Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 969

Chapter 969
Of course, Xuanren must be the one most affected. The lake standing under his feet can no longer keep calm at this moment. Like the immeasurable precious light, the whole body is shining with brilliance, like a heavenly being!
Suddenly he waved his sleeves, and the snow-white robes fluttered in the wind, as if a piece of moonlight was shining down, Xuanren's body bloomed with brilliance, forming a golden radiance, resisting the front, and aggravating the gods. The scythe slammed down, and two beams of light, one bright and one dark, collided in mid-air, crushing each other, erupting with terrifying power, the earth cracked, and the sky seemed to be pierced through a hole!
The lake stirred up tens of thousands of high waves, and the terrifying and violent energy exploded in an instant. The high temperature directly transpired the entire big lake, and the lake was shrouded in thick fog!

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, staring at everything in front of them, for fear of missing any details.

The aftermath of the violent explosion wiped out the surrounding rocks and forests, and the surface of the lake was evaporated to dryness, exposing the dry rocks on the riverbed!
Xuanren stood proudly in mid-air, his treasured face was solemn, his body was full of golden light, his blood surged to the extreme, and he was incomparably powerful. On the other side, Chen Zhenyan's face was a little pale, and the sickle of the gods seemed to be bleeding. Tick ​​tock, red blood dripping from the sharp blade!
"What, what?"

Seeing the power of Xuan Ren's attack, everyone present gasped.

"I took over the spiritual weapon with bare hands, how is this possible?"

Many people were horrified, with disbelief on their faces, which completely overturned their three views and cognitions!

"As expected of the Son of Xuanren, he really deserves his reputation!" Seeing this scene, the audience were all amazed, they admired Xuanren very much, and they worshiped Xuanren extremely!

His combat power is really too terrifying, he is not at the same level as other Buddha disciple candidates, and he easily crushes others!

Xuanren smiled lightly and said, "Why don't you go up together."

Chen Zhenyan's face was extremely gloomy and cold. Xuanren's Dharma was profound, and his cultivation in the Fusion Realm was too powerful. The secret technique he practiced greatly increased his strength. !

Zhang Kun couldn't help frowning, Ziji turned into a phantom and went towards Xuanren, Liu Yu'an turned her eyes coldly, chanting words, as if she was singing ancient scriptures.

Then the avenue roared, and mysterious Sanskrit characters jumped out one by one, appearing in the midair, each character bloomed with infinite golden light, propping up a mysterious dojo around his body.

All of a sudden, Xuanren's Taoism was driven out, and the blazing light poured into Ziji's body, and countless brilliance visions appeared in an instant, surrounding Ziji's body, and her aura suddenly changed at this moment.

Zhang Kun couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly. After receiving the inheritance, every candidate for the Buddha will get a certain ability of the Buddha and Bodhisattva. They can use this ability to increase their guardians in battle!
As if there was a vase floating above Zi Ji's head, the clear brilliance poured down slowly like a spring, and flowed into her body.

At this moment, Ziji is like a fairy flower that has just bloomed, her body is crystal clear, like a fairy coming to the dust, her body is full of purple air, the silk and satin are swaying, dancing the sky wind, and suddenly the purple air spreads like clouds, turning into a piece of skylight, Go towards Xuanren to suppress.

Zhang Kun couldn't help but glanced at Liu Yu'an, but saw that he had a dignified face, as if he had used all his strength, Zhang Kun stopped watching the battle at the moment, raised his sword and slashed out a round of blue light, Dongyue Booming Slash as heavy as mountains and rivers Down below, the Jian Guang, which was so huge that it could not be seen, pressed down with great force!

Here, Chen Zhenyan swallowed a blood-colored elixir, the blood on his body soared, his madness soared to the sky, and the scythe of the god of illness trembled and screamed, the sky was full of blood, as if he had been resurrected again, hundreds of millions of living beings The blood gushed out again, trying to submerge Xuanren in the blood tide!
Seeing this scene, Zhu Shen couldn't sit still any longer, and immediately shot, with high fighting spirit and killing intent!
"Boom boom boom!"

I saw an Arhat stick suddenly appeared in his hand, with intricate golden patterns carved on it, it seemed to weigh tens of millions of catties, and the space trembled under the pressure!

"Zhu Shen, step back."

However, he saw Xuanren standing proudly in the void, with a faint smile, he shot a bright light casually, forcing Zhu Shen to retreat, then he lightly raised his right hand, and a hazy light suddenly descended, Xuanren muttered something.

"The Holy Response is different. If there is no original trace, there is no way to show the original trace. Although the original trace is different, it is inconceivable that they are the same!"

Everyone's faces froze slightly, Xuanren seemed to disappear from the sight of everyone in an instant, and when they realized it again, they saw three Xuanren appearing in the same place!

"What, what?"

Chen Zhenyan frowned involuntarily, extremely surprised.

Everyone at the scene gasped, one Xuanren was already strong enough, and at this moment three Xuanrens appeared at the same time, which was simply too terrifying. In the body, possessing most of the strength of the main body, Xuanren's combat power has almost tripled at this moment!
In the thatched cottage of the Bodhi Courtyard, Fang Shou smiled slightly, with a look of approval on his face: "Sure enough, I am not disappointed, Holy Son Xuanren, this technique of manifesting through traces, my two senior brothers and I have studied and realized it all our lives, and we have never experienced it before." Completely mastered, Xuan Ren has been in contact with this kind of magic for less than 20 years, but he has already comprehended it!"

Zhu Shen was already surprised at this moment, even he didn't know that Xuanren had such a powerful secret technique.

"People in the world always say that Xuanren has three substitutes. Looking at it today, maybe he is the only one in all of this!"

Seeing this scene, everyone confirmed some conjectures in their hearts, and couldn't help feeling extremely horrified.

"That is the scripture "Vimalakirti Sutra" treasured by the Bodhi Court. It is extremely precious. It is said that it is the supreme scripture left by a Buddha. wonderful!"

The so-called vertical trace is the ability of Buddha Bodhi to show the incarnation from the body. The vertical trace technique has been practiced to the extreme, and it can be manifested in any place where Buddhist scriptures are recited!

The true Buddha can manifest thousands of clones, and even travel through the long river of time, sending his clones to the past and future, which is extremely powerful!
This is also the reason why Xuanren can be called the Son of God. It is said that all Buddhas must be able to cultivate the technique of manifesting, and Xuanren only took 20 years to realize this ability!

All of a sudden, the figures of Xuanren of the three paths moved at the same time, facing Ziji, Chen Zhenyan and Zhang Kun respectively!
(End of this chapter)

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