Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 956 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 956 Meeting in a narrow road

Fang Wen followed Fangzheng and walked out. Although the monks were puzzled, seeing that the abbot and the head had left, they all got up and saluted and followed them away.

Only the members of the twelve sects were left looking at each other, not knowing what happened.

"Fang Shou, a poor monk, I already know the purpose of the donors. The abbot brother just said that the matter is left to me, so I will discuss it with you in detail." Fang Shou smiled gently, like a spring breeze.

An hour later, Fangzheng and Fangwen stood on the attic, silently watching the members of the Twelve Sects come out of the quiet room, Qi Yangzheng and Zhang Zhenhai had uncontrollable joy on their faces.

At this time Fang Shou came out, seemed to have sensed something suddenly, turned his head to look at the attic, smiled and bent down to salute, then turned and walked towards the depths of the Bodhi Courtyard.

"This is the first time my brother has left that thatched cottage in 50 years." Fang Wen's tone was deeply puzzled. It's been more than half of the time, and no one thought that he would break out of the hut because of today's incident, and he would fail after fifty years of hard work.

Fang Wen knew that Fang Shou's move was for Fang Zheng to see, in order to force Fang Zheng to agree to the request of the Twelve Sects.

Not only did Zhang Kun not escape, but he still participated in the Buddha's trial as Lin Yuxi's protector. It was beyond Fang Shou's expectations, so he would never allow anyone who threatened Xuanren to appear again. This time he wanted to borrow The hands of the twelve sects removed Lin Yuxi while removing Zhang Kun.

Fangzheng remained silent, but his expression became more and more miserable.

Fang Shou nodded, and said lightly: "You two brothers, don't need to be upset. We have already found out that the person who killed in Kasyapa Temple that day was Zhang Kun. Whether it is public or private, this person should be killed. Please let me know." The two senior brothers should no longer have any kindness in their hearts."

After speaking, Fang Shou saluted and left. The Bodhi Court said it was detached, but after all, it was inevitable to make concessions for the sake of interests. Besides, Zhang Kun did commit murder. There is insufficient evidence for what he did in Kasyapa Court. Zhang Kun's identity has not been revealed, but now everything is on the bright side, and Fangzheng has nothing to do.

Seeing the people from the Twelve Sect go away, he didn't say anything after all. It seemed that when he handed over this matter to Fang Shou, the ending was already doomed. Enemy!
Fang Wen glanced at his senior brother, recited a Buddha's name, and said leisurely: "It's really a pity that such an amazing young man is the real culprit who killed many Dharma protectors in Kasyapa Temple. I can't ignore it."

Fangzheng nodded and agreed that no matter what the final outcome is, Bodhi Court intends to hand over Zhang Kun to the Twelve Sects. Even if he really helps Lin Yuxi become a disciple of Buddha, his sins will not be forgiven!

With the crash of the war machine soldier, a mountain range in front of the two of them was directly leveled, turning into a huge pit, like an abyss, and it was impossible to see the bottom from above.

"What is this?" Zhang Kun asked, pointing to the faint gleam of bleak breath under the abyss, Lin Yuxi thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "It seems to be a kind of cloud, bring him here have a look?"

Zhang Kun nodded, and shot out a burst of vitality. The vitality fell straight into the abyss like a rainbow. When it touched the cloud, the energy of the world was almost violent, and the bleak aura instantly increased several times. , while rising, changing colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, and finally turned into pure white light, hovering around the two of them.

"This is...!" Lin Yuxi's pretty face instantly showed a bit of joy, and she said happily: "This is an inheritance spiritual energy, and it will guide us to find a sensory dao seed!"

Zhang Kun couldn't help but get excited after hearing this. It's been less than half a day since they entered the Bodhi Secret Realm. Are they about to discover the sensory Tao seed?
"Isn't it too early to be happy?" At this moment, a sneer suddenly sounded, as if falling straight down from the sky, a deadly knife shadow chopped down in amazement, violent and fierce, making one's hair stand on end Upside down!

Before Zhang Kun could draw his sword in time, a pulse of ice condensed in front of his body!

The knife shadow cut off the ice veins with a bang, Zhang Kun's body could not help but flew back tens of meters before he managed to stabilize his figure. A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, Lin Yuxi frowned slightly, and her pretty face turned Bai asked with concern, "Mr. Zhang, how are you doing?"

"How is he?" A young man slowly stepped down from the cloud with his hands behind his back, his face was full of aloofness and arrogance, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up, full of contempt.

"He's going to die soon, Great Alchemist Zhang, I really never thought that a person like you can become a Taoist protector, isn't it ridiculous?" Yuan Wei walked slowly towards the two with a long knife on his back. Come.

"Yuan Wei? You are alone, where is Baili Qiwen?" Zhang Kun stopped the blood, and seeing Yuan Wei appearing, Zhang Kun concealedly dispersed the moves that were ready to go, and his eyes flashed There was a faint smile.

At this time, another figure appeared in the cloud, it was Baili Qiwen.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be so lucky to find a cloud of inheritance, but it's a pity that you met me!" Baili Qiwen chuckled.

Zhang Kun's eyes narrowed slightly. If I remember correctly, the information I got from Mrs. Ren was that Baili Qiwen possessed a strange innate supernatural power. With vitality controlling Feiyun, the speed can be compared to that of a Void Refiner who accelerates in a straight line with all his strength!

Presumably, Baili Qiwen and Yuan Wei sensed the appearance of inherited vitality, and instantly used the power of Feiyun to rush here. When they saw Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi, Yuan Wei laughed instantly!

"As soon as I came up, I met you, the weakest pair!"

"It's such a pity, that fellow Xuanren acted too quickly and directly eliminated a candidate. You should thank them well, so that you won't be the first to be eliminated." Yuan Wei sneered again and again, without hiding the slightest bit The contempt and disdain in his own words.

He is very aware of Zhang Kun's strength, it is rubbish that he can crush easily, and he still takes Zhang Kun's status as a great alchemist into account in Jialan City, but here, who cares what your status is?
Baili Qiwen and Yuan Wei stared at Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi covetously, as if these two had become their possessions, defeating a buddhist candidate could forcibly take out the bodhi seed from his body, Come to stimulate your own bodhi seeds and complete the trial faster!
(End of this chapter)

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