Dao Seeds and send them out? To be honest, I got a Bodhi Dao Seed before entering here, and I entered Mahayana with its power!" Zhang Kun said with some doubts.

Lin Yuxi's eyes were full, and she smiled slightly: "This trial is the favor of the Buddha. Being able to set foot here proves that you are destined for the Buddha. If you take the Yuanling Dao Seed out, its effect will be completely lost, and it will be useless. And you The one you got should have fallen out of the rift in space naturally, this kind of thing may not happen once every ten thousand years, it can enter your hands, maybe all of this is the arrangement of fate."

Zhang Kun smiled and was noncommittal. Lin Yuxi believed in Buddha, so he naturally believed in reincarnation and fate, but Zhang Kun didn't believe in these. He only believed in himself. Even if there was any so-called fate, it should be in his own hands!

"Then which kind of dao should we look for first?" Before Lin Yuxi finished speaking, Zhang Kun frowned deeply, and quickly pulled her behind.

"Be careful, there is danger!"

As if to confirm what Zhang Kun said, screams came from the sides of the two, and the sharp roar seemed to be able to tear apart the space!
"Well, the space here is not as stable as Dayan Realm?" Zhang Kun was slightly surprised, his eyes flashed, and he reached out and pulled out the Dongyue epee on his back!

Suddenly, a hill in front of the two was directly smashed away, and a pillar of wind shot up into the sky, covering Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi directly inside. The violent vitality condensed crazily inside, and the wind blades pierced through the sky. As if out of space, the sharp blade swept towards Zhang Kun.

"It's Fengmo, the elemental structure born in the world at this time!" Lin Yuxi frowned deeply and exclaimed.

Fang Wen said long ago that there are countless terrifying murderous intentions hidden in this small world, and the dangerous things in it are difficult for Fang Wen and others to deal with when they enter, let alone the young buddhist candidates and guardians. people up!

Zhang Kun's eyes were fixed. At this time, the most sensible choice is to run away. This kind of elemental structure has no basic intelligence, and will only kill wildly everywhere, killing all living things nearby. It is more ruthless than any enemy!

But Zhang Kun didn't do that. He asked Lin Yuxi to wait behind him, and charged forward with a sword in his hand, facing the wild Feng Mo head-on!
"Mr. Zhang, be careful. This kind of element structure will constantly absorb the original power of the entire small world. Their power can be said to be endless!" Lin Yuxi knew what Zhang Kun was thinking. He wanted to test how his strength had reached. level, but still worried.

"Don't worry, I won't fight him to the death." Zhang Kun smiled, and swung Dongyue's epee in rotation. The heavy sword shadow brought a surging tide of vitality and slashed forward. Zhang Kun felt that after his breakthrough, not only It's the vitality soaring, even the physical strength has reached an extremely terrifying situation, it seems that he can tear mountains and rivers with bare hands!

Boom!The space was immediately torn apart like crisp paper, and the wild storm that swept away was accompanied by a thunderous roar, and the sword wind cut down like a thick mysterious light, colliding with the violent wind stirred up by the wind demon. Together!
In an instant, bangs sounded one after another, the ground trembled, the surrounding trees fell in rows, and the broken rocks were swept into the sky in an instant, and were easily crushed in front of the collision of two huge energies. , Zhang Kun took a step back involuntarily, the passionate vitality on the blade did not dissipate, he and Feng Mo fought head-on, and entered without losing the wind!

Feng Mo's body paused for a moment, as if he couldn't understand it. The next moment, it rolled up wildly. The wind blades churned wildly seemed endless. Countless whips turned into whips from the violent wind lashed the space, drawing out a series of hideous and terrifying cracks. !

"Hey, let's compare whether your wind is stronger or mine!" The corners of Zhang Kun's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled expectantly, his mind was drawn to the Five Elements Spirit Foundation. It turned into a jade-like style, and the five-element spiritual energy flowing slowly in the meridians instantly changed into wind-attribute vitality!
Swinging hurricane, ready to come out!
This is his new ability after cultivating into the Five Elements Spirit Base. Facing the needs of different battle situations, he can switch the attributes of his vitality at any time. Don't think it's just a different attribute, but it has a great impact on the battle, a kind of restraint The attributes can even make up for the gap in realm!

The mountain forest was shaking, Lin Yuxi had no choice but to grab a huge towering ancient tree, so that he did not fall down, the mountain wind was fierce, dead leaves were flying up, and the rocks were rolling one after another. generally!

Zhang Kun danced Dongyue, the heavy sword hilt was extremely light in his hand, bursts of cyan brilliance bloomed from his body, and the heavy cyan wind blade attached to the blade seemed to be able to split the space, powerful Incomparable!

The wind demon roared furiously, and swept forward like a wild horse, unstoppable, destroying everything, turning everything into powder wherever it went!

Boom boom boom!
With a buzzing sound, two gusts of wind collided together, and the hurricane soared into the sky, sweeping away all obstacles, but the wind demon structure frantically absorbed the power of Bodhi's secret realm, and its body made of wind elements soared several times , the power is even more astonishing!

Zhang Kun fell into the storm and was uncontrollably engulfed by the whirlwind, almost being swept away. The power of this wind demon is so amazing that even a strong fit person will change face when encountering it. Zhang Kun Relying on the power of the hurricane, he could barely block the wind energy, but the force of the wind still blew his body away!

"Mr. Zhang!" Lin Yuxi's complexion changed slightly, and she raised her hand to make a seal. Her porcelain-white hand flew up and down quickly like a yellow warbler on the bottom of a leaf, forming a mysterious handprint, and slammed it towards Feng Mo.

At the same time, with Lin Yuxi's body as the origin, a clear and clean spiritual ripple was released, as if it had a soothing effect. The wind demon structure first paused, and then the speed of the wind volume became slower and slower, and finally became quiet. , turned into a breeze.

The wind demon structure was originally just a ray of gentle wind, but once it is stimulated by the outside, it will continuously absorb the surrounding vitality, making its own strength continue to rise. It can be said that the more excited it is, the stronger it will be!
But Lin Yuxi did the opposite. When the soothing mental power acts on the wind demon, it will gradually dissipate its power, and finally return to the world and blow away as a ray of breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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