Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 972 Lin Yuxi's coma

Chapter 972 Lin Yuxi's coma
"Since you can take my sword, then I look forward to fighting again in the future!" Zhang Kun turned into a broken shadow, controlling the golden light, flashing to avoid the attack of the sun and moon fist shadow, he shuttled through the space like a swimming fish, agile Incomparable, hugging Lin Yuxi, turned into a golden streamer and rushed to the sky.

Zhu Shen frowned and wanted to pursue, but was stopped by Xuan Ren.

Xuan Ren smiled slightly, and instead of chasing after him, he looked at Liu Yu'an and Ling Mu in front of him.

"Are you willing to surrender?" Xuanren said lightly. He stood in mid-air, his eyes filled with indifference, like a Buddha looking down on all living beings. He had no sorrow or joy, nor the joy of defeating the enemy. There is still a little disappointment and regret in my heart.

"Of course I don't agree, cough cough!" At this moment, Liu Yu'an's handsome face was as pale as paper, he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and frowned.

Ziji sacrificed a purple talisman, turned into a purple coquettish flower, broke free from the shackles of the Xuanren formation with all her strength, and returned to Liu Yu'an, her pale face was bloodless, and the breath on her body It was already very weak, and it seemed that it could fall down at any time.

Ling Mu frowned, and was about to say something when he saw Chen Zhenyan in front of him wave his hand, put aside the sickle sickle, half knelt down in front of Xuanren, lowered his head, and said in a deep voice: " Then there is only one answer, Holy Son Xuanren, I will swear allegiance to you."

Xuanren glanced at him lightly, then smiled lightly and said, "Do you think I need your loyalty?"

Chen Zhenyan just knelt there without saying a word, Liu Yu'an and Ling Mu's expressions changed, and they couldn't help shouting in surprise, "Chen Zhenyan, you did it!"

"A good bird chooses a tree to live in. This is my choice." Chen Zhenyan said coldly.


Looking at the scene in front of them, Liu Yu'an and Ling Mu had no choice but to surrender, they could not escape, Xuan Ren deliberately let Zhang Kun leave, but if they wanted to escape, Xuan Ren would not give them this chance.

Taking out the bodhi seeds from their bodies, Xuanren absorbed the essentials of the Buddhadharma that the two of them had comprehended. His body was full of golden light, and his aura was extremely powerful. gods!
Everyone was amazed, at this moment, who else can stop Xuanren?
Zhang Kun took Lin Yuxi to fly at high speed. His speed was extremely fast, and the vitality in the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana boiled up, driving him faster and faster. Before Xuanren changed his mind, Zhang Kun had to take Lin Yuxi with him. leave early.

"In the battle just now, Xuanren's strength may not have been fully revealed, and the only thing that forced him out was his technique of vertical manifestation!" Zhang Kun thought quickly while flying, the technique of vertical manifestation was too domineering, Xuanren's combat power was already terrifying enough, and with the addition of this magical technique, it was tripled. The three of them besieged a Xuanren and still had a chance to win, but if they fought alone with Xuanren, it would be impossible. There is no chance.

Zhang Kun vaguely sensed that there must be a battle between himself and Xuanren, and he would have to face the three Xuanren alone without the help of Liu Yu'an and the others!
The most important thing now is to improve his own strength. There is a big secret realm between Zhang Kun and Xuanren, which is like a moat, and it is difficult to cross. If Zhang Kun also breaks through to the realm of integration, he will have the confidence to be with Xuanren. Zhang Kun couldn't help but frowned. For his future plans, he couldn't reveal too many cards, otherwise the people from the twelve factions would definitely become wary, and his plan would not be able to be carried out perfectly.

I don't know how long I have been flying, crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, and the surrounding environment is constantly changing. When I arrived at Zhang Kun, it was enough to travel hundreds of millions of miles in one day and one night. At this moment, he and Lin Yuxi seem to have left the Paradise of Elysium Zhang Kun pondered for a moment, frowned and said, "We seem to have returned to the Liuli Realm."

However, no one answered him, only a faint fragrance rushed into his nose, and Zhang Kun realized that Lin Yuxi in his arms had passed out for unknown reasons at this moment, her pretty face like Xiaolu lotus was pale at the moment, Zhang Kun quickly stopped flying, plunged headlong into the forest, raised his hand and summoned Dongyue to slash a few times, opened up an open space, and let Lin Yuxi down.

Zhang Kun touched her weak and boneless little hand, but only felt the bone-chilling coldness, but at the same time her forehead was burning hot.

Zhang Kun frowned. As a cultivator, even Lin Yuxi, who was in the Foundation Establishment Realm, would never catch a cold and have a fever. Her current state is really special. Zhang Kun panicked a little. Lin Yuxi is a candidate for the Buddha. Whether or not the practice can be completed depends on the buddhist candidate to comprehend the dharma and obtain the approval of the secret realm of bodhi. Zhang Kun, as a guardian, is useless no matter how strong he is.

If something happened to Lin Yuxi, it would be equivalent to saying that this Bodhi test had failed ahead of time!
"What's the matter with her?" Zhang Kun put out a wisp of vitality into Lin Yuxi's body, feeling the changes in her body. Zhang Kun is a third-rank great alchemist, not only able to refine various pills, but also treat many diseases. There is also a lot of research on special conditions. After all, as an alchemist, it is important to prescribe the right medicine. If you can't diagnose the problem, how can you refine the elixir?

Zhang Kun's vitality is vast. At this moment, he carefully sinks a wisp of vitality into Lin Yuxi's body. As soon as his own vitality touches Lin Yuxi's body, it is instantly eroded. Zhang Kun can't help but deeply frown. such a situation.

However, Zhang Kun did not give up. He tried again, but unfortunately it was useless. Then Zhang Kun used his mental power to probe the situation in Lin Yuxi's body, but the result was still not working. No matter what kind of power penetrated into Lin Yuxi's body, it would be completely wiped out. , Zhang Kun has never encountered such a situation, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Zhang Kun's face was full of seriousness, he frowned slightly, and pondered for a while, he began to communicate with the mirror domain space, and asked: "Jing Yu, do you know what happened to her, she suddenly fell into a coma without saying a word Unconscious, any investigation seems to have no effect on her."

"She is awakening her true ability." Jing Yu cherished words like gold, and after leaving a sentence, he remained silent and ignored Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun felt helpless. He didn't know whether it was Jing Yu who had always been unwilling to reveal too much, or this time even it didn't know what happened to Lin Yuxi. In short, Zhang Kun could only stand aside and worry at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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