Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 962

Chapter 962

Fang Wen frowned, his old face was full of puzzlement, he pondered for a moment, and finally shook his head.

Everyone present gasped, even the head of the Bodhi Court couldn't figure out what was going on. How terrifying must these ghosts be?
Zhang Kun swung his sword one after another, smashing the wraith's body time and time again. However, this kind of ethereal body was not afraid of being destroyed at all, and the moment the body was broken, it condensed again.

Lin Yuxi and Liu Yu'an were constantly thinking about the solution. This may be the problem set for them by the Bodhi Trial. Even Fang Wenshou couldn't figure out the mystery. This is an extremely difficult test.

"Hahaha, this is nothing more than a meaningless struggle. We are invincible, why don't you give up early!" The resentful spirits laughed sharply, which was really penetrating.

Ziji frowned beautifully, flung out the silk with her hands, and turned into a purple light and shadow twitching away. Under the impact of surging vitality, the surrounding trees were all broken in the middle, and the space was blasted with broken lines. Several resentful spirits exploded at this moment and turned into fly ash, but they still condensed back together, as if there would never be an end.

The wraiths continued to make that ugly cry, taunting everyone frantically.

Zhang Kun smiled, but said: "No matter what their origins are, let's break them first!"

"Could it be that brother Zhang wants to break the law with force?" Liu Yu'an said.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience in the Bodhi Court couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help but sneer again and again. Even Zi Ji, who is already in the state of integration, can't break the law with strength. Could it be that you, Zhang Kun, can do it?
"His strength has been raised to the Mahayana realm, which is not bad." Someone discovered this and said.

However, more people still sneered and snorted softly: "The Mahayana realm is nothing in the Bodhi test, just encountering a little change is enough to crush him to death!"

Zhang Kun nodded lightly, raised his right hand lightly, a ray of light suddenly flashed across the void, and a bright and transparent snowy light suddenly condensed from the void, and a long sword crystal clear as ice appeared in front of him in his hands.

It was the name Can Xue, and Zhang Kun summoned it again in the form of a phantom sword projection.

The phantom sword projection can only last for two quarters of an hour, and after one projection, it takes a whole day to summon it again.

Surging energy flowed on the blade, the ice-like blade was extremely sharp, and the dots of icy aura surrounding the sword made it even more extraordinary and powerful!
"What, this is a quasi-spiritual treasure!" As soon as the name Canxue came out, the hearts of the audience jumped suddenly, and they all looked at the long sword in Zhang Kun's hand in disbelief, their faces full of disbelief!

The test of Bodhi limited the strength of the entrants to not be higher than the Mahayana, and the magic weapon brought in could also not exceed the quasi-spiritual weapon!

These two restrictions are not impossible to break through, like those guardians who suppress their own realm and deliberately do not break through, and then quickly break through after entering, but it is impossible for a quasi-spiritual weapon to advance into a spiritual weapon, unless there are Refiners exist, but no matter how superb their refining methods are, they can't turn a quasi-spiritual weapon into a quasi-spiritual treasure, which has spanned two major levels!

"This kid must have cheated, it's impossible!" The masters of the twelve sects were filled with righteous indignation and reprimanded them one after another. At the same time, they suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Zhang Kun was able to escape many times under their pursuit, because this guy actually held quasi Lingbao!
This is a super powerful weapon that can only be mastered at the refining level. Mahayana monks who hold quasi-spiritual treasures are able to fight against the strong ones!
"Brother Jingyun fell under this quasi-spiritual treasure!" An eminent monk from the Kasyapa Temple put his hands together and screamed.

Qi Yang snorted coldly, and at the same time, a hint of greed flashed in his eyes. After he killed Zhang Kun, wouldn't this quasi-spiritual treasure be in his pocket?

"This sword is really a waste in his hands. If it is in my hands, it will be like a tiger with wings added!" Qi Yang thought in his heart, he is already half-step Void Refining Realm, and the distance from the leader-level realm is only a thin line Forget it, if he can have a quasi-spiritual treasure by his side, and comprehend the mystery contained in it, he will be one step closer to the realm of refining the void!
"Haha, God is helping me. Killing Zhang Kun will not only avenge my son, but also take away his magic weapon!" Qi Yang said bitterly.

At this moment, the light curtain shook violently, releasing violent fluctuations, as if the things in the Bodhi Secret Realm were about to pass through the space barrier and descend into the Great Evolution Realm!
"What happened?" Everyone's eyes widened, staring at the light curtain in disbelief.

I saw Zhang Kun raised his hand and gently stroked Ming Canxue's frost blade. A gust of cold wind gathered around him, and a layer of icy blue halo instantly floated on Ming Canxue. The next moment Zhang Kun's The figure changed into a phantom in the air, and when everyone reacted, they saw him leaping high into the sky!


Zhang Kun gave a soft drink, and there was no emotion in his eyes. He was indifferent to the extreme, and the blue ice veins condensed behind him, forming nine paths. At this moment, the Bing Xin Jue was operated to the extreme by him, named Can Xue Shaking violently, the manic vitality was incomparably majestic, as if the huge energy of the entire ocean rushed rapidly!

Zhang Kun seemed to pull up an entire glacier and throw it down, countless people's eyes widened at this moment!

The ice blade instantly conjures up tens of thousands of sword shadows in mid-air, like glacier thorns, almost countless, and the extremely sharp blades surge towards them, as if an extremely ice storm is sweeping over, the whole world Only the extremely cold sword energy was left in the room!

Like a violent storm, thousands of sword shadows stabbed down in an instant, and the sword pointed directly at those wraiths!
Boom boom boom!
The sky-shattering explosion resounded through the sky, and the ice blades that fell directly like hailstones seemed to be able to cut through everything. The crystal ice blades were like frost and snow, and every snowflake contained a huge and boundless sword energy, which was extremely arrogant The faces of the resentful spirits are all changing wildly at this moment, and the scarlet eyes are full of horror!

"how can that be!"

All the people present gasped. The power of this blow was extremely terrifying. The faces of the people in Kasyapa Temple changed wildly. They thought of that day when Zhang Kun turned into an evil madman in Kasyapa Temple. The scene of the digital guardian monks of Kasyapa Monastery!
"Is this guy really just in the Mahayana realm? Isn't this Nengwei too perverted?"

(End of this chapter)

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