Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 975: Phoenix Fire Canglong

Chapter 975: Phoenix Fire Canglong
What Qi Yangzheng wants to do now is to kill Zhang Kun with his own hands, but I'm afraid he won't have this chance.

Everyone couldn't help but tremble, it can be seen that Qi Yang's hatred for Zhang Kun is so deep, I am afraid that even if Zhang Kun can escape Yuan Wei's catastrophe, the moment he comes out of the Bodhi Secret Realm, he will be surrounded by angry twelve The disciples are torn to shreds!

There was no expression on Zhang Kun's face, he glanced at Yuan Wei and said with a smile: "I heard that you used to be from the Sixth Palace. Coincidentally, I am also from the Sixth Palace."

"Hahaha, you still have the heart to say this to me. I think you are so stupid that you are cute. Could it be that you still want to tell me about your teacher and ask me to let you go? Don't say you are Disciple of the Sixth Palace, let me tell you, even if you are the chief disciple of the Three Sects, I will still kill you today!" Yuan Wei shouted loudly, and immediately stopped talking nonsense with Zhang Kun, rushing from between his brows A golden villain came out, with high fighting spirit and killing intent!
Everyone couldn't help but stare wide-eyed, staring at everything on the light curtain, for fear of missing any details.

Zhang Kun raised his right hand lightly, and a snow light condensed in his hand instantly, and he summoned Can Xue directly as soon as he came up!

He can see that the strength of these two people has improved a lot compared to before, and Lin Yuxi is still in a coma, and the only thing to do now is a quick battle!


The little golden man slashed at Zhang Kun with a long knife in his hand. It was a soul attack, completely ignoring Can Xue's sword light, and rushed directly to Zhang Kun's Tianling!

"You are dead, the person who is cut by my divine mind knife will become a walking dead, and will never see anything from then on! And this golden villain contains all the pain I suffered when I was poisoned by you. Now I want to Let you have a taste of the feeling that life is worse than death!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the auditorium gasped!
This Yuan Wei actually has such a secret technique, to be able to inflict the pain he has endured on others, this is simply terrifying!

Zhang Kun sneered, his pupils turned azure blue, and he really wasn't afraid to compete with the strength of the primordial spirit!

"Boom boom boom!"

The thing that shocked everyone happened instantly. The little golden person was shone by Zhang Kun's eyes, and then quickly melted away, and was directly crushed into pieces by his huge mental power!
"What, what?"

Yuan Wei's expression was a little stiff at the moment, but he quickly realized that as a swordsman, he focused on the way of killing and cutting swords, and he only practiced the spiritual power method part-time, while Zhang Kun He is an alchemist. While his realm strength is relatively low, his mental power is his strong point. It is not surprising that he lost to Zhang Kun on this point!

"Boom boom boom!"

In the next moment, Yuan Wei punched Zhang Kun three times. In an instant, his speed was extremely fast. In terms of combat power among Taoist protectors, Yuan Wei can definitely rank in the first echelon. His fighting method is inherited from the Six Palaces. One of the ancient sects, extremely powerful!

Zhang Kun sneered, his body was full of golden light, he raised his hand and waved his sword, and thousands of ice crystals emerged from the remnant snow, turning into infinite ice light, freezing everything!


The attacks of the two collided instantly, and Yuan Wei couldn't help but frowned deeply. He was extremely surprised to find that Zhang Kun's strength was definitely not as weak as he imagined!

When we met last time, Yuan Wei hadn't had time to confidently detect and sense Zhang Kun's strength. He always thought that his strength was still in the Yuanying realm. In his eyes, it was as small as an ant, which could be crushed to death easily, so he didn't even take out his own weapon!
However, at the moment of the fight, he immediately felt something was wrong!
The three punches he threw out were smashed into pieces in an instant, without any suspense, the icy-cold sword glow came slashing towards Yuan Wei's body from a height of a hundred feet!

The name Canxue is a powerful weapon of quasi-lingbao level. Even though Zhang Kun has not pushed its power to the extreme at this moment, it is already powerful enough. Yuan Wei's face changed crazily in an instant!

"Damn it, since that's the case, I should be a little more serious!
Yuan Wei snorted coldly, pulled out the long knife behind his back, and at the same time took out a short knife from his waist, Yuan Wei actually used two swords!

"The name of the sword, Huanghuo Canglong!"

Yuan Wei's face was full of arrogance, and his eyes were full of disdain when he looked at Zhang Kun. With the unsheathing of Huang Huo Canglong, his temperament seemed to have changed!

I saw that slender blue long knife flying in mid-air, and at the same time Yuan Wei held a short knife burning like a flame in his hand, and the two were unsheathed at the same time, as if a ray of arc flashed between the sky and the earth , The incomparably sharp sword light is criss-crossing the wilderness, which is shocking!

Everyone present took a deep breath!
Countless people stared wide-eyed, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief, only to hear a roar of dragons and phoenixes, and two knives, one green and one red, rushed into the sky, turning into blazing and powerful rays of light and rushing into the sky. In the land of clouds and water, it seems that real dragons and real phoenixes have revived, entangled with each other, and there is a burst of clouds and rain!
When the two rays of light came on, the two knives merged into one. Yuan Wei stepped onto the sky as if ascending to the sky in one step, holding the Phoenix Fire Canglong with a cold and proud face, and looked down at Zhang Kun below him with cold eyes.

"I've heard of this kind of weapon. It's probably the treasure that Yuan Wei's master gave him when he was practicing in Liugong!" At this time, an old man from the twelve sects stroked his long beard and said in horror. : "This kind of magic weapon is a male and female double sword. When they are separated, each is just a peak quasi-spiritual weapon, but once the two swords are merged, the real Huanghuo Canglong will wake up and turn into a very powerful spiritual treasure. Compared with the sickle sickle in Chen Zhenyan's hand, it's not too bad!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was terrified. Their eyes widened and their hearts were shocked. There are no wonders in this world. The buddhist candidates and Taoist guardians who participated in the Bodhi test are all top-notch geniuses and evildoers. Having such a powerful weapon is also very powerful. Not surprising at all!
"How, are you afraid now?" Yuan Wei stood proudly in the air, his eyes were full of coldness, he looked at Zhang Kun contemptuously and said.

Baili Qiwen on the side didn't say a word, watching all this silently. As the abbot of Cheng'an Temple and from the Bodhi Courtyard, he has his own reserve. In his opinion, Yuan Wei is enough to crush Zhang Kun. There is no need for him to make another move!

"Huanghuo Canglong, it seems to be just like that, relatively ordinary." Zhang Kun glanced at the knife in Yuanwei's hand, and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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