Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 964

Chapter 964
After Zhang Kun finished speaking, his mind moved, and the Buddha's breath was held in his hand. The Buddha's breath showed a noble color of black and yellow, revealing a supreme majesty and conveying a kind of compassion that carries all things. Feeling, there is a faint Buddha's light shining in the Buddha's breath, like a spark, extremely gorgeous.

Lin Yuxi wanted to dissuade her, but she saw Zhang Kun raised her hand slightly, with a faint smile on her face and an extremely confident look on her face, so she couldn't say anything more. Her belief in Buddhism is naturally her belief in fate and karma , but in Zhang Kun's eyes, the road was made by himself, so how could his life be changed because of some hidden arrangement?
If you are so timid and timid, what kind of immortality do you want, what kind of immortality do you want, and what kind of supreme power do you pursue?

As if swallowing a whale, Zhang Kun took a deep breath, and the Buddha's breath was inhaled into his nasal cavity. Pure and clear light shone around him, and the Buddha's breath traveled around Zhang Kun's body. , as if feeling the immeasurable Mahayana sea in his dantian, he got into it instantly.

As if like a fish in water, a ray of Buddha's breath penetrated into his limbs like a happy fish. The Buddha's breath represents the way of a Buddha. Zhang Kun silently comprehended the mystery of it. It does not mean that Zhang Kun is practicing Buddhism. Whether it is cultivating immortals or cultivating Buddha, the essence is to comprehend the way of heaven and understand the mysteries of the universe. The two paths are interlinked.

It's just that Buddhism pays more attention to the cultivation of spiritual methods, and often relies on the power of faith, while the road of Taoism relies more on one's own body. As it flowed into Zhang Kun's body, a phantom of a Mingguang Buddha appeared behind him. The Buddha was tall and majestic, with brilliant golden light, peerless elegance, and unrivaled elegance!
Although it was just a phantom, it still gave people a strong and majestic feeling. As devout believers, Lin Yuxi and Liu Yu'an clasped their hands together and paid homage respectfully.

Sections of golden scriptures surround Zhang Kun, and strands of mysterious Taoism appear and disappear from time to time, as if they are radiant, illuminating the world, and each strand of Taoist rhyme is extremely vast, as if it contains the essence of the great way of heaven and earth. In general, the charm of Buddha permeated, and Zhang Kun's body was surrounded by clouds and rosy clouds.

"It's unbelievable. I have to say that this Zhang Kun is really a genius and evildoer. Among his peers, only Xuan Ren can be compared with him?" Everyone outside gasped when they saw this scene. gas.

The faces of the masters of the Twelve Sects were full of horror, they frowned slightly, pondered for a while and said in disbelief: "If you don't get rid of this child, there will be serious troubles, and you must not keep it!"

The vast breath suddenly spread, Zhang Kun's face was calm, at this moment, his soul seemed to be wandering in the ocean of Taoism created by the Buddha's breath, suddenly Zhang Kun smiled slightly, and said lightly: "Ning!"

Suddenly the Buddha shadow behind Zhang Kun swayed slightly, and without knowing what happened, the bright and perfect divine body flickered and dimmed.

"What happened, this kid is playing off, the Buddha doesn't approve of him!" Someone said with a sneer.

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, staring at everything in front of them, for fear of missing any details.

"The Buddha abandoned him, what a laugh!" With the end of a bang like a yellow bell, the phantom behind Zhang Kun finally disappeared and turned into nothingness.

The audience was stupefied for a moment, and soon bent down with a sneer. This is really ridiculous. There has never been such a thing in the history of the Bodhi Trial. It failed to absorb the Yuanling Dao Seed. Let them "disappoint" ah!

Lin Yuxi and Liu Yu'an glanced at Zhang Kun with some concern, and were about to speak to comfort, but suddenly saw a rapidly changing glimpse behind Zhang Kun, and the vast aura suddenly spread, and everyone focused their eyes and looked carefully. , but saw a figure condensed behind Zhang Kun, and the appearance of that figure was Zhang Kun himself!
"What, what?"

The audience looked incredible, which completely subverted their three views and cognitions. Zhang Kun actually replaced the figure of the Buddha with his own image, and saw that figure seemed to stand proudly on the peak of the ages, with infinite power , It's like stepping on the whole world, it's truly invincible, looking around the world, there is no opponent at all!
"Karma? Destiny?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but smile a little. That figure is the embodiment of his Dao Heart, his invincible mind, and his invincible belief. He doesn't worship anyone but himself!

He used this method to declare to everyone that only the weak will use fate as an excuse, and the strong will change everything. He will not hesitate or retreat. Only in this way can he advance triumphantly on the road of cultivation!
All the people present gasped. Many people lowered their heads, only feeling the burning pain in their faces. Last moment they were laughing at Zhang Kun because he was abandoned by the Buddha. Only now did they understand that the relationship between themselves and Zhang Kun Where is the gap?
They don't have the invincible belief like Zhang Kun, and they don't have the courage to go all the way forward, which is why Zhang Kun is participating in the Bodhi test as a Mahayana at this moment, but they can only sit in the auditorium and point fingers!

At this moment, the faces of the masters of the Twelve Schools were extremely pale. Seeing Zhang Kun shine in the Bodhi Trial, they felt very uncomfortable in their hearts, and their hatred for him increased several times!
"You like to be in the limelight, don't you? Then enjoy your last time. After you come out, you will be able to bear it, Jie Jie Jie!" Qi Yang sneered, seeing Zhang Kun at this moment, he thought of Zhang Kun again. He was very talented, and his child who could have become the proud son of heaven, but unfortunately he was killed by Zhang Kun!

"Huh!" Zhang Kun let out a long breath, the ray of Buddha's breath had turned into green smoke and disappeared without a trace, Zhang Kun was surrounded by vigorous vitality, the high concentration of vitality even made the vegetation here They all grew back, and the scenes that had been destroyed by the battle gradually recovered.

The strong vitality poured into Zhang Kun's body, and the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana restrained it all, and then flowed into the limbs and bones again. Zhang Kun slowly opened his eyes, and he felt that his strength had improved a little again!
"Mahayana sixth level!" Liu Yu'an sensed it slightly, Zhang Kun didn't hide the breath escaping from his body, Liu Yu'an's expression changed involuntarily.

This is really unbelievable. Zhang Kun's advancement speed is really terrifying. It took less than three days to enter the Bodhi Secret Realm, and he climbed to the third level. If this continues, he will enter The realm of integration is also a matter of time.

"Congratulations!" Liu Yu'an smiled and nodded to Zhang Kun, who also smiled back.

In fact, Liu Yu'an didn't have too many ambitions for the position of Buddha. Anyway, he knew that no matter what he couldn't beat that invincible Xuanren, the reason why he took Ziji to participate in this trial was to improve his own strength. Strength, coupled with his good impression of Zhang Kun, and the two reached a long-term cooperation intention, he will naturally not be against Zhang Kun in this trial!
(End of this chapter)

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