Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 955

Chapter 955
What is even more astonishing is that his arms turned into huge obsidian swords at this moment, and his huge size made them look like steep mountains!
Lin Yuxi couldn't help taking a deep breath. This is simply a killing machine. In this form, the stone giants or war machine soldiers have stronger attack power and defense capabilities, but they also seem to consume more energy. The energy of Yuan spar!
Throwing this kind of big killer on the battlefield is like a meat grinder, and even a fit monk can hardly block its divine power!
What's even more frightening is that, as a war machine against barbarians, this stone giant can be mass-produced!
Stab it!

The war machine soldier made a move, and the long knife that turned into his left hand fell from the sky and fell with a bang. Zhang Kunfei flew in mid-air and dodged deftly. The escaping knife glow directly left a terrifying wound on the ground , his blow directly and permanently changed the terrain of this area, and the hill was directly cut into a rift!
Countless monsters hiding in the mountains and forests were screaming at this moment, and they were terrified by that terrible scene, and then they were directly turned into crumbs by the blade light!

Zhang Kun sneered, holding Lin Yuxi in his arms, holding Ming Canxue with one hand, the bluish-white sword light shone brighter and became more and more intense, a large amount of vitality in Zhang Kun's body poured into it, and the vitality accumulated in Ming Canxue reached a level The level of horror, Zhang Kun's right arm seems to be emitting precious light, he has polished his sword skills to the point of perfection, aimed at the long sword in the right hand of the war machine soldier, Zhang Kun stabs backwards with a sword!

"Thousands of Mountains Twilight Snow!"

In an instant, the time that seemed to be frozen was drifted with snowflakes. The snowflakes flying all over the sky are actually extremely sharp and powerful sword shadows. Countless sword shadows strangled and strangled. With a bang, Ming Canxue split into nine clear sword shadows and sliced ​​away!

At the same time, the war machine soldier also stabbed out a sword with his right hand. That sword didn't have any fancy skills, it was just an extremely powerful stab, but it gave people a feeling that it was absolutely impossible to stop, and the space was directly blocked. It was pierced, revealing a hideous and terrifying void!

Boom boom boom!
The bright sword light passed through, and the sound of a loud explosion came over. The entire battlefield was shrouded in bone-piercing cold air. A cloud ring rose from the center of the explosion, and the name Canxue in Zhang Kun's hand turned into light at this moment. The point dissipated, and two quarters of an hour had arrived.

Lin Yuxi frowned slightly, bit her red lips with her white teeth, and said, "Did you win?"

Zhang Kun nodded lightly, and said with a smile, "It's easy."

As if to confirm what he said, there was a loud bang, and the huge body of the war machine soldier was cut off and shattered into two pieces. The huge deep pit, I saw that his body was covered with large and small frost shards, and it exploded at this moment, blowing the body of the war machine soldier to pieces!
And at the moment when it maintained its action, the rose-red gem exploded with a bang and turned into debris. Seeing this scene, Zhang Kun couldn't help but feel distressed. That gem is an extremely rare elemental essence. , Priceless!
There is not only one form of metatarsal marrow, some metatarsal marrow is doped with some kind of impurity, not only does not make its value lower, but is sought after by everyone because of its rarity, this variant metatarsal marrow is Really priceless!
At this moment, in the quiet room of the Bodhi Courtyard, a group of twelve sects sat in two seats with the monks of the Bodhi Courtyard, and a faint nervous atmosphere permeated the room.

"Blessings from the Twelve Sects, why are you here in such a big way this time?" Abbot Fangzheng said slowly.

"The purpose of our trip, you masters, should be very clear. We came here with sincerity, and I hope you masters can also show sincerity, so as not to damage the hundreds of years of friendship between the Twelve Sects and your courtyard." Tall, thin middle-aged The man laughed.Don't give this group of monks a chance to play dumb, and force Fang Zheng and the others to express their views.

Fang Zheng and Fang Wen looked at each other, and they both saw the worry in each other's eyes.

"The poor monk really doesn't understand why the benefactors of the Twelve Sects insist on having trouble with a young man."

"This son publicly humiliated and killed members of our Twelve Factions on Hongze Lake, and even Qi Lao's son was brutally murdered. Our Twelve Factions have always been united, how could we allow this kind of lunatic to get away with it! So no matter what No matter what price we pay, we will take this boy back!" The tall, thin middle-aged man said angrily, looking at Fang Zheng aggressively, without fear of Fang Zheng.

Fangzheng was silent, he had also heard the name of this middle-aged man, Zhang Zhenhai, the second elder of the sword-seeking sect, the head of the twelve sects, although he was said to be only the second elder, but his real power was second only to the sect leader, and anyway, he seemed to have a faint With signs of overflowing vitality, it is known that he is not far from breaking through the Void Refining Realm.

This time the Twelve Sects sent him, I'm afraid it's inevitable for this matter, even if I reject the Twelve Sects this time, then the next time the sect masters of the Void Refining Realm will come.

Is it worth paying such a high price for the Bodhi Court just for the sake of a Buddhist protector?

Fangzheng sighed silently.

In the end, it was the young man who showed his sharpness too much. At the beginning, the Twelve Sects arrested him to threaten Lin Xinchan to submit, but he killed the Mahayana monks of the Twelve Sects on Hongze Lake, and let the news spread. When it came out, it was like a slap on the face of the Twelve Sects who were originally proud of the spring breeze, and the matter was brewing until now, not only the Qionghua Palace was not breached, but even Zhang Kun, who was in the Nascent Soul Realm, was not caught. , This has caused rumors to spread from the outside world, and this incident has become a laughing stock. Even the internal monks of the twelve sects began to doubt their own strength.

So even for the sake of face, the Twelve Factions had to arrest Zhang Kun in order to re-establish their prestige.

The two groups of people were in a stalemate, and the door of the quiet room was suddenly pushed open, and a gentle and gentle monk walked in.

Fang Wen frowned deeply, and Fang Zheng's muddy eyes suddenly turned sharp. If he was just a withered old monk before, now he is a vajra with angry eyes and infinite majesty.

The monk at the door still had soft eyes, looked at Fang Zheng calmly, and even smiled.

He saluted slowly: "Senior brother Fang Zheng, senior brother Fang Wen, all senior brothers, long time no see."

Fangzheng looked at him deeply, suddenly felt a little tired, sighed, and said, "This matter is for Junior Brother Fang Shou to decide."

After finishing speaking, he saluted the group of the Twelve Sect and walked out with difficulty, not intending to participate in this matter any more.

(End of this chapter)

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