Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 959

Chapter 959
Originally, the two had no chance of winning against Shang Yuanwei and Baili Qiwen, unless Zhang Kun used his hole cards, but he had other plans, so it was naturally impossible to reveal his full strength right now, but what everyone didn't expect was that , Zhang Kun actually used poison to resolve the crisis!

All the audience in the Bodhi Court took a breath, and the eyes they looked at Zhang Kun in the light curtain changed again, from suspicion and contempt at the beginning to surprise.

An ordinary alchemist, even a great alchemist, generally doesn't have too much combat power, but poison masters and Gu masters are different. They have all kinds of weird methods and use some unconventional techniques to win Fight for the edge!
"It seems that we underestimated this kid, but what's the use of that? Yuan Weihui was caught in the trap and replaced with another Taoist guardian. Maybe Zhang Kun would be slaughtered right away!"

Everyone was talking about it. The test of Bodhi has always been a topic they like to talk about. Naturally, the two people who attracted their attention the most were the invincible Son of Xuanren, and the other was hunted down by the Twelve Sects. , Zhang Kun, who is also a great alchemist at the same time.

Baili Qiwen controlled his vitality and flew for thousands of miles. After seeing that no one was following him, he let out a sigh of relief, stopped using his innate supernatural powers, and stopped slowly. His expression couldn't help but Bai, obviously performing the secret technique is quite a burden for him.

"Damn it, Yuanwei has been abolished, what should I do next?" Baili Qiwen threw Yuanwei to the ground with one hand. At this moment, Yuanwei seemed to be hallucinating. Several kinds of psychotoxins were added to it, which can make people have weird hallucinations, but his skin is still festered, and there are malignant sores all over his body.

He was almost crippled, the vitality of his whole body was eroded, burning his meridians, destroying his whole body!

Baili Qiwen's face was as pale as paper. He felt that he was really unlucky to have encountered such a thing. He came to participate in this Bodhi test because he wanted to avenge Xuanren Shengzi, but in the end he was killed by a piece of paper. Kun got this field!

"I hate it so much, I hate it so much!"

How many years of hard work and forbearance and savings have lost their meaning at this moment. Without Yuan Wei, a powerful guardian, what would he have to fight with Xuan Ren?

Just when he was indignant and depressed, he suddenly noticed an unspeakable aura around him.

"Well, is it a sensory dao?"

"Is this the induction dao seed? It looks really exquisite and small." Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi followed the guidance of the inheritance cloud and found the induction dao seed all the way. At the moment they are in a pavilion, a dark yellow The small and delicate pill was suspended in the mid-air, constantly emitting a faint brilliance, which looked extremely miraculous.

Lin Yuxi glanced at the surrounding environment vigilantly, and after confirming that there were no other candidates for Buddhist disciples and Taoist guardians nearby, she said, "Mr. Zhang, I am going to start enlightening Taoism now, and please protect me."

Zhang Kun nodded, and laid out formations around him casually. His formation skills are not as good as alchemy and weapon refining, and he has no guidance from a famous teacher. He is only self-taught and has not yet reached the level of a great formation master. A monk who is enough to stop the Mahayana period is better than nothing.

At the same time, he also sat down cross-legged, his whole body roared with vigor, his spiritual consciousness spread, and he was alert to everything, and he would strike instantly if there was any trouble.

So far, he has never had a head-on collision with a Taoist protector. With his current strength, it is still a little bit reluctant to fight a powerful Taoist protector head-on. Zhang Kun is very aware of his level of strength. At this stage, he and Lin Yuxi must hide their strengths and bide their time, and gradually improve With one's own strength, this Bodhi Secret Realm is a great opportunity to quickly improve one's strength!
"I hope Yuxi can realize something after this enlightenment, otherwise she will be at the bottom of the Buddha's candidates, and it will be too difficult to complete the trial." Zhang Kun thought to himself, but he didn't expect Lin Yuxi to be able to Becoming his combat power, since he promised to be her guardian, Zhang Kun took care of all the combat matters, even if it was one against two!

Lin Yuxi closed her eyes, with a solemn expression on her pink and pretty face, she stretched out her slender jade finger and pointed at the sensing dao seed, and in an instant, ripples of Buddha's light spread, and a vast aura spread immediately Filling the entire gazebo, a statue of Mingguang Buddha appeared in front of her, with a smile on his face, looking at her calmly and compassionately, Buddhist scriptures appeared around with shining golden light, and bursts of Sanskrit chanting came out.

Soon she entered a state of enlightenment.

Zhang Kun looked at the Ming Buddha, but he didn't see anything special about it. It seemed to be an ordinary Buddha statue, but Lin Yuxi seemed to be having a conversation with him, sometimes crying and sometimes smiling, which made Zhang Kun look It's dumbfounding.

Inductive Dao seeds permeated with a wave of Dao rhyme, descending on Lin Yuxi's side, surrounding her, the Dharma is mighty, and the sound of chanting sutras sounded one after another like Huang Zhong Dalu, giving people a solemn feeling.

However, this sensory Tao is only effective for the enlightened person alone, and from Zhang Kun's perspective, there is nothing.

The people watching Lin Yuxi's comprehension of Taoism from the light curtain couldn't see those scenes, but they were all very surprised at the moment.

"I didn't expect that it was the seventh female buddhist candidate who got the induction dao seed first!"

"That's right, we really didn't expect that the weakest buddha candidate would be the first to grab the sensory dao seed!" Everyone exclaimed.

Judging from the experience summary of the previous Bodhi trials, the first person who gets the Dao Seed often has a great advantage. Buddha alternates with some special abilities!

Not only that, mastering the induction Tao and obtaining the Buddha's inheritance is equivalent to mastering the initiative.

Therefore, everyone attaches great importance to the acquisition of the first Dao Seed, but something that everyone did not expect happened. Xuanren has not obtained the Dao Seed, but Lin Yuxi got it first!
Fang Shou quietly watched the scene in the light curtain by the edge of the grass hut, frowned, and murmured in a low voice: "Lin Yuxi's innate ability even makes Xuan Ren a bit afraid, this time she got After getting the induction dao seed, is she going to complete the trial before Xuanren, fortunately Zhu Shen has fulfilled his promise, otherwise Xuanren's position as a Buddhist disciple will be in danger!"

(End of this chapter)

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