Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 973 Xeon Dao Seed

Chapter 973 Xeon Dao Seed
Awakening the ability is by no means an easy task. The stronger the ability, the more difficult it is to awaken, and it even comes with great risks. If Lin Yuxi fails to awaken, Zhang Kun can only accept the outcome of defeat, but The problem is that his realm has not broken through to the realm of integration, and he will face the joint pursuit of the twelve factions immediately after he goes out!

This was something Zhang Kun absolutely didn't want to happen. He couldn't help calling Jing Yu, and said in a deep voice: "Jing Yu, I am willing to pay the price. Please tell me how to ensure Lin Yuxi's ability to awaken smoothly."

Unexpectedly, there was no response from Mirror Domain!

"Damn it!" Zhang Kun couldn't help cursing angrily. In his opinion, Jingyu has always been omnipotent. As long as he pays enough price, Jingyu can help Zhang Kun do anything. But now, for Zhang Kun's request, Jingyu Yu actually chose to ignore it!
After observing the surrounding environment, Zhang Kun took out Dongyue, slashed a few more times to change the surrounding terrain, and then took out a few spiritual objects according to the mountain and the underground spiritual veins. Objects to set up a protective shield formation.

Zhang Kun's formation skills have also been continuously improving recently. Just now in the battle with Xuanren Shengzi, Xuanren used three sets of different Buddhist artifacts to build formations one after another, trying to trap Zhang Kun and others. Chen Zhenyan relied on The powerful spiritual weapon in her hand can ignore the power of the formation with force, but Ziji is not so lucky. She was suppressed by the formation for too long at the beginning, and her vitality was lost too much.

But Zhang Kun was not affected by Xuanren's formation at all. On the one hand, Xuanren didn't use his full strength, and on the other hand, Zhang Kun had both formation skills. He found the eye of the formation and broke through the formation directly!
Xuanren is extremely powerful, and he is also an all-rounder. Not only is the Dharma profound, but his realm is powerful. At the same time, he has super-high attainments in alchemy, weapon refining, and formation. Zhang Kun feels extremely difficult to deal with it. This is undoubtedly the strongest opponent he has encountered in the same level since he entered the Dayan Realm!
"Phew!" Zhang Kun took a deep breath. He couldn't do anything for the time being, so he had to wait patiently for Lin Yuxi to wake up. Liu Yu'an, a reliable ally, Xuanren achieved his goal as he wished. After absorbing the bodhi seeds of Liu Yu'an and Ling Mu, the phantom bodhi seed in his body has grown into a towering tree, and a wave of aura surrounds the bodhi tree , every leaf is golden in color, Xuanren is about to start condensing bodhi seeds.

Once the Bodhi seed on the tree matures, it means that the Bodhi Secret Realm has recognized his strength, and Xuanren will be the final winner and the only Buddha child!
But now, there are only four candidates left for Buddha disciples who are still in the Bodhi Secret Realm. Said that Zhang Kun doesn't have any allies, and then he can only complete the trial by himself!
"It's useless to think about it, hurry up and practice!" Zhang Kun took a deep breath, and now he can only pray for Lin Yuxi's safety and complete awakening as soon as possible. Zhang Kun closed his eyes and began to practice.

In the realm of Mahayana, Zhang Kun cultivated Dao fruit as soon as he broke through to this secret realm. The sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana is unique. There is no bottleneck in his cultivation in this realm, and Zhang Kun no longer suppresses himself He advanced all the way at an advanced speed, and directly cultivated to the sixth level of Mahayana by virtue of the Buddha's breath. However, every step forward from the sixth level of Mahayana requires an extremely terrifying amount of vitality. Generally, monks without status and power want to Going one step further requires decades or even hundreds of years of practice accumulation!
Even relying on Xuandan to make breakthroughs consumes a lot, which is definitely not something ordinary people can bear. This is why the Bodhi Trial is so eye-catching. The vitality content in this secret realm is too rich. Don't Zhang Kunhe A genius like Xuan Ren, even if it were any ordinary monk staying here, he would break through by himself after a long time!

Zhang Kun took a deep breath, mobilized the entire sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana and began to crazily absorb the vitality in the surrounding environment, and the surrounding vitality roared wildly, as if activated, and rushed to Zhang Kun's sea of ​​energy. Come in.

At this very moment, in the Liuli Realm, Baili Qiwen and Yuan Wei are driving the clouds to pass through this area at a high speed. Qiwen's aura at this moment has skyrocketed several times, it is so powerful that it is shocking!
"Hahahaha! Zhang Kun's little cub never thought that we were blessed by misfortune, and accidentally obtained a sensory dao seed, and obtained the supreme inheritance of the medicine master Liuli Buddha!" ​​Yuan Wei raised his head and laughed loudly, without any hesitation. Cover up your pride!

The Dao Seed of Medicine Master Liuli Buddha has the strongest purification power, even the toxins of the Poison Sutra can be dissolved. After Baili Qiwen got the Dao Seed inheritance, he easily removed the toxin from Yuan Wei's body. His realm has risen to a higher level!

The entire Bodhi Secret Realm is divided into three major areas, namely the Bliss Realm, the Glazed Realm and the Maitreya Realm. Each realm contains powerful inheritance and induction Taoism, and the induction Taoism is divided into layers and levels. , the rank of the induction dao species obtained by Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi for the first time can only be said to be average, and the most powerful induction dao species is the strongest dao species left by the Buddha bone of the master of the three realms !
According to the legend, the candidates for the Buddhas who obtained the most powerful Dao Seed basically succeeded in the trial in the end, because the Dharma contained in that Dao Seed is too vast, beyond the comprehension of the Fusion Realm, but It is a fairy-level existence, and the buddhist candidates only need to comprehend the slightest bit of it, which is enough to urge [-]% of the phantom of bodhizi!

Baili Qiwen's eyes were full of arrogance, he had been suppressed for countless years, at this moment he was finally elated, Yuan Wei was even more aggressive and murderous, he wished he could go to find Son Xuanren now fight!
"Hmph, now I've completed [-]% and surpassed Xuanren. As long as I find another Dao Seed, I will be able to complete the trial and become a disciple of Buddha!" ​​Baili Qiwen couldn't stop laughing, full of vigor!

However, Yuan Wei and Baili Qiwen were not in a hurry to go to the Bliss Realm to find Xuanren, they almost searched the entire Liuli Realm just to find Zhang Kun!
"Hmph, this little bastard is really too hateful. He dared to poison us. He insisted on finding him, killing him, and tearing him into pieces!"

(End of this chapter)

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