Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 952 A sudden change

Chapter 952 A sudden change
Zhang Kun then escaped from the trap and fell with his sword. He was not injured in any way.

He looked at Lin Yuxi embarrassedly, scratched his head and said, "Sorry, I tried to control it just now, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

"And you actually have this ability to calm the irritable Fengma?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but said in doubt. This ability is very rare, and it is somewhat related to spiritual practice, but it doesn't mean that you can use it with a strong mental power If Zhang Kun used his spiritual power to appease Feng Mo, it would probably have a counterproductive effect!
Lin Yuxi brushed her temples and said lightly: "Buddhism is nothing more than the method of subjugation. In the face of monsters, ghosts and monsters, in addition to beheading them with vitality and force, you can also enlighten them so that they will no longer be our enemies."

Zhang Kun nodded in surprise. This ability can be said to be very practical and can avoid some unnecessary troubles.

However, Zhang Kun still has such a pity in his heart. Now that he has just broken through to the realm of Mahayana, he has not yet reached the most perfect state of control over his own strength, and the application of the Five Elements Spirit Foundation is only at a very elementary level. .

He believed that as long as his strength improved a little bit, he might have the opportunity to control the wind demon structure just now, so as to absorb its power, transform it into spiritual power, and recharge Hurricane Fuyao!

"Okay, let's keep going. The Bodhi Secret Realm is still very large, and the probability of encountering this kind of structure is actually not very high." Lin Yuxi said.

Zhang Kun raised his forehead slightly, and he said: "Just now you said which kind of Taoism we should look for first, in fact, I think, if we can find one, it counts as one, just let it go."

Lin Yuxi smiled lightly and said: "That's not what I said. I heard Master Fang Wen once said that when many Buddhist candidates are undergoing trials, they will temporarily ignore the past even if they encounter the Sensitive Dao Seed, and when they encounter Yuan Ling Dao It will be absorbed directly, and when one's own strength becomes stronger, and then comprehend the sensory Tao, the effect will be better."

Zhang Kun thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "But in this case, the growth progress of the Bodhi seed will definitely be slowed down. If someone has completed the perception of the induction Tao seed before this, and has been recognized by the Bodhi secret realm , that would be bad."

Lin Yuxi nodded, and suddenly her pink face turned pale. Zhang Kun noticed the change in her body, and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Yuxi frowned deeply, and said in a cold voice: "There are two candidates for Buddha disciples who have been eliminated!"

"What?" Zhang Kun suddenly turned pale!
Now, less than an hour before everyone entered the Bodhi Secret Realm, two candidates for Buddha disciples were eliminated. This is simply unimaginable.

At the other end of the Bodhi Secret Realm, among the illusory pavilions, a young man clutched a wound on his chest that was bleeding continuously, gasping for breath. Lost the qualification to continue the trial!
This person is the young monk walking in the desert. The desert he walked has turned into an oasis. His merit is second only to Xuanren among the candidates for the Buddha. The position is missed!

The face of the guardian next to him was also very ugly. His right arm was directly pulled off, dripping with blood, and the appearance was abnormal. Even if the fit monk could regenerate his broken arm, it would take a long time. training.

The eyes of the two of them looking at a figure in the sky were full of fear!
"Xuan Ren, you deserve to be the strongest, but I never thought that you would join forces with Zhu Shen. You are so invincible!" the young monk said with an angry face.

Xuan Ren glanced at him indifferently, and said: "I don't need his help, I can also defeat you, whether it is a competition of Dharma or combat power, you will lose."

"Forget it, if you become a disciple of the Buddha, I will also be convinced." The young monk shook his head sadly, and soon a white light shone on him, sending him out of the Bodhi Secret Realm. Although his life was safe, as a Buddha Sub-alternate he has lost his qualifications.

Xuanren nodded silently, looked at Zhu Shen beside him, and frowned.

"Zhu Shen, you don't have to do this, give up your alternate status and become my guardian? Thank you for your kindness, but I, Xuanren, don't need these. I can win this trial by myself. No one will be me opponent."

Xuan Ren is very confident, and he said such arrogant words lightly, if it was said by anyone, it would appear to be overreaching, but Xuan Ren said it, but it was so reasonable.

Zhu Shen said in a deep voice: "No matter what, I will still help you."

Xuan Ren smiled slightly, turned into a stream of light and flashed across the sky, and soon disappeared. His strength was so strong that when Zhu Shen arrived, the young monk in the desert was already a dying man!

The test of Bodhi not only tests the buddhist candidates' perception and understanding of the dharma, but also requires them to have strong fighting ability. After all, the buddhas are selected not only to promote the buddhism and save all living beings, but also to fight against the barbarians at the border!
Zhu Shen, the warrior monk guarding the Tongmen Gate, knew this very well, so he always kept in mind the teachings of Master Fang Shou, and must ensure that a perfect person like Xuanren becomes a disciple of the Buddha!

"Don't worry, Master Fang Shou, I will do my best to help Son Xuanren until the last moment!" After muttering to himself, Zhu Shen turned into a yellow light and flew away, disappearing!

Lin Yuxi rubbed her head. She felt that there was a heavy feeling in her head just now. When every Buddhist candidate was eliminated, other people would also be induced to let them know the change of the situation.

Zhang Kun thought for a while, and guessed: "I think Xuanren should have done it. Other than him, it is impossible for anyone else to have such a strong strength, but it is still too amazing to eliminate two candidates for the Buddha at the same time." .”

Zhang Kun has been estimating Xuanren's strength. After all, he has no information about this person, and this guy is destined to become his biggest opponent!

The two talked while walking, and the mountain suddenly became steeper, with jagged rocks and extremely steep.

"Leave him alone, there is a cave ahead, let's go in and have a look first." Lin Yuxi pointed to a cave in front of him and said.

Zhang Kun's eyes narrowed slightly. The location of this cave was very strange, which made him a little vigilant, but he still agreed with Lin Yuxi's suggestion to enter the cave. After all, the more dangerous the place in the Bodhi Secret Realm, the more likely it is to hide Contains inheritance.

(End of this chapter)

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