Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 976 The Collision of Ice and Fire

Chapter 976 The Collision of Ice and Fire
Yuan Wei was furious in an instant, this Huanghuo Canglong was his most beloved talisman, the thing he cherished the most, how could Zhang Kun insult him like this!

"Disrespectful! I order you to kneel down to the Phoenix Fire Canglong!" Yuan Wei's face changed almost instantly, and he raised his right hand to draw, and the terrifying and murderous aura like abyss and hell was released instantly, and the whole world seemed to be trapped. In the realm of hell, the condensed killing intent was instantly released, and the whole earth cracked open, as if it couldn't bear the monstrous killing intent!
The phoenix fire blue dragon does not seem to be a weapon, but a living thing, with boundless and powerful power, transformed into a dragon and a phoenix, instantly igniting the world, the blazing brilliance seems to have no boundaries, burning everything into The ashes, ten thousand neighing, turned into endless killing light, and rolled towards Zhang Kun. The space was cut to pieces in an instant, and there were eternally burning fire crows everywhere, and the entire mountain range was burned by transpiration!
The strength of the monks in the combined state is already very terrifying, enough to open mountains and crack rocks, and change the face of the earth forever. Every strong combined body is extremely terrifying, and can even slaughter a small world and kill hundreds of millions of living beings in it. The strength of a fit monk is that even among the twelve sects, a fit monk is enough to become an elder-level existence and suppress one side!
Zhang Kun chuckled and recited the profound meaning of Bing Xin Jue silently in his heart. In an instant, he condensed into nine layers of ice veins, and the endless power of frost filled the whole space. He was very close to the next level of Bing Xin Jue. At this moment, the surrounding vitality was clamoring wildly, and Zhang Kun's whole body was covered with a layer of green frost!
"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the energy of heaven and earth rushed rapidly, and thousands of ice crystals soared into the sky in an instant, turning into thousands of sword shadows. At this moment, the icy dao rhyme was released, and the whole space was filled with blue frost light. Frozen thousands of miles, everything is below the freezing point!

"Hmph, what a joke!" Yuan Wei sneered again and again, "You dare to confront me head-on, go to hell!"

Yuan Wei was extremely confident, the phoenix fire dragon smashed down from above, and all the flames from the sky fell, like a burning meteor falling into the earth, leaving behind brilliant trails of flames in the mid-air, just like the sky collapsed and the earth split. Once it was shattered, God knows how much explosive energy was condensed on the Phoenix Fire Canglong!

And the power of Ming Canxue, who was slashing up against Zhang Kun below, was no less powerful than Huanghuo Canglong. Supported by Zhang Kun's surging vitality in the sea of ​​immeasurable Mahayana, Ming Canxue seemed to wake up, and his sword seemed to be run over by a glacier. The whole world seems to be trapped in an ice age, and the monstrous spiritual power is sealed in the dreamlike blue and white of frost, like a rising arctic ice field!

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the two forces collided with each other, the flames and ice crystals collided with each other, frozen for nine days, and the ice patterns meandered, as if even the space could be easily frozen, and countless flames were frozen out in an instant But at the same time, the terrifying and tyrannical spiritual fire exploded in an instant, and the ancient black ice was burned and melted into snow water at this moment!
The surging steam was generated at this moment, and the entire battlefield was enveloped in white air. The ice crystals burst and the flames froze!

The next moment, the confrontation between the two psychic energies caused an unprecedented explosion. The entire battlefield trembled and shook, and thunderous explosions filled the entire space. Couldn't help covering my ears!

The fight between the two turned out to be evenly matched, evenly matched!

"What, what? This kid Zhang Kun has grown up so fast that he is able to fight Yuan Wei!"

Everyone had a look of disbelief, which completely overturned their three views and cognitions!

Even though the two were tied, everyone felt the shock in their hearts. You must know that Yuan Wei and Baili Qiwen had obtained the supreme inheritance of the Liuli Medicine Buddha, and Yuan Wei not only relieved the drama of the Poison Sutra. He is poisonous, and even advanced to become a second-tier fit powerhouse. Under this situation, Zhang Kun was able to fight him on par!

"Why is this? How can he be so powerful!" This is the voice of countless people at the moment. Even the people of the Twelve Sects have to admire Zhang Kun's terrifying talent. After the battle with Xuan Ren, it has not passed for a few days. Zhang Kun's strength has skyrocketed again.

The more this happened, the more the Twelve Sect and Fang Shou wanted to kill Zhang Kun, they would never allow him to live in this world!

Seeing this scene, Baili Qiwen couldn't help but frowned, looked at Yuan Wei, and said coldly: "Yuan Wei, you can't even kill a mere Zhang Kun, right? If that's the case, how can I trust you?" I can defeat that monster Xuanren!"

"Hmph, this is just a warm-up. He has exhausted all his strength, but this is not my full strength!" Yuan Wei snorted coldly, standing on a high place with cold eyes, looking down at Zhang Kun. There was a bit of surprise for a short time. The Phoenix Fire Canglong in his hand is a powerful killing spirit weapon, and it is also a fire knife that fits his attributes very well. The combined power of the two will skyrocket. Next, Zhang Kun actually blocked the blow he was proud of!
But soon, he returned to his normal expression. The guardians who came to participate in the Bodhi test were all extraordinary. This Zhang Kun seemed to be just an alchemist. In fact, his city was very deep, and he might have hidden his strength!
"Damn it, people like you are the ones I don't like the most in my life, die to me!" Yuan Wei's character was extremely irritable. fire!

The sky was full of brilliance, as if the entire sky was on fire, and the entire glazed world was shrouded in a flame with a radius of one trillion miles. The temperature of the entire world was raised to the extreme, and the violent spiritual fire ignited everything. The fiery light surged, the space twisted unstoppably, the void was burned and shattered, and the countless birds and beasts hidden in the forest were trembling at this moment, as if seeing the scene of the end!
"Seven blazing flames!" Yuan Wei's face was full of arrogance, as if there were flames jumping in his eyes, he was holding the flames, like a god king controlling the flames, ruling the world!

As soon as the fire came out, everyone's eyes widened and their jaws opened wide, and everyone present gasped!
The seven-fold blazing flame is a high-level psionic energy, powerful to the extreme, fully capable of seven-fold changes. At this moment, it is constantly jumping and burning in the palm of Yuan Wei, gradually changing into seven different colors, just like the precious light of glazed glass !
(End of this chapter)

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