Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 953: Stone Warrior

Chapter 953: Stone Warrior
Babies are hidden in dangerous places, which is the consensus of almost all the testers, and it is almost impossible to find the inheritance safely!
Stepping into the cave, Zhang Kun suddenly felt a little dizzy in his head. It seemed that his spiritual consciousness was greatly suppressed here. The two walked in the narrow passage in the cave one by one. Walking ahead, he suddenly heard a loud noise, as if he stepped on something!
Suddenly, the mountain shook and the ground shook, and the whole cave shook, only to hear a sound like a machine: "Those who trespass on this place, die!"

A rustling sound came from inside, Lin Yuxi frowned, and said coldly: "Don't cut off our retreat!"

A huge boulder fell to block the back path, and there were bursts of noisy voices from the front. Countless stone warriors came out from nowhere, holding a big bronze sword, facing Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi bursts of blows Hack and kill!

"Oops, they're mechanism puppets. They don't have spirits. I can't appease them." Lin Yuxi said anxiously. Zhang Kun raised his hand and swung his sword. Dongyue turned into a blue light and stabbed forward impressively. The dazzling sword light The whole cave was lit up, and the two finally saw clearly what happened!
I saw a large number of stone warriors appearing in front, attacking in a uniform manner like an army charging, Dongyue charged straight away with a roaring scream, and was about to hit a stone warrior!

However, at this moment, the other stone figurines seemed to be wise, and the gemstones inlaid in their eyes gave off a dazzling red light. They gathered together and slashed at the green sword light with the big bronze sword in their hands. After a few paragraphs, the cave was filled with dust!
"Which puppet master is this work? Each of the stone warriors has reached the peak of the Mahayana, and together they are more powerful in fighting, and can even threaten the monks in the body!" Zhang Kun quickly made a judgment.

Puppet masters can be regarded as a variant classification of refiners. They specialize in refining combat puppets that can move on their own. This is a powerful magic weapon. Driven by Yuan spar, the strength can be strong or weak, but the cost is extremely high , a battle puppet in the Mahayana realm needs a sky-high price for a Yuanjing Essence!
Puppet masters are extremely important to a family and power, especially those puppet masters who can make war puppets are known to be an important force that can change the situation of a war. In this Bodhi secret realm, there will be extremely powerful The stone warriors also surprised Zhang Kun.

"Which Buddha stayed behind?" Zhang Kun rolled to dodge the attack of the stone warriors, and started to fight back with the Dongyue epee. You must know that this cave is extremely narrow, and there is no place to hide if attacked by the stone warriors together However, Zhang Kun was able to dodge their fierce offensive with incomparable flexibility.

Shadow Passing was pushed to the extreme by him for the second time, condensing one after another golden broken shadow avatars, switching and teleporting quickly within those avatars, the speed was extremely fast, although those stone figurine warriors were activated by primordial crystals, It seems to have wisdom, but under Zhang Kun's high-speed movement, he lost his target in an instant!

Zhang Kun let out a low growl, and a heavy sword shadow flashed suddenly on the Dongyue sword, and a violent and unparalleled explosion burst out, and with a click, the cave seemed to be unable to withstand such a powerful force from Zhang Kun. The thick rock wall collapsed in an instant, and the broken rocks were crushed into fine powder. The stone warriors were knocked back tens of meters, and with a bang, a row of stone warriors fell down. !

However, the materials of those stone warriors are extremely special. Even after being blown away by Zhang Kun, they still haven't completely shattered. They seem to be still absorbing the spiritual power in the surrounding air to repair them.

Zhang Kun couldn't help squinting his eyes. He guessed that this was similar to the nature of Jitian Pure Land. It had the ability to repair infinitely. It was extremely tricky, and it was very dangerous to fight with them.

However, Zhang Kun was not afraid at all. Instead, he stepped forward and slashed forward. A full moon appeared in Dongyue in his hand, and it turned into a giant thunderous sword light. It seemed to stir up the entire cave, shaking the mountain for a while, making people Tremors!

"Kill, kill, kill!" Those stone warriors who were knocked down by Zhang Kun suddenly stood up again, their eyes were scarlet, and the bronze long sword in their hands was extremely sharp, with the ability to cut iron like mud. Zhang Kun and the stone figurine warriors blasted the entire grotto to the point that it was about to shatter!


The huge coercion of Dongyue's epee slashed down, and the body of a stone warrior was cut off in an instant. Zhang Kun's piece fell on the primordial crystal in his body with incomparable precision, and the power of the blow exploded with a bang. The Yuan spar was shattered directly!

The material of this kind of stone warriors is very special, and it is very difficult to defeat them from the front, even Zhang Kun can't do it, but they are puppets that have been refined after all, and they must rely on the primordial spar to drive them. Therefore, the key to killing them is to shatter the primordial crystals in their bodies.

Now that Zhang Kun has grasped the opponent's weakness, Zhang Kun will not give the stone warrior any chance at all. At this moment, the vitality in his body has been transformed into a heavy earth element, dominated by the pure heaven and pure land, and his speed is extremely fast, as if one after another Like flowing shadows, broken golden figures continuously flashed up, and the shadows of the swords were heavy, each sword carried a huge force of tens of thousands of jun, and when it was struck with a bang, it could shatter everything!
Across the thick stone body of the stone warriors, he can easily shatter the Yuan spar with a single sword. The stone warriors are not afraid of life and death, and they are still lined up to stab and strangle Zhang Kun. The huge bronze sword cast terrifying sword lights, but at this time their bodies fell one after another, and Zhang Kun ruthlessly harvested their lives. To be precise, they had no lives.

"What a pity. It would be great if we could find the blueprint of this stone warrior." Zhang Kun touched his chin and said with emotion.

"Mr. Zhang, be careful, I sense that there are more stone warriors nearby!" Lin Yuxi reminded. The open cave suddenly shook, as if something was about to break through the soil and appear in front of everyone!
Boom boom boom!
The mountain collapsed suddenly, Zhang Kun protected Lin Yuxi, smashed the boulder blocking the way with a sword, and quickly retreated several miles, only to see a giant stone figurine rising suddenly in front of the two of them!
(End of this chapter)

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