Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 954

Chapter 954
He seems to have been hiding in the mountain all the time, or the whole mountain is actually a giant stone figurine, and that cave is just a hole in his body!
"Whoever trespasses on this place will be killed without mercy, and die!" The giant stone figurine stood up suddenly with a height of ten thousand feet, and its huge head pierced into the sky. Out of fear, its eyes burned like flames, and it suddenly shot out a bright red bursting beam!
The ray of light carried tens of thousands of degrees of hot temperature, as if it could burn through everything, the sky was completely dyed crimson in an instant, and the high sky seemed to be covered with red clouds, and the blazing fire swept across. Immediately wiped out everything, where the light beam touched, whether it was a rock or a forest, it was instantly ignited, and the next moment it was turned into ashes in the fire, and the continuous fire spread. From the looks of it, Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi seemed to be in a fire. in the domain.

With Lin Yuxi, Zhang Kun couldn't use Shadow Die Twice. However, although the stone giant's attack power is powerful, it also has a fatal shortcoming, that is, his flexibility is very poor, and he needs to turn around to launch an eye ridge attack. , Zhang Kun held Lin Yuxi in his arms, swung Dongyue epee with his right hand, cut out a bright sword light and tried to bombard the eye ridge, but the sword energy was burnt out by the scorching heat when it touched the eye ridge!

"Mr. Zhang, there is a rose-red gemstone inlaid on his chest, which should be the core of his power. From this point of view, he at least has the strength of the fusion state!" Lin Yuxi recognized it immediately after being well-informed. , Tell Zhang Kundao.

Slightly squinting his eyes, Zhang Kun nodded silently. The stone giant is not just as simple as possessing the strength of the combined state. What is even more frightening about him is that the materials that make up its body are exactly the same as those of the stone warriors. It has extremely high hardness and horrible recovery ability!
Coupled with the tall body of the stone figurine giant, these make him several times more difficult than ordinary monks in the combined state. It can even fight with ten masters in the combined state at the same time. There are many patterns of destruction engraved on its body. Once activated, multiple targets can be attacked at the same time!

Seeing that his attack had failed, the giant stone figurine was furious, and angrily raised a huge stone like a hill and threw it at Zhang Kun and the two. This blow seemed to be suppressed by Mount Tai, and it was extremely terrifying. For a moment, the huge fist covered the brilliance of the sun. Even if Zhang Kun accelerated, he would definitely not be able to get out of the attack range of this punch!
With a sudden punch, the earth was trembling in an instant, countless hideous and terrifying cracks spread all over the earth, among the mountains and forests, all beasts surrendered, as if the world had fallen silent, the power of this blow was too terrifying Well, even if a strong man in the early stage of the fit state stands here, he will be directly blasted to pieces!

The stone figurine giant's somewhat dull boulder face showed a humanized look of contempt. He sneered as if he had crushed a maggot. He didn't care. Just as he was about to raise his fist on the ground, he Suddenly, his complexion changed drastically, and he was in pain!


There was a sudden sound of crushing stones, and the huge palm was pierced through. The originally extremely hard stone giant palm was directly smashed into several pieces of debris at this moment, and the flaming pupils of the giant stone figurine jumped suddenly. After a while, he expressed his incomparable horror, but this was not over yet, only to see a series of huge cracks several feet long suddenly appearing on the arm of the giant stone figurine!
The icy and frosty sword light fell on the giant stone figurine, and the sharpness of the sword turned into a clear light and shadow, the power is astonishingly powerful!

Zhang Kun seemed to be holding a section of white snow in his hand, and the transparent sword body seemed to be able to reflect everything around him. Large pieces of gravel fell, and the hard rock directly peeled off from the body of the stone figurine giant!
The so-called extremely strong material was suddenly shattered at this moment!

The sword in Zhang Kun's hand is named Canxue. Even if this powerful fairy weapon only exerts the power of quasi-lingbao level, it can cut iron like mud. In general, hit the giant stone figurines with a bang!
"Intruders, kill without mercy!" The stone figurine giant was still repeating this mechanical sentence, and there were bursts of machine running sounds all over his body, creaking and creaking, and the stone figurine giant instantly lit up. A shining bright light!
That was the powerful formation engraved on its body surface, the huge rose-red crystal on his chest suddenly lit up, and the vast aura immediately spread, bursting out a burst of radiant energy towards the stone figurine. All over the giant, the stone figurine giant was strengthened in an instant, its huge body shrunk a bit at this moment, and the arm that was cut by Zhang Kun also changed at this moment!
"War Machine!"

Lin Yuxi suddenly exclaimed.

"It's a war machine used to fight against barbarians, but this model is already an antique. It has been eliminated for countless years, but I didn't expect it to appear here."

This stone figurine giant is not an ordinary puppet, but a war machine specially designed for war. It not only has a state, but under special circumstances, it can also change its form by changing the flow of vitality!
Zhang Kun couldn't help frowning, feeling a little tricky. Although the projection of the phantom sword is powerful, it has a time limit. Based on his current mastery of Ming Canxue, the projection of the phantom sword can last for a quarter of an hour.

"Let's make a quick decision!" Zhang Kun's eyes were fixed, and all the vitality in his body was poured into Ming Canxue as if he didn't need money. The vitality in his body was huge, as if there was no end at all. It is very likely that Zhang Kun will blow it up directly, but Ming Canxue's rank is extremely high, no matter how much vitality is injected, she can bear it!

At this moment, the name Canxue turned into a snow glow, and Zhang Kun's body suddenly showed nine layers of ice veins. He had already operated the Ice Heart Art to the extreme. At this moment, the temperature of the surrounding environment suddenly dropped to freezing point, and the energy of the world suddenly plundered Coming, the whole space seemed to be frozen, and even the movements of the giant stone figurines seemed to slow down.

At this moment, all the earth-colored rocks on the stone figurine giant's body fell off, replaced by radiant diamond skin, and the hardness was even higher!

(End of this chapter)

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