Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 958 Poisoned!

Chapter 958 Poisoned!

"What are you talking about, do you dare to put poison in the pill?" Yuan Wei's face changed suddenly, and he couldn't help looking at Baili Qiwen, who frowned and said with certainty: "Yuan Wei, don't worry He is just cheating on you. I have tested all the elixirs he brought. There are also alchemy masters in Cheng'an Temple. He told me that these elixirs are not only non-toxic, but also of high quality, so you can use them with confidence .”

Baili Qiwen snorted coldly: "Zhang Tianmeng, you are so ridiculous, you want to fool around when you are about to die?"

Yuan Wei and Baili Qiwen were very cautious, and they dared not take Zhang Kun's pills until they checked that they were correct. Therefore, they concluded that Zhang Kun was definitely lying!

Zhang Kun looked helplessly at the two hopeless people, and sneered, "Who is dying?"

Yuan Wei's color changed almost instantly, and he swung the long knife behind him, turning into a blazing sky fire, slashing towards Zhang Kun, trying to smash him to pieces!

Zhang Kun stood there without moving, with a calm and calm expression on his face.

Lin Yuxi couldn't help exclaiming: "Mr. Zhang, be careful!"

The audience in the Bodhi Court felt that Zhang Kun had resigned to his fate. After the fraud failed, he simply gave up resisting!
Many timid people covered their eyes, unable to bear to see the bloody scene!
However, at the next moment, Yuan Wei's figure suddenly stopped, and his burly and sturdy body trembled uncontrollably, completely out of his own control. On the ground, a big hole that was not shallow was blasted.

"what happened?"

The sudden change made everyone stunned. They looked at the scene before them in disbelief, thinking they were delusional.

A powerful swordsman of the second level of fitness came towards Zhang Kun with all his strength. The blade was shining so brightly that he was about to split Zhang Kunli in two, but he fell down in mid-air?
What is this? What happened to Yuan Wei?
Zhang Kunyi stood on the spot with a calm smile on his face. He glanced at Yuan Wei who fell on the ground with a livid face and said with a smile, "How is it, Yuan Wei, how does my elixir taste?"

Yuan Wei was speechless at this moment, the corners of his mouth were overflowing with black blood, and his forehead was covered with purple-red bloodshots, like a little snake, looking extremely terrifying, what was even worse was that he was convulsing all over his body , the vitality in his body was completely out of control, and it was scurrying wildly in his meridians!

"Zhang, how dare you poison me!" Yuan Wei held the long knife and forced himself to stand up, staring at Zhang Kun with anger in his eyes, and said with extreme anger.

Zhang Kun looked at Yuan Wei without any emotion in his eyes, and was extremely indifferent, as if he was looking at a dead person, he said flatly.

"It's just repaying others in the same way. When you dared to come to my pharmacy to make trouble, did you ever think about today?"

Yuan Wei only felt that he was paralyzed from head to toe, but the severe pain like a frenzy still tore his body. Super strong toxin, once the two are combined, the poison pill refined by Zhang Kun can instantly make the fit and strong man unable to survive or die!
"Damn it!" Yuan Wei's body had completely turned purple, and the blood from the corner of his mouth couldn't stop flowing, but this was just the beginning, soon his whole body twitched, his eyes rolled white, and he foamed at the mouth!
Baili Qiwen was stunned when he saw this scene. Yuan Wei was poisoned so badly that he completely lost the ability to fight and let others slaughter him!
"How could this happen!" Baili Qiwen's face was as pale as paper, and he looked horrified. He never thought that things would develop like this. He was very careful to prevent it. Toxin, could it be said that even the great alchemist could not detect the hands and feet in Zhang Kun's elixir?
The three presidents of the Alchemist Union were also stunned at this moment. They knew that Zhang Kun's attainments in alchemy were so advanced that they could not be judged by common sense. However, they did not expect that Zhang Kun would poison Yuan Wei and would not be found.

"It's impossible for me to do this!" Li Weiru squirmed his lips in horror, with a look of horror on his face, and his evaluation of Zhang Kun couldn't help but be a little too high again, this is simply a monster!

All the people present gasped, Zhang Kun's move was too subtle, it was impossible to guard against!

The masters of the Twelve Schools frowned suddenly, they didn't expect Yuan Wei's test to be passed by Zhang Kun!

Lin Yuxi glanced at Zhang Kun and didn't know what to say. Sure enough, Zhang Kun was not a reckless person. He faced Yuan Wei with bare hands because he was already prepared and had nothing to fear!

Many people were stunned at the moment. It was unbelievable that things would develop like this. Yuan Weikong had a formidable strength but was completely unable to display it due to poisoning. He was easily defeated by Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi!

However, at this moment, Baili Qiwen's figure flickered, and he sacrificed a heavy treasure in his hand. Immediately, a burst of brilliance shone from the vitality injected into the magic weapon. He accelerated to the extreme in an instant, turned into a flying cloud, and passed by Zhang Kun, pulling up Yuan Wei who was lying on the ground and struggling continuously, rushed straight into the sky, and fled quickly!

This is the innate supernatural power that he is proud of, the speed is extremely fast, and it is most suitable for rushing and escaping!

Zhang Kun frowned, and the vitality in his body surged instantly. Ying Fai was urged to the extreme for the second time, and his figure turned into a golden streamer to follow, and the speed of the instant burst was also extremely astonishing!
"Heh, if you want to compete with me in speed, you are still a bit short!" Baili Qiwen said in a low voice, and the magic weapon in his hand shone with a string of bright light again, covering him, and his speed skyrocketed in an instant For a while, only an afterimage was left in mid-air, which quickly disappeared from Zhang Kun's vision.

Zhang Kun couldn't help frowning. Shadow Passing Twice is a top-notch body art classic, but what he is good at is dodging in combat rather than straight-line acceleration in escaping. In this aspect, Zhang Kun is indeed inferior Baili Qiwen is powerful.

In addition, Lin Yuxi's strength is relatively low, and there are hidden dangers everywhere in the Bodhi Secret Realm. He couldn't take the risk of leaving Lin Yuxi there alone, so he stopped chasing Baili Qiwen, but turned back to Lin Yuxi.

"I lost my track. He ran too fast, and I couldn't catch up." Zhang Kun touched his nose and said with some regret.

Lin Yuxi brushed her hair, said with a light smile, "It's okay, Mr. Zhang is really scheming, and he has already laid out the trick."

(End of this chapter)

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