Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 960 No progress

Chapter 960 No progress
Time is slowly passing by, and the Bodhi Secret Realm is still very large. After the encounter between Zhang Kun and Yuan Wei, there are no other buddhist candidates or guardians passing by. In addition, Zhang Kun killed the biggest threat in this area. The war machine soldiers are powerful in all directions, and the degree of danger around here is also reduced to the minimum. Therefore, during the process of Lin Yuxi's perception, nothing disturbs her.

"It seems that this time, Yuxi should be able to improve a lot." Zhang Kun silently expected that without any interruption, Lin Yuxi should be able to perfectly accept all the inheritance in the Dao Seed!
Lin Yuxi finally opened her eyes slowly, but sighed softly.

She looked at Zhang Kun with a sorry expression.

Zhang Kun's heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "How?"

Lin Yuxi's eye circles turned red slightly, and she said clearly, "I haven't gained much."

I saw the phantom of the bodhi seed behind her slowly changing, began to grow, and a few buds appeared, but stopped soon!
This level is not as good as the state Xuanren reached when he first absorbed the Dao Seed.

At this moment, the audience in the Bodhi Courtyard were stunned, and immediately burst into laughter!

"Hahaha, are you trying to kill me with laughter, this woman?"

"It's too ridiculous to still participate in the Bodhi test like this. I was the first to obtain the sensory dao seed. I thought she was going to turn salty fish over. I didn't expect it to be so miserable!"

Everyone sneered and couldn't help the smile in their hearts when they saw this scene.

"It's really disappointing. Who gave her such a precious qualification for the Bodhi Trial? What a waste!"

"It seems that Lingfo's oracle can also make mistakes. This Lin Yuxi has no relationship with Buddha at all."

The masters of the Twelve Sects gloated even more. Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi were really unlucky. Even if one of them got the sensory Dao Seed, the result was the same. He couldn't be compared with Xuanren Shengzi, let alone win the Bodhi test.

"Huh, Zhang Kun is a kid who has committed many crimes. This is his retribution. It is his fault that the candidate for the Buddha he chose could not comprehend the supreme Buddha Dharma." People from the Twelve Sects sneered again and again.

"It's okay, take your time. Since everyone says that your talent is superb and can rival Xuanren Shengzi, then I believe we can win to the end." Zhang Kun stepped forward, held Lin Yuxi's hand, said with a smile.

Lin Yuxi didn't withdraw her hand unexpectedly. She was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. The fluctuations emitted by the sensing dao seed will attract other people."

Zhang Kun nodded, squeezed Lin Yuxi's soft and boneless fingers, and pulled her away from here.

"I think our current actions are limited everywhere. The main reason is that the strength of the two of us is still too low. I originally thought that I would be able to compete with them if I broke through to the Mahayana realm, but what I didn't expect was that they turned out to use The rule is to suppress the realm to enter here, and then quickly break through, so I think we must change our thinking, the first thing we need to do is to improve our realm strength." Zhang Kun said.

After all, the last time they met happened to be Yuan Wei and Baili Qiwen, but not every time they were so lucky, if they met Xuan Ren next time, it would be terrible. In order not to expose their cards early, Zhang Kun The decision must first address the gap in level between oneself and other guardians.

Lin Yuxi nodded absent-mindedly. She felt that she was dragging Zhang Kun down. For half a month, she just hid in the Bodhi Courtyard. Although she practiced hard, her strength still did not reach the Golden Core Realm. In half a month, Zhang Kun was promoted to the third rank of great alchemist, broke through to the Mahayana realm, and made arrangements for Yuanwei and Baili Qiwen in Jialan City.

Moreover, he has purchased the detailed information of all the candidates for the Buddhist disciples except Xuanren. It can be said that Zhang Kun has done everything he can do!

Lin Yuxi followed Zhang Kun all the way in dismay. Zhang Kun also noticed her abnormality, but he didn't know how to comfort her. It seemed that he had to wait for her to figure it out.

The Bodhi Secret Realm is extremely vast, the size of a realm.

It is divided into three major Buddhist kingdoms, which are called the Paradise of Paradise, the Realm of Glazed Glass, and the Realm of Maitreya.

At this moment, in the colored glaze world, a man wearing a silk brocade robe is flying and retreating rapidly. In front of him is a woman wearing a purple veil. The two retreat one after another as if they were being hunted down. , They fought and retreated, and the vitality fluctuations that erupted between the battles were astonishing, it was the powerful force of the realm of integration.

Although the man in Qiluo Jinpao was running away, there was no trace of panic on Junxiu's face. It was obvious that he was very confident in the purple-clothed woman beside him. She was very powerful, and she was waving a purple silk ribbon in her hand. , constantly twitching and slapping, strangling the enemy in front of him, and he hasn't lost the wind yet.

"Zi Ji, be careful." The man in the splendid brocade robe was Liu Yu'an, he said softly.

Zi Ji has amazing strength and a peerless face, she is charming but not tainted with wind and dust, beautiful but not coquettish, her lavender hair flutters in the wind, her delicate face seems to have been carefully carved, graceful Her figure is even more graceful, and her beautiful appearance is amazing.

Ziji is not a woman from Wenxi Pavilion, but a woman that Liu Yu'an met by chance when he left the Jialan Realm and went to other realms to be romantic. Brought her back to the Bodhi Courtyard in the Garan Realm, begged Fang Wen for a period of luck treatment, and finally saved her life, so she was very loyal to Liu Yu'an.

However, at this time, the dangers and troubles they encountered far exceeded their expectations!
What Liu Yu'an and the others encountered was the glass resentful spirit. This resentful spirit was transformed by the karma of all living beings. It was originally purified by the Buddha and Bodhisattva, but for some unknown reason, it reappeared in the Bodhi Secret Realm!
The owner of this glass world is the pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata. The Buddha uses the name of the pharmacist as a metaphor for a doctor who can cure greed, hatred, and ignorance in all living beings. The name of the glass is the light of the glass. I don't know what happened, but all kinds of resentful spirits appeared here.

"Why are you running, stay with us, buddhist candidate and guardian, it's really delicious, jie jie jie!"

The wraiths made weird and unpleasant sounds, and rushed towards the two of them. Their bodies were like ghosts, but they were virtual, and it was difficult to be attacked. At the same time, the wraiths were also very flexible, shuttling like plankton. It's annoying!
(End of this chapter)

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