Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 963

Chapter 963
Countless people were stunned at this moment, only to see an avalanche-like scene unfolding in front of their eyes in amazement. This sword didn't seem delicate, it was just a stab with enough vitality, but after the sword was released, thousands of swords The shadows seem to exist independently, but Zhang Kun is actually controlling each ice blade with his spiritual power!
The ice blade turns or slashes or stabs, thousands of changes are achieved in an instant, and the sky is full of snowflakes. The ice marks are dreamy and gorgeous, like the shining ice surface under the aurora, thousands of flashes It exploded in an instant, and the entire battlefield was completely shrouded in icy white mist. What kind of superb mental power control skills does this require?

"Okay, okay, I really didn't miss the mark, I deserve to be my chosen heir!" Li Weiru couldn't help but stood up at this moment, looking at the scene in the light curtain, he couldn't help applauding. Seeing Zhang Kun's performance, he didn't think so at all. Feel any surprises!

Because during the Great Alchemist's assessment, he had already experienced Zhang Kun's spiritual strength, which was almost perverted and monstrous, and it was no longer a problem to control thousands of ice blades at the same time!

The hearts of many viewers were filled with turmoil at this moment. They looked at Zhang Kun in disbelief. They all stretched their necks and heads, stared at the light curtain closely, and asked in amazement: "What happened?"

I saw a thick ice fog covering the battlefield, the mighty sword intent smashed everything, and swept away all tangible things, the ground was cracked and broken, and the wraiths screamed in pain, just in an instant, Zhang Kun used this trick Qianshan Muxue to slaughter them thousands of times!

Since they can absorb resentment and ghost energy to keep resurrecting, then kill them thousands of times to see if they can come back to life. , any mysterious and profound formation, or even any fate and karma, can be smashed with a single sword!
This is the strongest way that Zhang Kun believes in. Although this does not mean that he is a brainless reckless man, he naturally has his reasons for doing so. Obviously, those vengeful spirits cannot be judged by common sense, since the more they are If the transcendence becomes more and more rampant, Zhang Kun doesn't mind slaughtering them from the material level!

Seeing the scene in front of her, Lin Yuxi couldn't help showing surprise in her beautiful eyes. Zhang Kun's style of acting is really vigorous, and he hardly has any confusion. It seems that it is exactly as he said, when he meets a dragon and kills a dragon!
Liu Yu'an and Zi Ji looked at each other, and they both read the shock in each other's eyes. This is really unbelievable. Zi Ji narrowed her eyes slightly, and said lightly: "Is this his trump card? Although Powerful, but it is not a wise move to expose one's full strength so early."

Judging from the power of Zhang Kun's attack, if she also uses some hole card power, she can also break the spell with force, but the cost of doing so will be too high, and it will make her fall into a long-term weak state Under the circumstances, there was no way to continue fighting, but why Zhang Kun was like a normal person, but the ice blade in his hand turned into a light spot and gradually disappeared.

Zi Ji glanced at Zhang Kun, who had a leisurely smile on her face, and frowned, why couldn't she see through this young man?

Zhang Kun chuckled. Others thought he had exhausted all his strength and played all his cards to achieve this. However, this was just the tip of the iceberg of his full strength, let alone worth mentioning!
"Hmph, after all, he's just a young man, and he's already shown his hole cards in order to show off. He's relying on this quasi-spiritual treasure. It's probably given to him by Lin Xinchan, the owner of Qionghua Palace, to protect him. The handle ice blade is very similar to the spirit sword Xue Wuhuan in Lin Xinchan's hand!"

Qi Yang raised the corners of his mouth and sneered for a while. The Twelve Factions had a thorough and detailed plan to besiege and kill Zhang Kun, but they did not expect that Zhang Kun would participate in the Bodhi test. However, the moment he came out of the secret realm, Qi Yang would do it. The masters of the two factions gathered here, how could they retreat because of a quasi-spiritual treasure?
At this moment, the white mist in the battlefield slowly dissipated, and the resentful spirits had long since ceased to exist, but a majestic aura like auspicious clouds suddenly appeared in the midair.

"This is... Buddha's breath? I never expected to encounter such a thing." Liu Yu'an couldn't help exclaiming, his eyes were full of surprise.

Zhang Kun looked at Lin Yuxi, showing a puzzled expression.

"The so-called Buddha's breath, as the name suggests, is the ray of breath left by the Buddha's Nirvana. Some people say that it is all the delusions in the Buddha's mind. The essence of Buddhist practice is to eliminate delusions, breathe out delusions and return to the truth, transcend life and death, and achieve great freedom. .” Lin Yuxi smoothed her temples and explained lightly.

"Some people say that the Buddha's breath is the basis for the Buddha's reincarnation. Perhaps one day, the Buddha will return to this world with the help of the breath he left in the world, but this is just a legend and speculation. According to the records of the Jialan Realm But there has never been a reincarnation of the Buddha's breath." At this moment, Lin Yuxi seemed to be a well-educated lady who came out of a scholarly family.

Liu Yu'an nodded and added: "No matter what kind of legend it is, the Buddha's breath contains boundless vitality, but as long as the practitioner can withstand the huge karma in the Buddha's breath, he can Raise the realm rapidly."

Zhang Kun couldn't help being overjoyed, this is exactly what he needs most now, in order to build the Five Elements Spirit Base and the Sea of ​​Infinite Mahayana, he almost exhausted all the pills at hand, and he wanted to advance quickly but he didn't have any pills. Support, he was worrying about this matter, and the Buddha's breath was right in front of his eyes.

However, Lin Yuxi and Liu Yu'an didn't have much surprise on their faces, as if the Buddha's breath had no effect on them.

Zhang Kun originally thought that the candidate for the Buddha was in awe of this kind of Buddhist thing and was unwilling to touch it, but he glanced at Zi Ji, but saw that she was also not interested, as if she didn't care.

Zhang Kun couldn't help being puzzled. Lin Yuxi saw his doubts and couldn't help explaining: "Brother Liu said just now that the Buddha's breath is full of extremely powerful karma, and karma is cause and effect, which will affect you in the dark. Your future will lead you to a doomed ending, and practitioners are still very taboo to be contaminated with karma, so I advise you to give up this ray of Buddha's breath."

After hearing Lin Yuxi's explanation, Zhang Kun not only did not give up, but laughed instead.

"I've said it a long time ago, I don't believe in fate, this karma is useless to me!"

Lin Yuxi was stunned, her glass-like eyes seemed to be shaking, Zhang Kun in her eyes at this moment was so intoxicating.

(End of this chapter)

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