Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 970 Xuanren's Strength

Chapter 970 Xuanren's Strength

One against three, this is the horror of the Holy Son, he is completely invincible among the same level, the average monk in the middle of the fusion is definitely not his opponent, he will be directly crushed by Xuan Ren, even the strong in the late fusion It is difficult to compete with this holy son!
"Boom boom boom!"

The immeasurable precious light was like a bright golden sea, and the three Xuanren shot at the same time, each with a smile on his face, like a merciful Buddha, each of his incarnations used different abilities.

Zi Ji was instantly surrounded by magic snails, **, precious umbrellas, lotus flowers, and treasure vases of the color of glass. Those magical artifacts formed a magic-sealing formation, locking her inside firmly. Xuan Ren squeezed the Dharma seal, the power of the formation gushed out like a torrent, the space trembled, and the pure Buddha light descended, suppressing Zi Ji!

Zi Ji was not to be outdone, her body was crystal clear like a fairy dancing, and wisps of purple clouds shot out from her hands, slashing upwards to resist the Buddha's light!

However, Xuanren's vitality is extremely majestic. Even if he is divided into three, his strength is still suffocating. The Buddha's light is so magnificent that it can't see the limit. When it is suppressed, it is as if the entire Buddhist kingdom has descended here. The Tao evolved by Liu Yu'an Rhyme shattered at this moment!
Liu Yu'an coughed up blood, and the exquisite and luxurious monk robe was stained with dirty blood. His handsome face looked particularly tired at the moment, as if he had been drained of energy!
Zi Ji also flew backwards with a bang, her purple dress was covered with blood, Qingcheng Jueshi's face was as pale as paper, she was no longer as light and graceful as before, and all the purple light around her body was extinguished, no matter how much she resisted , How to mobilize the vitality of the whole body to resist the suppression of the Buddha's light, seems to be of no avail!
Xuanren was too terrifying. At the same time, on the other side, Chen Zhenyan's eyes were cold, and he held the sickle tightly in his hand. The blood burst out, crushing everything around him, but Xuanren shot out beams of brilliance, It evolved into a wooden fish, a bell, a drum, a chime, and a cloud board. These magical instruments burst out a grand light at the same time, pointing directly at Chen Zhenyan!

Ling Mu's face was full of anxiety. He stretched out his right hand and activated the engraving. The bright red mark turned into a huge spiritual power and rushed into Chen Zhenyan's body. Come on, the blood light will be extinguished!
"Kill, kill, kill!" Chen Zhenyan yelled sharply, like an evil ghost screaming, the blood on the sickle rippling out, sweeping all directions, crushing everything, trying to shatter all the Buddha's light, but saw Xuanren's incarnation blooming Out of the bright light, the sky is full of clouds, Xuan Renbao is solemn, chanting ancient scriptures in his mouth, his breath is getting stronger and stronger, his body is getting bigger and bigger, and soon it will be as big as the sky. Raise your hand and hit Chen Zhenyan.

The sky is full of blazing light. At this moment, the sky is so bright that even the sun and stars are submerged by the brilliance. Xuanren's palm seems to communicate with the world. In his hands, there seems to be a whole Buddha kingdom. The clear and pure light seems to possess thousands of divine powers. Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, it fell with a bang, it was a shocking blow!
"What, what?"

Chen Zhenyan's complexion changed drastically, and he held up the sickle sickle to resist desperately. He kept slashing the sickle in his hand, his blood color rose sharply, and he slashed on Xuanren's giant palm, sending out sparks. It's a pity that this Xuanren's palm seemed to be cast from fairy gold, there was no way to break it no matter what!


Chen Zhenyan roared angrily, his whole body was burning with vitality, his eyes were full of bright red at the moment, the blood light on the sickle sickle surged, and it rolled suddenly, cutting out the blazing light, Chen Zhenyan finally used the The force of the impact escaped the hunting range of Xuanren's giant palm, but he still spit out a mouthful of blood, and his breath plummeted!
At the same time, Zhang Kun was also besieged by Xuan Ren's body. Xuan Ren's eyes shot out brilliance. When he was approaching the extreme, Zhang Kun always dodged without trembling. He stepped on strange steps, with dark golden light shining around his body, and his movement skills were superb.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help being slightly surprised. Zhang Kun's body technique was absolutely extraordinary, and it could even be said to be comparable to the technique of manifesting trails. He manifested nine broken shadow bodies in midair, constantly shuttle , It's a pity that those figures can't really act and fight, otherwise Zhang Kun's strength will be terrible if all nine clones are displayed.

"Your name is Zhang Kun, right? I've heard about your deeds. I'm very interested in you. It's a pity that your realm is not enough and you are not qualified to fight with me. I am very much looking forward to your growing up to fight with me." !” There was a faint smile on the corner of Xuanren’s mouth.

Zhang Kun chuckled and said, "Really, then you plan to let me go?"

Xuan Ren shook his head lightly, nodded again and said: "If you can block my blow, it proves that you are really capable of fighting me, and I will let you go temporarily!"

As he said that, his pupils flashed, and the blazing golden light filled his entire pupils. The golden radiance flowed out of his pupils like water, and the vitality around him roared wildly and turned into whisks, wishful thinking, bamboo grates, and futons!
Zhang Kun couldn't help but frowned slightly. This Xuanren has mastered too many techniques. His three bodies actually displayed three different fighting styles at the same time. Buddhist scriptures?
At this moment, Xuanren's mind bloomed with infinite light, which is the so-called light in Buddhism that symbolizes the light of wisdom of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. At this moment, the whisk, Ruyi and other things swayed, rippling countless ripples, rushing towards Zhang Kun , the ripples contain the supreme power of transformation, which can directly transcend people into the world of bliss!
Zhang Kun's face froze slightly, Xuanren's casual blow was extremely terrifying. Although his realm was only in the middle stage of fusion, in Zhang Kun's view, the power of this blow was not weaker than his body and vitality, and he had cultivated to the peak state of fusion. Master Jingyun!
"Phantom sword projection, named Canxue!"

Zhang Kun had no choice but to fight, a ray of pure white snow flashed across, and he suddenly held an ice blade in his hand!
Countless ice crystals filled the entire space, Qianshan Muxue activated at this moment, Zhang Kun shot out tens of thousands of sword shadows in a single breath, and the terrifying and tyrannical sword light exploded instantly, facing the ripples like hail falling boom!
"Boom boom boom!"

Hundreds of sword shadows shattered instantly, and the ice crystals melted!
Zhang Kun frowned slightly, several ice veins condensed behind him, the Bing Xin Jue was urged to the extreme, massive vitality poured into Ming Canxue, the snow light flashed across, and the heavy snow flew, Zhang Kun was surrounded by pure white snow light, the sword Ying suddenly swelled up a little bit of power, pierced away again, the ripples shook slightly, and Xuanren didn't make another shot, this blow was blocked by Zhang Kun!

Zhang Kun grinned and said, "Reciprocity is reciprocal, now it's you who takes my blow!"

(End of this chapter)

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