Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 974

Chapter 974
Baili Qiwen and Yuan Wei traveled through the entire Liuli Realm quickly, but their spiritual consciousness remained open all the time, constantly searching for the traces of Zhang Kun and Lin Yuxi. They were very eager for revenge. Kun will definitely tear him into pieces!

At this moment, Yuan Wei's expression changed slightly, his spiritual thoughts spread out like a big net, covering everything, and suddenly he felt an abnormal ripple, as if the aura of an area was covered up, it seemed It seemed that there was no one there, and everything was normal, but Yuan Wei faintly felt that there was something abnormal here!

"Wait a minute." Yuan Wei's eyes were cold, and he shouted softly, Baili Qiwen reacted instantly, he followed Yuan Wei's gaze down, and also frowned.

The two looked at each other, turned into two beams of light, and flew towards that area!


Thousands of streams of light rushed away from the surface of the ground, turning into thousands of sword shadows and slashing towards the two of them!

"Sure enough it's here!" Yuan Wei sneered, with a bit of cruelty hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Boom boom boom!"

He shot in an instant, and clapped his hands, bursts of bright flames rose, and the terrifying and tyrannical spiritual fire exploded in an instant, as if it could burn through the void and evaporate everything, and its power was terrifying to the extreme!
The sword light is only formed by the concentration of the power of the formation. It was completely swallowed by the flames after resisting for half an instant. The phantom formation arranged here was instantly broken, revealing the true colors of this place. Zhang Kun Lin Yuxi and Lin Yuxi were impressively below, Lin Yuxi was still pale and closed her eyes tightly, Xiaolu's hibiscus-like skin was cold, while Zhang Kun stood beside the sleepy and unbelievable Lin Yuxi, her eyes closed as if practicing cultivation.

"You still don't forget to practice even when your death is imminent. Should I praise you for your hard work, or should I laugh at your stupidity?" Yuan Wei sneered again and again.

Baili Qiwen snorted softly, and said indifferently: "Zhang Kun, I knew you were here! Surrender obediently, in that case, we may leave you with a whole body, otherwise we will definitely send you to hell , suffering from torment and pain!"

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, and slowly opened his eyes, seeming a little annoyed.

In this practice, he did not have any breakthrough in the realm, but only consolidated the realm he had cultivated before. After all, it was only a month between entering the realm of Mahayana and now at the sixth level of Mahayana. Relying on the two pure energies of Bodhi Dao Seed and Buddha's Breath is still a bit too hasty, so it takes some time to consolidate these realms, otherwise, it may bring him some obstacles when he practices in the future.

Just when he entered the state of enlightenment through meditation and deepened his understanding of Taoism in his daily life, Baili Qiwen and Yuan Weijiu broke in, and Zhang Kun had to interrupt his cultivation state.

"I didn't expect that the two of you are still alive. It really surprised me." Zhang Kun said lightly. He is the most clear about the power of the Poison Sutra. Thinking that Yuan Wei was safe and sound, it was indeed a little unexpected!

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, you actually poisoned me, you really ate a bear's heart and a leopard's guts!" Yuan Wei was furious to the extreme, the pain he had suffered these days made him want to skin Zhang Kun and get cramps, then The toxin was really terrifying, and Yuan Wei really never wanted to experience that kind of life that seemed to be spent in hell!

Zhang Kun didn't look at Yuan Wei, but turned his eyes to Baili Qiwen, the abbot of Cheng'an Temple.

"Abbot Baili, you have also seen that the Buddha I am guarding is now in a coma. It can be said that we have no threat to you at all. We have besieged Xuanren before, but the result was a failure. Now the distance between Xuanren and Xuanren is complete. The assessment is only one step away." Zhang Kun said lightly.

He paused, looked deeply at Baili Qiwen and said: "As far as I know, there has always been a grudge between you and Xuanren, Abbot Baili, and now he is about to become a disciple of the Buddha. If you don't stop him, What's the point of bringing your guardians to besiege the two of us who are on the verge of elimination? Why don't you and I join forces, maybe there is still hope of fighting Xuanren, you must know that there is still a deep person beside Xuanren, Think about it, if you eliminate me, you will face the siege of these two people next, do you still have the confidence to defeat them?"

Hearing this, Baili Qiwen couldn't help but frowned slightly. The buddhist candidates all had a slight perception of the growth of other people's bodhi seeds. Zhang Kun was right. Xuan Ren was indeed about to complete the trial!

Seeing the hesitant look on Baili Qiwen's face, Yuan Wei shouted in a low voice: "Baili, don't fall for this kid's trick, this kid dared to trick us into poisoning him, this time he won't let you down!" You know what you're planning!"

Baili Qiwen frowned slightly, pondered for a while, and said in a cold voice: "Huh, let me tell you the truth, I have already obtained one of the three Supreme Dao Seeds, and the growth of the bodhi seeds has been completed." Ninety percent, I will be able to get the approval of the Bodhi Secret Realm immediately, I have completed the trial, and there is no shortage of time to clean you up first!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Yuan Wei's mouth, and he snorted coldly: "Zhang Kun, do you have any last words? I advise you to say them now, otherwise you will have no chance at all in the future!"

Zhang Kun glanced at him indifferently, without any emotion in his eyes, extremely indifferent, as if looking at a dead person.

"Since this is the case, there is no other way." Zhang Kun couldn't help showing a bit of regret on his face, as if he was sighing.

"It's ridiculous, it's come to this point, why are you still pretending? Is it so difficult to admit your weakness and failure?" Yuan Wei hesitated for a while, and soon bent down with a sneer!
The audience in the Bodhi Court also saw the scene in front of them through the light curtain, and the people of the Twelve Sects could not help but sneer!

"Hmph, Zhang Kun's luck has been used up, the villain will have his own harvest, maybe Yuan Wei is enough to kill him without our help!"

"Damn it!" At this moment, Qi Yangzheng snorted coldly and clenched his fists angrily.

The rest of the people looked puzzled, Zhang Kun was about to die, Qi Yang should be happy, why did he have such an expression now?

"What I hate is that I can't kill Zhang Kun myself, let him die in the hands of Yuan Wei, it is too cheap for him!"

Qi Yangzheng's eyes were bloodshot, he was very angry, because of Zhang Kun's killing on Hongze Lake, he lost his most beloved only son!
(End of this chapter)

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