Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 965 Siege of Xuanren

Chapter 965 Siege of Xuanren
Zhang Kun clenched his fists, moved his body, realized the subtle changes in the body, and couldn't help smiling slightly. This breakthrough is not a big promotion, but it is also very important. The third level of Mahayana and the sixth level of Mahayana Order is completely two concepts, one is the early stage of Mahayana, and the other is the middle stage of Mahayana.

If the previous Zhang Kun was able to compete with the peak Mahayana powerhouse with his own strength, the current Zhang Kun can fight against the fit powerhouse only by relying on his own basic strength. I am afraid that even the strong will be subdued by Zhang Kun's sword!
This is the strength of his cultivation to the perfect state in every realm. In addition, what he practiced was the Bingxin Jue transformed by Li Qingluan, who has become a fairy, and he used precious medicines to improve his strength on weekdays. It has created his current formidable strength, and constituted his capital for leapfrogging!
"What, what?" At this moment, countless people in the Bodhi Courtyard were jealous, and their jealous eyes were about to burst into flames. This Zhang Kun is really enviable, not just the third-level master. Alchemist, now he has reached the sixth level of the Mahayana, and watching his breakthrough process flow smoothly, it seems like a natural process, there is no obstacle at all, this is simply amazing!
"Hey, I'm only at the third level of Mahayana now. Every time I raise a level, I need to practice hard for ten years! It's too much for Zhang Kun to enter the Bodhi Secret Realm in less than three days and even go up to the third level!"

There was also an octogenarian old man who sighed tremblingly: "The old man has lived for more than 600 years and is only at the fifth level of Mahayana. That Zhang Kun has cultivated to the sixth level of Mahayana before he was 20 years old. I.I.!"

As he spoke, the old man almost passed out, and the family members around him quickly carried him down for treatment.

Zhang Kun's cultivation talent is really ridiculously high, Li Weiru stroked his long beard and said: "This kid has the appearance of becoming a fairy!"

The appearance of becoming a fairy, this is such an enviable and yearning talent, countless monks are looking for it, isn't what they are looking for hard is the way of becoming a fairy?

Fang Wen and Fang Zheng saw this scene in their eyes, and their faces were full of grief.

But Fang Shou's eyes were full of killing intent. He would never allow Zhang Kun to continue to live. Doing so would definitely threaten Xuanren's position as a Buddhist disciple. The Bodhi Court has made up their minds to kill Zhang Kun Here, the more amazing Zhang Kun is in the Bodhi test, the stronger Fang Shou's desire to kill him is!

"If I had known today, I should have made a decisive decision and killed Zhang Kun directly!" Fang Shou couldn't help feeling a little regret in his heart. Zhang Kun actually participated in the Bodhi test.

If Fang Shou had known that Zhang Kun had such a terrifying cultivation talent, he would have killed Zhang Kun regardless.

In the Bodhi Secret Realm, Liu Yu'an glanced at Zhang Kun, thought twice, and then slowly said: "Brother Zhang, have you met Xuanren before?"

Zhang Kun shook his head. The word Xuanren was like a thunderbolt. It can be said that someone mentioned it every day, but except for a brief meeting with Xuanren on the day he entered the Bodhi Secret Realm, he never met him again.

Liu Yu'an frowned and said: "The two should have sensed it, two candidates for Buddha disciples were directly eliminated, one of them was Bai Cheng, he came from Liusha City, a city in the Garan Realm, and the other was Stationed on the border of the barbarians, the depths of the Tongmen Pass!"

"Zhushen?" Zhang Kun heard this name, and Zhushen's information appeared in his mind like lightning. It was information bought from Tianji Pavilion at a sky-high price. Zhang Kun admired this monk guarding the border very much. For decades, it was precisely because of Zhushen guarding the Tongmen Pass that the barbarians did not invade the Garan Realm.

The barbarians are a serious problem for the entire Dayan world. Zhang Kun heard his master Lin Xinchan mention it many times in Qionghua Palace, but for Zhang Kun, who was still a Jindan monk at that time, this kind of thing was still too far away, so he also Didn't care much.

"As far as I know, Zhushen is extremely powerful. Regardless of his attainments in Buddhism, but in terms of combat effectiveness, he may be able to compete with Xuanren Shengzi. How can such a powerful candidate for a Buddhist disciple not be able to enter the Bodhi Secret Realm?" How about being eliminated in one day?" Zhang Kun asked in bewilderment.

Liu Yu'an took a long breath and said, "Because Zhu Shen gave up on his own initiative, and after giving up, he announced that he would protect Xuanren!"

"What, what?" After hearing this, Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi couldn't help but change their expressions, and they could see the horror in each other's eyes when they looked at each other.

This news is too shocking. Xuanren alone is strong enough, plus Zhu Shen, who has been guarding the border all the year round and has experienced many battles, the strength of the two may be joined by several other Buddhist candidates. They may not even look like their opponents!
Zhang Kun took a deep breath, recovered his indifferent look, looked at Liu Yu'an and asked, "What's the purpose of Brother Liu telling me this?"

"To be honest, I have already left messages everywhere, hoping that other buddhist candidates will join forces to eliminate Xuanren first, and other buddhist candidates have already responded to my messages one after another." Liu Yu'an said in a deep voice.

Undoubtedly, Zhu Shen's actions alerted the other buddhist candidates. The combination of him and Xuan Ren was too powerful, and Liu Yu'an felt that it was necessary to get rid of Xuan Ren first!
Zhang Kun glanced at Lin Yuxi, and Lin Yuxi nodded at him.

"Okay, if this is the case, we will join you too!" Zhang Kun said with a smile, although it is not the most ideal time to fight Xuanren, but if we use the power of other Buddhists, we may be able to fight Xuanren World War I.

Liu Yu'an's face suddenly revealed a look of surprise, with Zhang Kun and the others joining him, he had a little more hope for Xuanren's hunt.

Although he undoubtedly competed for the position of Buddha, but if Xuanren swept the entire Bodhi Secret Realm, it was not the situation he wanted to see.

But Zhang Kun shook his head slightly in his heart. The alliance besieging Xuanren still seemed too fragile to him. The few candidates for Buddha's disciples might have ulterior motives, and only Liu Yu'an could be trusted.

"But it's good to go there, I have to find out his details first." Zhang Kun nodded secretly.

At this moment, a young man was sitting on a huge rock.

He was surrounded by bright light, and colorful auspicious clouds even rose around him, setting him off as sacred and inviolable. His skin was as pure as snow, and even a woman would be jealous, but in the distance A burly man stood on the top of the mountain, his eyes were full of majesty, and he was vigilant about everything around him.

Xuan Ren said lightly, "Zhu Shen, you still followed."

Zhu Shen sighed and said: "Master Shengzi, I accidentally found a message left on a rock wall. Liu Yu'an is calling all the candidates for Buddhist disciples. He wants to besiege you, so I have to come."

Xuanren smiled lightly: "Oh? Really, let them come, I will show them my strength, and then they will naturally give up."

He stood up from the boulder. He had just absorbed the power of a sensory dao seed, and the aura on his body became more and more holy. At this moment, the phantom bodhi seed behind him was no longer a seedling, but had grown into a The towering tree began to shine with golden light, which was a sign that the bodhi tree had condensed bodhi seeds. It is said that the day when the bodhi seeds mature is the time of trial!
(End of this chapter)

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