Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 971 The Invincible Xuanren

Chapter 971 The Invincible Xuanren

The sky was frosty and cold, and in an instant, the entire battlefield was enveloped in the air of extreme ice. Zhang Kun frantically urged the Bing Xin Jue, and the nine layers of ice veins condensed in an instant, and the incomparable vitality was poured into Ming Canxue among!
This quasi-spiritual treasure, to be precise, should be the power of a fairy weapon was exerted to the extreme at this moment, as if an elf in the snow was awakened at this moment, and the extremely powerful sword intent shot out in an instant, everyone A ray of cold light could be seen flashing past, and the surrounding vitality was clamoring wildly. Zhang Kun raised his name Canxue aloft, and a frenzy of vitality rushed towards the ice blade, and the entire battlefield turned into an ice world!

"What, what?"

All the people present gasped, Zhang Kun instantly erupted with the attack power of the combined state level, the terrifying and tyrannical frost exploded instantly, turned into frosty sky and rolled down, the name Canxue was like a beautiful crystal blade Normally, a light slash was drawn in midair!
The faces of the audience were full of horror, they frowned slightly, and whispered: "Is this the moral?"

Fang Wen pondered for a while, nodded heavily and said: "Yes, this is a kind of Taoism of the three realms, this kid is terrifying, he has comprehended the power of Taoism at such an age!"

Fang Wen and Fang Zheng looked at each other, and they both read the horror in each other's eyes. They had already made up their minds to prepare to kill Zhang Kun with the Twelve Factions. At this moment, their faces were full of sorrow. Zhang Kun He is indeed a rare genius, the more amazing he is now, the more regretful Fang Wen and others feel.

Perhaps the cruelest thing in this world is to ruin the way of a genius who should have ruled the world!

But at this time, Fang Shou was standing in front of the grass hut, his eyes were getting more and more frosty!

"This Zhang Kun must not be allowed to affect Xuanren's position as a Buddhist disciple. He must be beheaded. The entire Garan Realm only needs one peerless genius, and that is Xuanren!"

Zhang Kun is full of icy coldness, his eyes have turned into the color of blue ice at this moment, the sword is like a bright snow light, the unique skill of thousands of mountains and evening snow is activated in an instant, and the thousands of drifting snow lights are all melted at this moment Made a sword!

"It's the sword he used to wipe out the resentful spirits. It's too scary. The scythe of the sick god is only a spiritual weapon, but it possesses thousands of mighty powers. This sword is even more like a quasi-spiritual treasure. Can Xuanren block it?"

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, staring at everything in front of them, for fear of missing any details.

Even if limited by Zhang Kun's vitality realm, it is impossible for him to exert the full power of the famous Can Xue, but the quasi-spiritual treasure is a quasi-spiritual treasure after all. As soon as it comes out, it can wipe out all the powerful people in the body, even if it is the son of Xuanren, there is no hope at all for Wen Fangzheng and others above!

"Boom boom boom!"

This sword not only contains the power of the three realms of frost, but also Zhang Kun's understanding of the way of the sword. The extremely sharp sword light seems to be able to cut through everything, and the space is directly split in this instant Already, the void is transpiring, and the frosty air freezes the entire space full of tiny cracks!

A gleam of light unexpectedly flashed in Xuanren's eyes. He gently raised his right hand, and he held a Zen stick in his hand. From the beginning to the end, Xuanren never took out a weapon. He and all the guardians Hand to hand, it is completely unarmed!

However, Xuanren finally couldn't bear it anymore when faced with Zhun Lingbao's blow.

"Xuanren's weapons must be high-grade, but the Bodhi Trial restricted the highest level of quasi-spiritual weapons. Could it be that he also has some secret method to bypass this restriction?" The audience was all curious. Incomparably, I wondered what kind of weapon Xuan Ren would use to confront Zhang Kun!
However, at this moment, Xuanren retracted his hands again, and the Zen stick disappeared. He stretched out a pair of clean and white hands like a woman, flipped them gently, and finally folded his hands together, and bowed slightly in the direction Zhang Kun attacked. , The next moment he punched out with a bang, his left hand clenched into a fist, like a big sun, and his right hand stretched into a palm, like a bright moon!
The sun and the moon shine together!

"Boom boom boom!"

The vitality around was clamoring wildly, Xuanren blasted out with both hands, the power was so great that the entire battlefield was covered by the shadow of the sun and the moon fist, the vast aura spread suddenly, and the ground trembled uncontrollably , the dry riverbed shook violently at this moment, the dry rocks cracked, and the underground springs poured up, and the entire lake was filled with spring water again!
The lake turned into high waves, not only towards Zhang Kun, but also towards everyone present. The Sun Moon Fist Shadow possessed a mighty divine power, extremely powerful!

In an instant, the thousands of icy sword shadows cut by Ming Canxue disappeared, turned into invisible, and melted away. All the ice crystals melted into snow water and evaporated directly to dryness. Chen Zhenyan's hands trembled, The scythe of the sick god in his hand was almost unsteady, and the bloody light wrapped around it was directly overwhelmed by the brilliance of the sun and the moon at this moment.

With a roar, his muscles all over his body swelled, his blue veins bulged and roared, and he tried to dodge the attack again and again in mid-air, but he was still attacked by several fist shadows, and his arm was cut open several times, bleeding profusely!
The twilight was dim, and the setting sun was like blood. The strength of the Great Sun Fist seemed to be burning with divine fire, capable of burning everything and turning everything into nothingness. The space was cut cleanly, the scythe of sickness let out a wail, and Chen Zhenyan let out a muffled groan, backed up hundreds of meters, and his breath fell!

Here, Zi Ji, who was trapped in the formation, couldn't help spitting blood, her mouth was bright red, she looked a bit sad, her body shook violently, as if she had been hit hard, and all the silks and satins she was waving were shattered at this moment!
Seeing that Xuanren's body was full of golden light, like a Buddha, his powerful strength suppressed everything, and everyone present gasped!
With one move, one against three!
"What, what?"

The audience is almost stunned at this moment, their eyes are full of fanaticism, Xuanren is worthy of being the Son of God, the reincarnation of Buddha, the only choice for the gods to save the world, his strength is too powerful Already, the other buddhist candidates are bleak in front of him!
Everyone was in disbelief, which completely overturned their three views and cognitions. How strong does a person have to be to be able to fight against three genius-level figures with his own body, and finally defeat them all?

Xuan Ren is probably the only one in the Garan Realm who can do this!

(End of this chapter)

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